Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners  
315 Court Street  
Clearwater, FL 33756  
Hybrid In-Person and Virtual Regular Meeting Agenda  
Tuesday, August 15, 2023  
2:00 P.M.  
Public Hearings at 6:00 P.M.  
Janet C. Long, Chair  
Kathleen Peters, Vice-Chair  
Dave Eggers  
Rene Flowers  
Charlie Justice  
Chris Latvala  
Brian Scott  
Barry A. Burton, County Administrator  
Jewel White, County Attorney  
Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller  
INVOCATION by Rev. Fr. Athanasios C. Haros, Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox  
Cathedral, Tarpon Springs.  
National Workforce Development Month Proclamation:  
- Steve Meier, Chief Executive Officer, CareerSource Pinellas  
2. Citizens To Be Heard - Public Comment.  
CONSENT AGENDA - Items 3 through 17  
Minutes of the regular meeting held June 13, 2023.  
Vouchers and bills paid from July 9 through July 22, 2023.  
Reports received for filing:  
Quarterly Donation Listing of $1,000 or Greater for the quarter ending  
June 30, 2023.  
Updates to the Investment Policy.  
Approval of proposed changes to the Pinellas County Board of County  
Commissioners Investment Policy.  
Miscellaneous items received for filing:  
Affidavit of Publication of Legal Notice published in La Gaceta regarding  
Notice of Forfeiture of Unclaimed Money pursuant to Section 116.21,  
Florida Statutes (Circuit/County Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and  
for Pinellas County, Florida).  
Administrative Services  
Award of bid to High Sources, Inc. for requirements of janitorial services  
Approval of the award of bid with High Sources Inc. for requirements of  
janitorial services.  
This contract provides for regular janitorial services at 100 county  
Award recommendation in the amount of $6,897,115.00 for a  
thirty-six-month term; annual expenditure is $2,299,038.33.  
The County received twenty-four responsive submittals with  
award recommendation to High Sources, Inc. as the lowest  
responsive, responsible bidder. The award amount does not  
include the Airport which requires specialized cleaning services  
which will be solicited separately.  
This contract replaces Contract No. 167-0450-B in the annual  
amount of $3,382,006.16 for a 60-month total of $16,910,030.82  
which included cleaning services for the St. Pete-Clearwater  
International Airport. This new contract reflects a net 5.9% annual  
decrease from the previous contract, excluding the Airport’s  
cleaning services. The gross overall decrease is 28.6%.  
Funding is sufficiently budgeted for in the remainder of Fiscal  
Year (FY) 2023 and in the FY24 Proposed Budget. Funding is  
derived from multiple Funds, Centers, Accounts, and Programs,  
dependent on the requesting department. Approving the contract  
does not obligate the County to spend. That obligation occurs at  
the time of each purchase order. The budget will be monitored  
such that each purchase order will not exceed the budget at the  
time of issuance.  
Contract No. 23-0320-B in the annual amount of $2,299,038.33 for a  
36-month term total of $6,897,115.00 on the basis of being the lowest,  
responsive, responsible bid received.  
Convention and Visitors Bureau  
Award of bid to Bay Promo LLC for promotional and novelty items.  
Approval of the award of bid to Bay Promo LLC for promotional and  
novelty items as and when needed.  
This contract is for promotional items and is primarily utilized by  
the Convention and Visitors Bureau to support tourism with lesser  
use by Communications, Utilities, Airport and Solid Waste  
Ten bids were received with award recommendation to Bay  
Promo LLC as the lowest, responsive, and responsible bid  
received meeting specifications.  
This contract has a total not to exceed estimated expenditure  
amount of $1,130,802.15 ($376,934.05 annually), effective for a  
period of thirty-six months with provision for two twelve-month  
This contract replaces current Contract 178-0007-B. Unit pricing  
has decreased by approximately 18% on comparable items.  
Funding is derived from the budgets of the various departments  
using the contract. Funding is included in both the Fiscal Year  
(FY) 2023 Adopted Budget and the FY24 Proposed Budget for  
this contract. Approving the contract does not obligate the County  
to spend. That obligation occurs that the time of each purchase  
order. The budget will be monitored such that each purchase  
order will not exceed the budget at the time of issuance.  
Contract No. 23-0605-ITB in the not to exceed amount of $1,130,802.15  
for an average annual expenditure of $376,934.05, effective for a period  
of thirty-six months; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the  
Circuit Court to attest.  
County Administrator  
Receipt and file report of non-procurement items delegated to the  
County Administrator for the period ending July 28th, 2023.  
Accept the receipt and file report of non-procurement items delegated to  
the County Administrator.  
Receipt and file report of purchasing items delegated to the County  
Administrator for the quarter ending June 30, 2023.  
Accept the receipt and file report of purchasing items delegated to the  
County Administrator.  
Public Works  
Award of bid to Kamminga & Roodvoets, Inc. for 22nd Avenue South  
(51st Street South - 34th Street South) roadway improvements project.  
Approval of the award of bid to Kamminga & Roodvoets, Inc. for 22nd  
Avenue South (51st Street South - 34th Street South) roadway  
improvements; PID 000087A.  
This project consists of milling and resurfacing 22nd Avenue  
South from 51st Street to 34th Street, road widening to add a left  
turn lane for Thurgood Marshall Middle School, drainage  
improvements in the widened segment, and completion of  
sidewalk on both the north and south sides of the roadway.  
The project includes City of St. Petersburg utility work, which they  
are funding per a previously approved joint project agreement.  
An invitation to bid was advertised on April 28, 2023. One bid was  
received, with award recommendation to Kamminga &  
Roodvoets, Inc. in the amount of $7,473,287.30.  
The Small Business Enterprise commitment is 11% for this  
All work will be completed within 550 consecutive calendar days.  
Funding for the project is budgeted in the Capital Improvement  
Plan in Fiscal Years (FY) 2023-2025. The funding source is  
currently Penny for Pinellas and Multimodal Impact Fee. The  
proposed FY 24 Budget changes the funding source to ARPA  
Flex Act funding in the amount of $7,934,069.60, as follows:  
o County funding at $6,289,000.00; and  
o City of St. Petersburg at $1,645,068.60 (reimbursable)  
Approving the contract does not obligate the County to spend.  
