Agreement to conduct a feasibility study to investigate 50-year reauthorizations for the Pinellas County Shore Protection project at full federal expense.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve the Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement (FCSA) with the United States Department of Army (USDOA) to conduct a feasibility study to investigate 50-year reauthorizations for the Pinellas County Shore Protection project at full federal expense.
Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk to attest the agreement; authorize the Chairman to sign the Certification Regarding Lobbying; and authorize the Principal Legal Officer of the County to sign the Certificate of Authority following the Chairman’s signature approval on the agreement.
Strategic Plan:
Practicing Superior Environmental Stewardship
3.2 Preserve and manage environmental lands, beaches, parks, and historical assets
3.3 Protect and improve the quality of our water, air, and other natural resources
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
Upon receiving the signed letter of intent from the County and self-certification executed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court as Chief Financial Officer in August 2018, the USDOA will finalize the FCSA Agreement to be signed by the County no later than October 30, 2018. Approval of this agreement will allow the USDOA to conduct a feasibility study to investigate 50-year reauthorizations for the County Shore Protection Project at full federal expense.
Background Information:
The feasibility study will produce a General Reevaluation Report to determine if one or more County beaches currently authorized for federal participation can be reauthorized for an additional 50 years. The County’s federal authorizations expire in 2025, 2030, and 2043 for Treasure Island, Long Key, and Sand Key, respectively. The County and USACE staff will meet prior to finalizing and executing the FCSA
to determine which beaches will be part of the study and other aspects of the study’s Management Plan.
Fiscal Impact:
No local cost share required. Study to be funded at 100% federal cost. The cost of the study is limited to $3 million in federal funding.
Staff Member Responsible:
Rahim Harji, Assistant County Administrator
Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement with attached Certifications
Signed Letter of Intent from County
Signed Self-Certification of Financial Capability
Letter to Local Sponsor