Authorization to apply for the Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement program discretionary funding for Federal Fiscal Year 2019 at St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve the submission of a grant application for federal assistance to request discretionary grant funding to design and construct new taxiways at St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport (PIE) to provide airfield connectivity to future aviation development on the former Airco Golf Course (Airco) property that will help to foster the long-term economic sustainability of PIE.
Approve the authority for the Chairman to execute and the Clerk to attest to the Grant Application.
Strategic Plan:
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.4 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs
4.5 Provide safe and effective transportation systems to support the efficient flow of motorists, commerce and regional connectivity
In July 2018, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that an additional $1 billion in supplemental discretionary funding would become available during Federal Fiscal Years (FY) 2018, FY2019, and FY2020 to finance infrastructure projects that enhance the long-term economic sustainability of airports. Funding priority is given to primary airports that are classified as non-hub or small-hub airports such as PIE (small-hub). Grant applications are due to the FAA by October 31, 2018.
PIE is currently conducting an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the future aviation and non-aviation redevelopment of Airco that requires FAA approval before the land can be developed. Following the completion of the EA that is anticipated by the end of 2018, PIE will be in position to begin infrastructure improvements required to support future development. Therefore, PIE is seeking approval to compete for this supplemental discretionary grant funding for the design and construction of a new taxiway system that will connect the airfield (runways) to future aviation related development on Airco.
Background Information:
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 appropriated an additional amount for Grants-In-Aid for airports to enable the Secretary of Transportation to make discretionary grants for projects in the amount of $1 billion between federal FY2018-2020. Discretionary funding shall be made available through September 30, 2020.
On July 9, 2018, the Federal Register issued Supplemental Guidance for airports that want to compete for this funding. Priority consideration is given to projects at primary airports that are classified as small-hub airports, such as PIE.
The FAA anticipates issuing grants from this supplemental funding during FY2018, FY2019, and FY2020. PIE requests to compete for this discretionary funding to help support the future aviation related development of Airco. The deadline for FY2019’s project applications is October 31, 2018.
The Airco taxiway project is already included in PIE’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP), as well as Pinellas County’s CIP for FY2023-2024. If awarded this supplemental discretionary funding, it would allow PIE to accelerate the start date of this taxiway project by several years.
Fiscal Impact:
This project is already included in PIE’s CIP as Project ID #000034A - Construct New GA Taxiways and Roads. If PIE is awarded this grant, the FY20 CIP budget submittal will be updated to adjust the start date of the project and include the additional funding.
Estimated project budget:
FAA Share (90%): $11,110,095.00
FDOT Share (5%): $ 617,227.00
Airport Share (5%): $ 617,228.00
TOTAL $12,344,550.00
Staff Member Responsible:
Thomas R. Jewsbury, Director, St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport
Federal Aviation Administration
Florida Department of Transportation
FAA Application for Discretionary Funding for FY2019
Federal Register Dated July 9, 2018
Intent to Apply E-Mail
Diagram of Airco Taxiway Project