Obligation occurs when the purchase order is approved in  
accordance with the adopted budget.  
Contract No. 23-0326-ITB-C, in the amount of $7,473,287.30, with all  
work completed within 550 consecutive calendar days; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Award of bid to Keystone Excavators, Inc. for Mullet Creek Channel B  
Erosion Control.  
Approval of the award of bid to Keystone Excavators, Inc. for Mullet  
Creek Channel B Erosion Control; PID 003894A.  
This project is to provide bank stabilization to prevent erosion and  
sedimentation issues in Mullet Creek Channel B by armoring the  
sides and bottoms of the creek.  
Two responsive bids were received, with award recommendation  
to the lowest responsive, responsible bid from Keystone  
Excavators, Inc., in the amount of $3,389,822.50.  
All work to be completed within 365 consecutive calendar days.  
The Small Business Enterprise commitment for this project is  
Funding for this contract is budgeted within Project 003894A  
Mullet Creek Channel B Bank Stabilization, included in the  
Proposed Capital Improvement Plan Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2029,  
funded by the Local Infrastructure Sales Surtax (Penny) and  
American Rescue Plan Act.  
Approving the contract does not obligate the County to spend.  
That obligation occurs at the time of purchase order which is  
which is approved in accordance with the adopted budget. If the  
Notice to Proceed is issued and a purchase order is required  
prior to October 1, there is $1.6M in the FY23 project budget.  
Contract 23-0440-ITB-C in the amount of $3,389,822.50 with all work  
to be completed within 365 consecutive calendar days; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Award of bid to MTM Contractors, Inc. for the 62nd Avenue North and  
25th Street North intersection improvement project.  
Approval of the award of bid to MTM Contractors, Inc. for the 62nd  
Avenue North and 25th Street North intersection improvement project,  
PID 002069A.  
The purpose of this project is to improve the intersection of 62nd  
Avenue North and 25th Street North to include dedicated left turn  
lanes, pedestrian signals, sidewalks, traffic signal mast arms, and  
the re-alignment of the entrance to the Southernaire Mobile  
Home Park.  
One fully responsive bid was received with award  
recommendation to MTM Contractors, Inc. in the amount of  
$3,490,172.95. As this is a twostep bid process (qualifications  
step one/pricing step two), two other firms submitted their  
qualifications but withdrew from submitting pricing as they  
realized they could not complete this project due to prior  
All work is expected to be completed within 480 consecutive  
calendar days.  
The Small Business Enterprise commitment for this contract is  
ten percent.  
The funding for this award is budgeted in the Proposed Capital  
Improvement Plan, under project 002069A 62nd Avenue North  
and 25th Street North intersection improvements, in Fiscal Years  
2023-2025. The total project allocation in the proposed budget is  
$3,906,000.00, funded by the Penny for Pinellas. The total  
allocation included in the proposed budget for the Utilities portion,  
under project 000831A-Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water  
Relocation Projects, is $115,000.00, funded by the Utilities  
enterprise funds.  
Contract No. 23-0348-ITB-CP in the amount of $3,490,172.95, with all  
work completed within 480 consecutive calendar days; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Award and agreement with Allied Universal Corporation to supply  
sodium hypochlorite-liquid.  
Approval of the award and agreement with Allied Universal Corporation  
to supply sodium hypochlorite for the Utilities (PCU) and Solid Waste  
(PCSW) Departments.  
This contract provides sodium hypochlorite - 12.5 trade percent,  
on an as needed basis, used in the disinfection of drinking,  
reclaimed, and industrial water to protect public health and  
maintain compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency  
standards and regulations by PCU and PCSW Departments.  
The total estimated expenditure for the three-year contract is  
$7,807,709.28, with an estimated annual expenditure of  
The contract has a term of three years with provision for two  
twenty-four-month term extensions allowing for price adjustments  
based on the chemical pricing index.  
Two bids were received with Allied Universal Corporation as the  
lowest responsive, responsible bidder.  
The price of sodium hypochlorite has more than doubled in price  
as compared to the soon to be expired current contract due to  
ongoing pandemic-related supply issues, higher fuel and  
transportation costs, and rising costs for raw materials due to  
Funding is available in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Adopted Budget  
and FY24 Proposed Budget (and was part of the information  
presented at the Department’s Budget Information Session).  
Approving the contract does not obligate the County to spend.  
That obligation occurs at the time of purchase order, which will  
adhere to the approved budget at the time of obligation and not  
before. Funding is derived from the PCU Water, Sewer, and  
PCSW Operating Funds.  
Contract 22-0701-B in the not to exceed amount of $7,807,709.28  
effective August 1, 2023; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk  
of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Joint Project Agreement between Pinellas County Utilities, City of St  
Pete Beach, and City of South Pasadena for the replacement of a  
section of a twenty-inch reclaimed water transmission main, adjacent to  
the Corey Causeway, maintained by the County.  
Approval of the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) between Pinellas County  
Utilities (County), City of St Pete Beach (St. Pete Beach), and the City of  
South Pasadena (South Pasadena) for the replacement of a section of a  
twenty-inch reclaimed water transmission main, adjacent to the Corey  
Causeway, maintained by the County.  
The pipe replacement work has been completed and the County  
has paid the total construction cost for the project.  
The reclaimed water service agreement between St. Pete Beach,  
South Pasadena, and County states that costs for infrastructure  
repairs are shared between the municipalities.  
Total amount of the JPA is $2,137,302.00 including St. Pete  
Beach’s share of $1,161,623.64, South Pasadena’s share of  
$277,849.26 and the County’s share of $697,829.10.  
The County will invoice St. Pete Beach and South Pasadena for  
costs of the project based on proportionate flow utilization  
(contained in Exhibit B - attached) using the past ten fiscal years  
of available flow data.  
Project 002936B Corey Causeway Bridge 20-inch Reclaimed  
Water Main Replacement in the Capital Improvement Program,  
funded by the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund, has been  
completed and paid.  
Reimbursement from the City of St. Pete Beach and the City of  
South Pasadena will be receipted to the Sewer Renewal and  
Replacement Fund.  
