Award of bid to Kamminga and Roodvoets, Inc. for the 62nd Avenue North sidewalk and intersection improvement project.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the award of bid to Kamminga and Roodvoets, Inc. for the 62nd Avenue North sidewalk and intersection improvement project.
• The project consists of constructing Americans with Disabilities Act compliant sidewalks, curb ramps, driveways, widened travel lanes, designated left turn lanes, paved shoulders/bike lanes, new drainage, mast arms, signals, crosswalks and ramps.
• Four bids were received with award recommendation to the lowest responsive responsible bid Kamminga and Roodvoets, Inc. in the amount of $1,810,662.00.
• All work is expected to be completed within 365 consecutive calendar days.
Bid No. 189-0381-CP(PLU); PID Nos. 003306A and 000957A in the amount of $1,810,662.00 on the basis of being the lowest responsive, responsible bid received meeting specifications. Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.
Strategic Plan:
Ensure Public Health, Safety, and Welfare
2.5 Enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.4 Incest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs.
4.5 Provide safe and effective transportation systems to support the efficient flow of motorists, commerce, and regional connectivity.
The proposed sidewalk upgrades on 62nd Avenue North will consist of constructing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant sidewalks, curb ramps, and driveways on the southside of 62nd Avenue North from 62nd Street North to east of 58th Street North.
The proposed intersection upgrades at 62nd Avenue North and 58th Street North will consist of widened travel lanes, exclusive left turn lanes on all four legs, new paved shoulders/designated bike line lanes, an upgraded drainage system, traffic mast arms, pedestrian signals, crosswalks, and sidewalk ramps.
The proposed new sidewalk and intersection upgrades will provide increased multimodal safety to motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
Background Information:
Sidewalk improvements along the southside of 62nd Avenue North from 62nd Street North to east of 58th Street North are needed in order to provide continuous connectivity as well as a safe walking environment for the public that is compliant with the current ADA requirements. The intersection upgrades are proposed to improve safety, provide operational improvements, reduce the frequency of crashes, provide pedestrian/bicycle features, and reduce vehicle delay as part of the Long-Range Transportation Plan.
Fiscal Impact:
Expenditure not to exceed $1,810,662.00
The sidewalk project is funded (100%) by a federal pass-through grant administered by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The intersection project is funded by the Local Option Infrastructure Sales Tax (Penny for Pinellas). The total award amount exceeds the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budgeted amount. However, project work will occur in both FY 20 and FY 21 and therefore, a budget amendment will be necessary in FY 21.
Staff Member Responsible:
Kelli Hammer-Levy, Director, Public Works
Merry Celeste, Division Director, Purchasing and Risk Management
Bid Tabulation
Project Location Map