Interlocal Agreement with the City of Dunedin to provide British Petroleum Economic Settlement Funds to support the City’s purchase of the Hammock Park Property.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval and execution by the County Administrator of the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Dunedin to provide British Petroleum (BP) Funds to support the City’s purchase of the Hammock Park property.
Strategic Plan:
Practice Superior Environmental Stewardship
3.2 Preserve and manage environmental lands, beaches, parks, and historical assets
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.1 Maximize Partner Relationships and Public Outreach
In accordance with the Board’s approval of BP projects and associated funding for each project on December 13, 2016, this Interlocal Agreement with the City of Dunedin will provide $250,000.00 to the City to support their purchase of the Hammock Park property. The agreement stipulates that the City will maintain the property in perpetuity for public access and enjoyment, including recording a deed restriction to this preserve and protect this use.
The City of Dunedin purchased the Hammock Park Property for $1.34 million in September, 2016. The property consists of two parcels that are adjacent to the City’s existing Hammock Park, as detailed in Exhibit A - Special Warranty Deed.
Fiscal Impact:
This Interlocal Agreement provides funding of $250,000.00 from the $7.1 million BP Economic Settlement Funds. The funding has been appropriated for this purpose in the FY2017 Budget. The County shall have no obligations related to maintenance, operation, and/or any other activity yielding a fiscal impact.
Delegated Authority:
Authority for the County Administrator to sign this Interlocal Agreement is granted under Resolution No. 16-90 adopted on December 13, 2016.
Staff Member Responsible:
Bill Berger, Director, Office of Management & Budget
City of Dunedin
Hammock Park BP Agreement
Exhibit A - Special Warranty Deed Inst #2016282813
Hammock Park GIS Map