This project is complete and the JPA is being agreed ex post  
facto. The reimbursements were not originally anticipated for this  
project. The project scope increased over the course of the  
project compelling Utilities to ask for reimbursement from the  
Total amount of JPA is $2,137,302.00 including St. Pete Beach share of  
$1,161,623.64, South Pasadena share of $277,849.26 and County  
share of $697,829.10; JPA is effective upon execution; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest. The fully  
executed JPA must be recorded by the County.  
Receipt and file report of civil lawsuits filed against Pinellas County as  
delegated to the County Attorney.  
Accept the receipt and file report of civil lawsuits filed against Pinellas  
Interlocal Agreement with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office for law  
enforcement services at the St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport for  
Fiscal Year 2024.  
Approval of the Interlocal Agreement with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s  
Office (PCSO) for law enforcement services at the St. Pete-Clearwater  
International Airport (PIE).  
The Interlocal Agreement with the PCSO ensures full-time law  
enforcement officer (LEO) coverage at PIE.  
There are 12 LEOs that provide 24-hour coverage seven days a  
The cost of the 12 LEO’s salaries, benefits, vehicle cost,  
supervision, and equipment is $1,622,688.00 for Fiscal Year (FY)  
2024. This cost represents a 11.18% increase over FY23’s  
Interlocal Agreement cost of $1,459,512.00.  
This agreement obligates the County prior to adoption of the  
FY24 Proposed Budget. It is budgeted for in the proposed FY24  
Budget and was part of the information presented at the  
Department’s Budget Information Session.  
Contract in the amount of $1,622,688.00 for a one-year term  
commencing October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. Authorize  
the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Convention and Visitors Bureau  
Fiscal Year 2024 Elite Event funding recommendations from the Tourist  
Development Council, including a waiver of the program’s $2 million  
funding cap under the Tourist Development Plan.  
Approval of the Tourist Development Council’s (TDC) recommendation  
to fund 34 Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 events through the Elite Event Funding  
Program including a waiver of the Tourist Development Plan’s $2 million  
maximum funding cap.  
TDC unanimously approved 34 Elite Events for a maximum “up  
to” total of $2,045,000.00 for FY24. Staff will negotiate final  
funding amounts for each event to ensure a return on investment.  
The FY24 Proposed Budget includes $2M for these purposes.  
Making payments based on these recommendations will be  
dependent on adoption of the Proposed Budget in September.  
Should all $2,045,000 be agreed upon, either the budget for the  
Convention and Visitors Bureau will need to be amended or  
funding availability will need to be found within the budget.  
CVB Staff evaluated, scored, and recommended 33 Elite Events  
to the TDC for a maximum total funding amount of  
If fully approved as recommended by the TDC, this action will  
require the Board of County Commissioners (Board) to waive the  
$2 million Elite Event funding cap under the current Tourist  
Development Plan.  
As funding agreements are negotiated, consistent with Board  
approval and Board Delegated Authority, the County  
Administrator of the Director of Administrative Services will  
execute the agreements and they will appear as Delegated items  
on the Board meeting agenda.  
This program provides funding for eligible major events that meet  
the following criteria in accordance with the Elite Event Funding  
Program Guidelines:  
o Category 1 - generate at least 50,000 unique attendees or  
over 15,000 room nights and be nationally broadcast.  
o Category 2 - generate at least 15,000 unique attendees or  
over 4,500 room nights.  
o Category 3 - generate at least 10,000 unique attendees or  
over 3,000 room nights.  
o Category 4 - generate at least 7,500 unique attendees.  
o Category 5 - must be a new event to the County.  
County Administrator  
Municipal Services Taxing Unit funding for the YMCA of the Suncoast,  
Inc. for the replacement of the sunshade structure at the Ridgecrest  
YMCA game field.  
Approval of the Municipal Services Taxing Unit funding request, in the  
amount not to exceed $15,950.00, for the replacement of the sunshade  
structure at the Ridgecrest YMCA game field.  
The Ridgecrest YMCA (Omni Center) facility and game field are  
owned by Pinellas County and operated by the YMCA of the  
Suncoast, Inc.  
The game field is home to the Largo Jr. Packers (Largo for  
Youth) football and cheer.  
Funding for these types of projects is budgeted in the Fiscal Year  
2023 Adopted Budget.  
The existing sunshade structure and fixtures are in need of  
replacement in order to protect spectators from harmful UV rays  
and extend the life of the outdoor surfaces and fixtures.  
Housing & Community Development  
Affordable Housing Program project funding recommendation for  
Founders Point by Pinellas Affordable Living, Inc.  
Recommend approval of affordable housing program funding for a  
multi-family rental housing project known as Founders Point by Pinellas  
Affordable Living, Inc.  
It is further recommended that the County Administrator be authorized  
to negotiate and approve the terms, conditions, and the final funding  
amount not to exceed the Board of County Commissioners approved  
The funding recommendation for Founders Point is an amount  
not to exceed $665,816.00.  
The project will be funded utilizing HOME Investment  
Partnerships American Rescue Plan funds.  
The proposed project is a 15-unit housing rental housing  
development. All units will be affordable for individuals or  
households with special needs and earning 60.0% or less of the  
Area Median Income.  
The total project cost is estimated to be $5,861,324.00. Primary  
financing will be provided through the Florida Housing Finance  
Corporation’s State Apartment Incentive Loan Program. The City  
of St. Petersburg has committed $320,817.00.  
A Land Use Restriction Agreement will impose a 15-year  
affordability period on the restricted units.  
The total County funding is estimated to be $665,816.00 and will  
be in the form of a forgivable loan.  
This agenda item obligates the County prior to adoption of the  
Fiscal Year (FY) Budget. The funding is consistent with the FY  
2024 Proposed Budget (and was part of the information  
presented at the Department’s Budget Information Session), and  
it is budgeted within the Community Development Grant Fund,  
HOME ARP center.  
The project is located at 2901 31st Street, St. Petersburg, FL  
A summary sheet is attached with additional project information.  
