Attestation to accept Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act funding, and comply with outlined terms and conditions associated with the United States of America Department of Health and Human Services Phase 3 General Distribution of $20.0B to healthcare system providers.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval for the Director of Safety & Emergency Services (SES) to electronically submit the attestation to accept $292,923.47 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act funding.
• On October 1, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services announced $20 billion in additional funding.
• The application was submitted on-line on November 5, 2020.
• SES received a distribution on December 16, 2020, in the amount of $292,923.47 from the CARES Act.
• The attestation must be executed by the County within 90-days of receipt of the distribution.
• These funds will be applied towards Emergency Medical Services specific COVID-19 related expenses.
Strategic Plan:
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be Responsible stewards of the public’s resources
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of County services and support
On October 1, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced $20 billion in additional funding. Pinellas County Safety & Emergency Services (SES) automatically received a distribution on April 17, 2020, in the amount of $1,605,741.68 from the CARES Act initial $30.0B distribution of an intended $100.0B distribution to health care providers to support healthcare-related expenses or lost revenue attributable to COVID-19. A subsequent distribution was received on December 16, 2020, in the amount of $292,923.47, for a combined total of $1,898,665.15. This funding must be used for expenses attributable to coronavirus that are not reimbursed or obligated to be reimbursed from other sources. The first reporting deadline is February 15, 2021 for funds expended through December 31, 2020, and the final reporting deadline for all funds expended through June 30, 2021, is July 31, 2021 (this deadline may be extended pending further direction from HHS). The formula utilized to provide for the CARES 3 distribution was intended to bring all providers up to 2% of 2018 net revenue and up to 88% of 2020 lost revenue. The formula provided previously to estimate distribution used to submit the CARES 3 application was different and resulted in the $21K estimate that went through Granicus (File ID 20-1185D), thus the variance.
Background Information:
The bipartisan CARES Act executed on March 27, 2020, provides $100.0B in relief funds to hospitals and other healthcare providers on the front lines of the coronavirus response. To be eligible for funding, the provider must have received Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) reimbursements in 2019 and be in good standing with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Funds must be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19, and reimburse care related expenses or lost revenues that are attributable to COVID-19. The remaining funds will be distributed to providers in areas severely impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.
Fiscal Impact:
FY21 revenue of $292,923.47 to the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Fund. This revenue is not included in the FY21 Adopted Budget.
An estimated $40,000.00 in ambulance billing write-offs are anticipated per the terms and conditions to accept these CARES Act funds, resulting in net estimated revenue of $252,923.47. This revenue offsets lost revenue attributed to COVID-19.
Staff Member Responsible:
James Fogarty, Bureau Director, Safety & Emergency Services
Attestation-terms-and-conditions-phase 3 Gen Distribution-relief-fund.pdf
Intent to Apply approval from OMB.pdf
Notification flyer from HHS CARES 3rd distribution.pdf