Next steps: County staff will complete additional due diligence  
activities including, but not limited to, property appraisals, title  
searches, loan underwriting and financial analysis. Funding  
agreements, leases, loan documents, and affordability  
restrictions will be prepared, negotiated, and executed.  
Resolution adopting the Downtown Palm Harbor Streetscape and  
Parking Strategic Action Plan identifying future improvements in the  
greater Downtown Palm Harbor area.  
Approval of a resolution adopting the Downtown Palm Harbor  
Streetscape and Parking Strategic Action Plan identifying future  
improvements in the greater Downtown Palm Harbor area for the benefit  
of residents, businesses, and visitors.  
The Downtown Palm Harbor Streetscape and Parking Strategic  
Action Plan (Plan) directly addresses many of the targeted efforts  
included in the Downtown Palm Harbor Master Plan, adopted by  
the Board of County Commissioners, and included in the Pinellas  
County Comprehensive Plan (PLANPinellas).  
The Plan provides a list of recommended improvements and  
design concepts vetted by both the community and area business  
The recommended improvements will allow the County greater  
funding opportunities to advance projects important to  
implementing the Plan and improving greater Downtown Palm  
Recommended improvements and design concepts were  
presented to the public and received public comments thereto.  
The Ad Hoc Downtown Palm Harbor Advisory Committee has  
been continually updated on the Plan’s progress and has  
provided support for adoption.  
County staff intends to annually review projects for incorporation  
into the County’s Six-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements and  
Capital Improvements Program portfolio review process.  
Management and Budget  
Pinellas Community Foundation’s recommendation to award grant  
funding for the highest ranked applicants for the second round of small  
capital purchases funded by the American Rescue Plan Act Nonprofit  
Capital Project Fund.  
Approval of the recommended list of highest ranked grant applicants for  
the second round of the small capital purchase track of the American  
Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Nonprofit Capital Project Fund, administered  
by the Pinellas Community Foundation and funded by Pinellas County’s  
allocation of ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund.  
On May 22, 2023, an independent rank and review committee  
scored the second round of small capital purchase applications  
from nonprofits. The list of applications recommended for funding  
is attached, which will award a total of $2,250,000.00.  
These funds are budgeted in the ARPA Fund in Fiscal Year  
Parks and Conservation Resources  
Resolution authorizing the County Administrator to negotiate for the  
purchase of property adjacent to Mariner’s Point Management Area in  
an amount not to exceed $1.5M in County funding and authorizing the  
County Administrator to enter into all contracts and agreements  
necessary for the effectuation thereof, including but not limited to a  
funding agreement with the West Klosterman Preservation Group  
(WKPG), Inc. for a contribution of $1.5M, and a purchase and sale  
agreement with Pinellas County School Board in an amount not to  
exceed $3.0M; County Administrator’s approval of both the funding  
agreement and purchase and sale agreement are subject to Board  
Adoption of the Resolution authorizing the County Administrator to  
negotiate for the purchase of property, identified on Exhibit A (Property),  
adjacent to Mariner’s Point Management Area (Mariner’s Point) in an  
amount not to exceed $1.5M in County funding and authorizing the  
County Administrator to enter into all contracts and agreements  
necessary for the effectuation thereof, including but not limited to a  
funding agreement with West Klosterman Preservation Group, Inc.  
(WKPG) for a contribution of $1.5M, and a purchase and sale  
agreement with Pinellas County School Board (PCSB) in an amount not  
to exceed $3.0M; County Administrator’s approval of both the Funding  
Agreement and Purchase and Sale Agreement are subject to Board  
The Property is owned by PCSB.  
The negotiated purchase price is not to exceed $3.0M.  
The County will provide 50.0% of the funding required to  
purchase the Property in an amount not to exceed $1.5M.  
WKPG will provide a donation to the County in an amount equal  
to 50.0% of the negotiated purchase price. The agreement with  
WKPG will establish a timeframe for securing the full amount.  
The Property contains 14 acres of environmentally sensitive land  
and will be added to Mariner’s Point.  
The County will own the Property and be responsible for future  
Property acquisition budgeted under Capital Improvement  
Program project 002168A - Environmental Lands Acquisition  
funded by Local Infrastructure Sales Surtax (Penny for Pinellas).  
Fiscal Year 2023 budget is $3.0M.  
Authorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court to record the resolution in the  
public records of Pinellas County.  
Public Works  
Award of bid to Preferred Materials, Inc. for the Fiscal Year 2024-2026  
Countywide Pavement Preservation.  
Approval of the award of bid to Preferred Materials, Inc. for the Fiscal  
Year 2024-2026 Countywide Pavement Preservation.  
This work order contract consists of milling and resurfacing,  
pavement marking, detector loops and traffic control required to  
complete various arterial, collector and local group projects.  
A total of three bids were submitted with Preferred Materials, Inc.  
recommended for award as the lowest responsible, responsive  
bid in the amount of $21,231,025.00.  
All work will be completed within 730 consecutive calendar days.  
The Small Business Enterprise program commitment for this  
contract is 11%.  
The funding for this award is budgeted in the Capital  
Improvement Plan, Road Resurfacing & Rehabilitation in Fiscal  
Years 2024-2026.  
Funding sources for the work orders include the Penny for  
Pinellas, dedicated Millages transferred to the Transportation  
Trust Fund and ARPA for eligible projects.  
This is a work order contract. Approving the contract does not  
obligate the County to spend. That obligation occurs at the time  
of purchase order which is approved in accordance with the  
adopted budget.  
Contract No. 23-0496-ITB-C, in the total not to exceed amount of  
$21,231,025.00 for a duration of 730 consecutive calendar days:  
Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to  
Funding Agreement between the County, City of St. Petersburg, and  
Power Design Inc. for the design and construction of a new traffic signal  
at the intersection of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street North and 116th  
Avenue North.  
Approval of the Funding Agreement (Agreement) between the County,  
the City of St. Petersburg (City), and Power Design Inc. (Power Design)  
for the design and construction of a new traffic signal at the intersection  
of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street North (MLK Street North) and 116th  
Avenue North Project 005747A.  
Total project cost is not to exceed $900,000.00.  
City and County will each contribute up to $382,500.00 towards  
the project under the Agreement.  
Power Design is a private, for-profit business with its  
headquarters located at the northwest corner of MLK Street North  
and 116th Avenue North and will contribute up to $135,000.00  
towards the project.  
City will manage the design, construction, and inspection of the  
Design anticipated to start in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024.  
County obligation is funded by the Multi-Modal Impact Fees  
(MMIF). There is an adequate balance in MMIF District 11 to fund  
this agreement in FY 2024.  
The total cost of the project is not to exceed $900,000.00; County  
portion of design and construction cost is $382,500.00; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Solid Waste  
Annual certificate of the Lealman Solid Waste Collection and Disposal  
District Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll.  
Approval of the annual certificate of the Lealman Solid Waste Collection  
and Disposal District Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll.  
Approval provides the Tax Collector authority to collect a non-ad  
valorem assessment from Lealman community residential  
property owners for solid waste collection.  
The Lealman Solid Waste Collection and Disposal District was  
created in 2006.  
The assessment fee is $18.00 per month per unit through  
December 31, 2023.  
Coastal Waste & Recycling, Inc. is the current contracted service  
provider and is providing satisfactory service.  
Authorize the Chairman to certify the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll  
to the Tax Collector prior to September 15, 2023.  
Award of bid to Archer Western Construction, LLC for the construction  
of the South Cross Bayou Advanced Water Reclamation Facility  
Denitrification Rehabilitation and Dewatering Improvements Projects.  
Approval of the award of bid to Archer Western Construction, LLC for  
the construction of the South Cross Bayou Advanced Water  
Reclamation Facility Denitrification Rehabilitation and Dewatering  
Improvement Projects.  
Award recommendation is to Archer Western Construction, LLC  
in the amount of $26,589,000.00.  
A total of four bids were received with Archer Western  
Construction, LLC recommended for award as the lowest  
responsive and responsible bid.  
Improvements to the Denitrification basins include replacement of  
filters; blowers, piping and valves; underdrain rehabilitation, and  
replacement of pump skids.  
Improvements to Dewatering equipment include climate-control  
retrofits, electrical and ventilation improvements and all new  
polymer equipment.  
Archer Western Construction, LLC’s submittal contains a Small  
Business Enterprise Program commitment of 7%.  
Funding is available in the American Rescue Plan Act Fund in  
excess of $20M and the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund.  
Funding is programmed to begin in the current and proposed  
fiscal years.  
Approval of the contract does not obligate the County to spend.  
That obligation occurs at the time of purchase order, which will be  
monitored, and adheres to the approved budget at the time of  
obligation and not before.  
Contract No. 23-0609-ITB-C in the amount of $26,589,000.00. All  
work must be completed within 1,100 consecutive calendar days  
from issuance of notice to proceed; Authorize the Chairman to sign  
and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Purchase authorization with Federal Contract Corp. for four multiquip  
Approval of the purchase authorization with Federal Contract Corp. for  
multiquip generators.  
This purchase authorization provides Utilities North Operations  
(Dunn) the ability to purchase four multiquip generators.  
Pricing is per the Florida Sheriff’s Association (FSA) contract no.  
FSA20-EQU18.0 with terms and conditions specific to the  
County’s Purchase Authorization agreement for a not to exceed  
amount of $357,791.68.  
The FSA contract utilizes an approved product list which will  
ensure the products meet or exceed standard County technical  
specifications while providing economy of scale from a pricing  
Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget in the Sewer  
Revenue and Operating Fund (as reflected in the budget  
estimate presented at the Department’s Budget Information  
Contract No. 23-0547-PB for a total expenditure of $357,791.68,  
effective through September 30, 2023; Authorize the Chairman to sign  
and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Submission of two Utilities Department Resilient Florida grant  
applications to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.  
Approval of the submission for two Utilities Department Resilient Florida  
grant applications to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection  
County is proposing two projects that will reduce risk to natural  
hazards as well as increase operational resilience. The projects  
include Utilities Building Hardening at four locations and the  
Mobile Home Park Wastewater Collection System Improvements.  
These projects already received partial funding from the Resilient  
Florida Grant program.  
There is no fiscal impact to the County for submission of this  
grant application. Should grant funding be approved, a minimum  
50% match is required, but existing capital improvement and  
grant allocations will be used as leveraged funds.  
Total grant amount requested is $12,310,000.00. County Match  
is $12,310,000.00. Funding is derived from the American Rescue  
Plan Act and the Utilities Enterprise Fund.  
o Utilities Building Hardening - $3,360,000.00 County match.  
o Mobile Home Park Wastewater Collection Systems -  
Final applications are due to FDEP on September 1, 2023.  
Two grant applications in the amount of $12,310,000.00; County  
Match is $12,310,000.00.  
County Attorney Reports.  
County Administrator Reports.  
County Commission New Business:  
Pertinent and timely Committee/Board updates, policy considerations,  
administrative/procedural considerations, and other new business.  
6:00 PM  
Countywide Planning Authority  
Ordinance amending the Countywide Plan (second public hearing).  
Sitting as the Countywide Planning Authority, hold the second of two  
public hearings to consider proposed amendments to the Countywide  
Plan to include:  
Amendments to implement the Target Employment and Industrial  
Land Study (TEILS) Update - Amends the standards of the  
Target Employment Center category to implement the TEILS;  
creates Countywide Plan Map Submap No. 2; modifies review  
criteria for amendment of employment-related categories.  
The Multimodal Accessibility Index - Creates a new index to  
evaluate transportation impacts of proposed Countywide Plan  
Map amendments.  
Transfers of Density/Intensity - Reorganizes Rules provisions for  
transferable development rights, density/intensity averaging, and  
density/intensity pools.  
Multi-jurisdictional Activity Centers (AC) and Multimodal Corridors  
(MMC) - Provides guidelines for adopting municipal ACs or  
MMCs that include unincorporated parcels.  
Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA) - Adds new review  
requirements for amendments that increase densities/intensities  
in the CHHA.  
Density/Intensity Bonuses - Recognizes state-mandated  
graywater density/intensity bonus and allows new bonus for  
stormwater quality.  
Housekeeping amendments - Minor updates to review processes,  
legal advertisement, and definitions.  
See attachment for a detailed explanation of the proposed  
changes to the Countywide Plan.  
The first public hearing was held on August 1, 2023.  
Human Rights  
Ordinance amending Pinellas County Code Chapter 70, Article V,  
relating to the county Council for Persons with Disabilities, providing  
alternates for non-board appointed members, providing for a lower  
quorum, and providing for an effective date.  
Conduct a public hearing and approve the ordinance amending Pinellas  
County Code Chapter 70, Article V, relating to the county Council for  
Persons with Disabilities, providing alternates for non-board appointed  
members, providing for a lower quorum, and providing for an effective  
The recommended action can directly impact the disabled  
residents and customers.  
Recommended policy advice on issues of discrimination can go  
the board.  
Recommended policy advice on issues of accessibility to Pinellas  
County facilities can be advanced.  
Case No. LDR-22-01  
An ordinance of Pinellas County, Florida, providing for the amendment  
of Chapter 134 - General and Administrative Provisions, Chapter 138 -  
Zoning, Chapter 154 - Site Development, Right-of-Way Improvements,  
Subdivisions, and Platting, and Chapter 158 - Floodplain Management  
of the Pinellas County Land Development Code. (Legislative)  
Conduct a public hearing and take public comment on Case No.  
LDR-22-01: An ordinance amending Chapter 134 - General and  
Administrative Provisions, Chapter 138 - Zoning, Chapter 154 - Site  
Development, Right-of-Way Improvements, Subdivisions, and Platting,  
and Chapter 158 - Floodplain Management of the Pinellas County Land  
Development Code.  
This is the first of two required public hearings.  
This ordinance is part of the overall Building and Development  
Review Services system improvement.  
The Board of County Commissioners approved a major update to  
the Land Development Code in 2018 and a similar package of  
Code enhancements in 2021.  
The proposed amendments will provide additional clarification  
and flexibility, enhance efficiency, respond to changes in State  
legislation, and address redundancies and internal consistency  
issues. Examples include:  
a.) Approval process efficiencies  
b.) Site plan threshold flexibility  
c.) Minor plat process  
d.) Changes to comply with State preemptions  
The proposed amendments were reviewed by interdepartmental  
County staff, the Development Customer Advisory Group and  
Forward Pinellas.  
The Local Planning Agency unanimously recommended approval  
of the ordinance (vote 7-0). No one appeared in support or  
Periodic Code updates are necessary and expected to occur  
annually to help us identify additional flexibility, remove  
redundancy and consistency issues, adapt to changing trends,  
and respond to changes in State legislation.  
Attached is a clean version and a redline version of the  
Ordinance reflecting the changes.  
Case No. LDR-23-02  
An ordinance of Pinellas County, Florida, providing for the amendment  
of Chapter 138 - Zoning of the Pinellas County Land Development  
Code, providing revised authority and meeting notice procedures for the  
Development Review Committee. (Legislative)  
Conduct a public hearing and take public comment on Case No.  
LDR-23-02: An ordinance amending Chapter 138 - Zoning of the  
Pinellas County Land Development Code, providing revised authority  
and meeting notice procedures for the Development Review Committee.  
This is the first of two required public hearings.  
This Ordinance is part of the overall Building and Development  
Review Services system improvement.  
The Development Review Committee (DRC) is comprised of  
County staff from various departments that review and act on  
certain development proposals to ensure compliance with the  
Code and Comprehensive Plan. The DRC also provides  
recommendations on public hearing cases to higher review  
The proposed amendments are intended to facilitate efficiency,  
flexibility, and enhanced customer service. The changes to the  
DRC include:  
a.) Streamlining and clearly identifying its purpose  
b.) Amending its composition to ensure representation of the  
appropriate technical knowledge  
c.) Clarifying its powers and duties regarding its review  
d.) Adjusting its meeting requirements to promote flexibility  
and clarity  
The Local Planning Agency unanimously recommended approval  
of the Ordinance (vote 7-0). No one appeared in support or  
Periodic Code updates are necessary and expected to occur  
annually to help us identify additional flexibility, remove  
redundancy and consistency issues, adapt to changing trends,  
and respond to changes in State legislation.  
Attached is a clean version and redline version of the Ordinance  
reflecting the changes.  
Petition of Arthur M Vinson and Evelyn Washer to vacate the 40 foot  
Right of Way of Anclote Boulevard per plat, also known as Riverside  
Avenue, lying southwesterly of and adjacent to lots 25 through 28 (1298  
Riverside Avenue and 1275 Mickler Lane), Gladys Mickler's  
Resubdivision, plat book 5, Page 72, Lying in Section 03-27-15, Pinellas  
County, Florida. (Legislative)  
Approval of the petition to vacate the 40 foot wide unimproved  
right-of-way known as Anclote Boulevard adjacent to 1298 Riverside  
Avenue and 1275 Mickler Lane.  
Request is for the vacation of a 40ft by 203ft unimproved  
The right-of-way bisects both the petitioner’s properties.  
Staff recommends approval.  
If petition is granted, Board of County Commissioners is asked to  
adopt the attached Resolution pursuant to Florida State Statue  
Authorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court to record the resolution in the  
public records of Pinellas County.  
Petition of Brenda Bond to vacate a portion of right-of-way known as  
San Merino Boulevard, lying adjacent to the westerly boundary of Lot 1  
(10900 Gandy Boulevard North), Block 3, Florida Riviera section ‘D’ Plat  
No. 5, P.B. 17, PG. 37, Lying in Section 17-30-17, Pinellas County,  
Florida. (Legislative)  
Approval of the petition to vacate a portion of an unimproved  
right-of-way adjacent to the property at 10900 Gandy Boulevard in St  
Petersburg. (Legislative)  
Request is for the vacation of a portion of an unimproved  
Petitioner request is for an expansion of their business.  
Staff recommends approval.  
If petition is granted, Board of County Commissioners is asked to  
adopt the attached resolution pursuant to Florida State Statute  
Authorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court to record the resolution in the  
public records of Pinellas County.  
Petition of Hawkins Family Partnership, LLC, a Florida Limited  
Partnership company, to vacate a 16-foot platted alley lying north of Lot  
23 and the east ½ of Lot 22 and lying south of Lot 10 and the east ½ of  
Lot 11 (5326 34th Street North), and a 16-foot public alley easement  
lying within the east 1.5 feet of lot 22 and the west 14.5 feet of lot 23,  
Block 4, First Section Lellman Heights, Plat Book 14, page 15, lying in  
Section 03-31-16, Pinellas County, Florida.  
Approval of the petition to vacate a portion of a 16-foot unimproved  
platted alley adjacent to and a 16-foot public alley easement on the  
property at 5326 34th Street North in Lealman. (Legislative)  
Request is for the vacation of a portion of an unimproved platted  
alley and a public alley easement.  
Petitioner request is part of a redevelopment project on the site  
for a new automobile dealership.  
Staff recommends approval contingent upon the retention of a 16  
-foot public alley access easement on the petitioner’s property  
that would replace the existing public alley easement.  
The requested easement will allow traffic entering the alley to  
have an exit without backing out.  
If petition is granted, Board of County Commissioners is asked to  
adopt the attached Resolution pursuant to Florida State Statute  
Authorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court to record the resolution in the  
public records of Pinellas County.  
Case No. ZON-23-04 (Pinellas County/Baywood Hotels)  
A request for a zoning change from Employment-2 (E-2) and, General  
Retail and Services (C-2) to General Retail and Services- Transient  
Accommodation Overlay (C-2-C-T) (2.78 acres) and from E-2 to C-2  
(0.74 acre), with a Development Agreement as required by the Transient  
Accommodation Overlay on the C-2-C-T portion of the subject property  
allowing a hotel and its customary accessory uses that comply with the  
building density/intensity and height allowed by the property’s land use  
and zoning designations, on approximately 3.52 acres located near the  
northeast corner of Roosevelt Boulevard and Ulmerton Road, adjacent  
to the west of 4011 Ulmerton Road, in unincorporated Pinellas Park.  
Conduct a public hearing and based upon the evidence and findings  
contained in the staff report and attachments, Case No. ZON-23-04 is  
recommended for approval:  
A resolution approving the application of Pinellas County/Baywood  
Hotels for a change in zoning from E-2, and C-2, to C-2-C-T, (2.78  
acres) and from E-2 to C-2, (0.74 acre), with a Development Agreement  
as required by the Transient Accommodation Overlay on the C-2-C-T  
portion of the subject property allowing a hotel and its customary  
accessory uses that comply with the building density/intensity and height  
allowed by the property’s land use and zoning designations.  
The applicants are seeking a zoning change on 3.52 acres near  
the northeast intersection of Roosevelt Boulevard and Ulmerton  
Road with a Development Agreement applied to a 2.78-acre  
portion of the subject property.  
A 132-room, six-story hotel is proposed.  
The Development Agreement is required by the Transient  
Accommodation Overlay, which permits higher development  
density/intensity for hotels.  
The subject property is owned by the County and leased to a  
private entity.  
The Local Planning Agency (LPA) recommended approval of the  
request based on staff’s recommendation and the evidence  
presented in the LPA report (vote 7-0). No one from the public  
appeared in support or opposition and no public correspondence  
has been received.  
Ordinance amending the Pinellas County Code, by removing the  
Tenant’s Bill of Rights, removing Sections 42-432, 42-433, 42-434,  
42-435, 42-436, 42-437, and 42-438.  
Conduct a public hearing and approve the ordinance amending Chapter  
42 to remove the provisions related to the Tenant’s Bill of Rights.  
Removes requirement for Notice of Rights to be provided to  
Removes provisions related to discrimination relating to public  
Removes requirement for Notice of Late Fees.  
Removes requirement for Notice of Rent Increases.  
Removes provisions for enforcement.  
Resolution and ordinance approving a one-year extension of the Safety  
Harbor Community Redevelopment Area and Redevelopment Trust  
Conduct a public hearing to approve a resolution and ordinance granting  
a one-year extension of the current Safety Harbor Community  
Redevelopment Area (CRA) and Redevelopment Trust Fund (Trust  
Fund) that will:  
· Prevent expiration of the CRA and 30-year Trust Fund set to  
expire on October 6, 2023.  
· On August 16, 2022, the Board approved a one one-year  
extension and amended the County Trust Fund contribution from  
the maximum 95.0% to 50.0%.  
· Continue the County’s tax increment contribution of 50.0% that  
aligns with the County’s CRA Policy for Economic Development  
· Allow additional time for the City to complete the update to the  
Redevelopment Plan which will be considered for approval by  
the Board of County Commissioners in 2024.  
· Allow the City of Safety Harbor to request a 10-year extension  
once they complete the Redevelopment Plan updates.  
· The current and proposed one-year extensions will be deductive  
from the 10-year term.  
· Fiscal Year 2024 Proposed Budget includes $498,261.20 Tax  
Increment Financing payment within the General Fund.  
Ordinance amending the Pinellas County Code, Chapter 122, related to  
the County Towing Ordinance.  
Conduct a public hearing and adopt the proposed amendments to the  
County Towing Ordinance revising County Code sections 122-38,  
122-40, and 122-42, adjusting the maximum tow rate schedule,  
clarifying definitions, and updating agency contact information and  
guidelines for tow operators.  
As part of a proposed three-year review cycle of the towing  
ordinance Consumer Protection (CP) has reviewed existing tow  
rates and language and recommends adjustments to enable the  
industry to remain competitive while balancing possible impact to  
Feedback was received from towing industry representatives, law  
enforcement partners, and the Board of County Commissioners  
(Board) as part of the review.  
The proposed amendments:  
a.) Adjust towing rates including base towing rates, mileage rates,  
and administrative fees. Daily storage and labor fee  
adjustments are also included for some vehicle classes.  
b.) Adjust debit and credit card merchant fees.  
c.) Clarify definition language throughout the ordinance.  
d.) Update the contact information for Consumer Protection.  
e.) Provide clarification on charges for towing motor vehicles  
carrying other vehicles.  
f.) Require towing agreements to include start/end dates and  
language which defines the terms and renewal process for the  
g.) Require tow operators to maintain records on-site.  
Human Services anticipates that this proposed ordinance change  
will require no additional staff time or fiscal impact. This  
ordinance brings in no additional revenue to the County.  
These ordinance updates were reviewed with the Board during  
their Board’s Workshop on April 20, 2023.  
The fees proposed in this amendment are Professional Wreckers  
of Florida, Inc. recommended increases submitted for  
consideration and are in line with adjustments and rates found for  
comparable counties during review. The typical trespass-related  
tow would increase by approximately 19%.  
CP has incorporated changes reflecting an increase in the base  
towing fees, mileage, storage, labor, and administrative fees. The  
proposed rate increase would be the second-rate increase, see  
attached, since the ordinance inception in 2000.  
Resolution supplementing the Fiscal Year 2023 Operating Budget for  
unanticipated revenue for Emergency Communications E911 System,  
Opioid Abatement, and Street Lighting District Funds. Realign  
appropriation from various reserves and an American Rescue Plan Act  
project for unanticipated expenditures in various Offices and  
Conduct a public hearing and adopt the attached resolution recognizing  
and appropriating unanticipated revenue and realignment of funds in the  
Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 budget as follows:  
Realign $1,230,850.00 in expenditures from the America Rescue  
Plan Act (ARPA) Fund to the General Fund. Recognize  
$1,230,850.00 of revenue replacement in the General Fund from  
ARPA and appropriate $1,230,850.00 to personnel services  
expenditures for Safety and Emergency Services. Realign  
$1,230,850.00 in General Fund from the Safety and Emergency  
Services expenditures and appropriate $1,230,850.00 to  
expenditures for General Government - all to expend local funds  
rather than federal funds on an ARPA not-for-profit capital  
Realign $3,198,360.00 from General Fund Reserves and  
appropriate $3,198,360.00 to various expenditures for the  
Department of Administrative Services ($566,500.00), State  
Attorney’s Office ($177,280.00), and Pinellas County Sheriff’s  
Office ($2,454,580.00) all as discussed at the budget information  
Recognize $800,170.00 of unanticipated grant revenue in the  
Emergency Communications E911 System Fund and appropriate  
$800,170.00 to purchase technology for E911 according to the  
Realign $250,000.00 from Building Services Fund Reserves and  
appropriate $250,000.00 for third-party contractual services for  
building inspections and plan reviews backed by  
higher-than-budgeted revenues.  
Recognize $109,340.00 of unanticipated Opioid Abatement Fund  
legal settlement revenue and appropriate the same amount to  
support the Pinellas MATTERS Program and other opioid  
abatement efforts in the Department of Human Services.  
Recognize $205,000.00 of unanticipated Street Light District  
Fund revenue and appropriate $205,000.00 to pay unanticipated  
additional electrical costs to Duke Energy in FY23.  
Realign $1,500.00 from Lealman Solid Waste Collection and  
Disposal Fund Reserves and appropriate $1,500.00 to Tax  
Collector fees charged to the fund.  
Special Accommodations  
Persons with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations to effectively participate in this meeting are  
asked to contact Pinellas County’s Office of Human Rights by e -mailing such requests to at least three (3) business days in advance of the need for reasonable  
accommodation. You may also call (727) 464-4882.  
Public Participation Procedures  
Persons wishing to comment regarding a specific agenda item should do so:  
In person - by preregistering at or by filling out a comment card with the County  
staff person in the meeting room; or,  
Virtually - in advance in accordance with the instructions in the notice of this meeting, or on the virtual platform  
or phone after preregistering.  
Members of the public wishing to make comments on the virtual platform or by phone must preregister by 5  
p.m. the day before the meeting. At the scheduled section of the meeting when the item is before the Board of  
County Commissioners (Board), the Chairman or Clerk will call on each individual, one by one, to be heard.  
Each individual may speak for up to three minutes as may be modified by the Chairman. Comments or  
behavior that violate Pinellas County Commission Public Participation and Decorum Rules will be  
disconnected. Members of the public who cannot attend at the time an agenda item is before the Board may  
offer comments during the Citizens to Be Heard section near the beginning of the meeting. More information is  
available at or by calling (727) 464-4400.  
Public Hearing Procedures  
The procedure used by the Board in conducting Public Hearings is to have a staff presentation followed by the  
applicant presenting the specific proposal. The Board will then hear comments from the proponents, the  
opponents and a staff summary. The applicant will then be given an opportunity to close and the Board will  
decide on the matter. Public Hearings before the Board are governed by the provisions of Section 134 -14 of  
the Pinellas County Land Development Code as may be modified by Pinellas County Emergency Order. That  
code provides that at the conclusion of each person’s presentation, any speaker may seek the Chairman’s  
permission to ask questions of staff.  
1. At the conclusion of the presentations by the applicant and any proponents, all affected parties may  
seek the Chairman’s permission to ask questions of or seek clarification from the applicant and/or the  
2. At the conclusion of the presentation by the opponents, all affected parties may seek the Chairman’s  
permission to ask questions of or seek clarification from any opponent.  
The applicant’s closing comments will address testimony subsequent to his or her presentation. Continuing  
rebuttal of other than directly preceding testimony will not be allowed. Because much testimony has already  
been submitted in writing, the following guidelines accommodate efficient presentations:  
1. The applicant should present his or her entire case, including rebuttal, in no more than 20 minutes.  
2. Persons wishing to speak regarding a Public Hearing item may speak for up to three minutes each.  
3. Persons wishing to attend virtually must preregister at by 5 p. m. the day  
before the meeting.  
Persons are advised that, if they decided to appeal any decision made at this meeting/hearing, they will need  
a record of the proceeding, and, for such purposes, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the  
proceeding is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.  
If a Board meeting beginning at 9:30 A.M. has not concluded by noon, a recess will be taken from noon to  
12:30 P.M., and the remainder of the meeting will continue at 12:30 P.M.  
If a Board meeting beginning at 2:00 P.M. has not concluded by 5:30 P.M., a recess will be taken from 5:30 to  
6:00 P.M. The remainder of the afternoon agenda will resume at 6:00 P.M., followed by Public Hearings.