Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners  
333 Chestnut Street, Palm Room  
Clearwater, FL 33756  
Hybrid In-Person and Virtual Regular Meeting Agenda  
Tuesday, December 12, 2023  
2:00 P.M.  
Public Hearings at 6:00 P.M.  
Janet C. Long, Chair  
Kathleen Peters, Vice-Chair  
Dave Eggers  
Rene Flowers  
Charlie Justice  
Chris Latvala  
Brian Scott  
Barry A. Burton, County Administrator  
Jewel White, County Attorney  
Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller  
INVOCATION by Reverend Dr. John A. Evans, Friendship Missionary Baptist Church,  
St. Petersburg.  
Community Partner Recognition:  
Gator Dredging  
- William Coughlin  
- Philip Findlay  
- Tyler McDougal  
- Patrick Sullivan  
- Dominick Dimento  
- Chris Clausan  
- Zach Wiand  
- Beau Suthard  
- Nicole Sharp  
- Doris Otero  
Community Water Wise Awards Program:  
- Angela and Richard Clemow, Clearwater  
- Cornelia and Bill Richards, Clearwater  
- Doris Heitzmann, Florida-Friendly Landscaping Program Coordinator,  
Pinellas County Extension  
Partner Presentation:  
- Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA)  
4. Citizens To Be Heard - Public Comment.  
CONSENT AGENDA - Items 5 through 19  
Minutes of the regular meetings held October 17 and October 31, 2023.  
Vouchers and bills paid from October 22 through November 11, 2023.  
Reports received for filing:  
Division of Inspector General, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller,  
Report No. 2023-28 dated November 6, 2023 - Investigative Review of  
County Administration Sale of Property.  
Dock Fee Report for the month of October 2023.  
Quarterly Donation Listing of $1,000 or Greater for the quarter ending  
September 30, 2023.  
State of Florida Constitutional Officer Financial Report for 2022-2023 -  
Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, pursuant to  
Section 218.36, Florida Statutes.  
State of Florida Constitutional Officer Financial Report for 2022-2023 -  
Pinellas County Sheriff, pursuant to Section 218.36, Florida Statutes.  
State of Florida Constitutional Officer Financial Report for 2022-2023 -  
Pinellas County Property Appraiser, pursuant to Section 218.36, Florida  
State of Florida Constitutional Officer Financial Report for 2022-2023 -  
Pinellas County Tax Collector, pursuant to Section 218.36, Florida  
State of Florida Constitutional Officer Financial Report for 2022-2023 -  
Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections, pursuant to Section 218.36,  
Florida Statutes.  
Administrative Services  
Award of bid to Schindler Elevator Corporation for annual requirements  
of elevator maintenance and repair services.  
Award of bid to Schindler Elevator Corporation for the requirements of  
elevator maintenance and repair services.  
This contract provides elevator maintenance and repair services,  
scheduled, and as needed, for equipment at all County owned  
and leased properties.  
Requirements include monthly inspections, preventative  
maintenance, repairs, repair labor and parts to maximize  
equipment life and usage.  
Three responses to the competitive solicitation were received  
with award recommendation to Schindler Elevator Corporation as  
the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.  
Award recommendation is in the amount of $1,291,880.00 for a  
thirty-six-month term. This contract has a provision for two,  
twelve-month extensions and provides for increases/decreases at  
twelve-month intervals during the initial contract term and any  
exercised extension in an amount not-to-exceed the average of  
the consumer price index or 4%, whichever is less.  
This contract replaces contract No.178-0498-M the annual price  
of this contract increased 34% due to higher labor and materials  
This contract will be expensed from multiple departments and  
funding will be derived from multiple funds, centers, programs,  
and accounts, including the Capital Improvement Plan.  
Departments have specifically budgeted $218,500.00 in Fiscal  
Year 2024 (which is lower than the contract’s estimated average  
annual expenditure of $430,626.67). On a case-by-case basis,  
Departments will need to identify available funds at the point of  
each purchase order.  
Contract No. 23-0726-ITB in the total not-to-exceed amount of  
$1,291,880.00 on the basis of being the lowest responsive and  
responsible qualified bid received; Authorize the Chairman to sign and  
the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
County Administrator  
Receipt and file report of non-procurement items delegated to the  
County Administrator for the period ending November 14, 2023.  
Accept the receipt and file report of non-procurement items delegated to  
the County Administrator.  
Economic Development  
Award of bid to Air Mechanical & Service Corp. for the STAR Center  
Chiller 2 replacement.  
Approval of the award of bid to Air Mechanical & Service Corp. for the  
STAR Center Chiller 2 replacement.  
The project consists of replacing a failed water-cooled chiller #2  
that is part of the STAR Center Chilled Water Plant. The project  
includes providing a turnkey installation of a new 900-ton water  
cooled chiller, new primary chilled water pump, all associated  
electrical power, chilled water piping, condenser water piping,  
digital controls, etc.  
Five bids were received with award recommendation to Air  
Mechanical & Service Corp. in the amount of $977,540.00 as the  
lowest responsive and responsible bidder meeting County  
All work will be completed within 550 consecutive calendar days.  
The Small Business Enterprise commitment for this project is 3%.  
Funding is available under STAR Center Chiller #2 Replacement  
Project 004082A, included in the Capital Improvement Plan,  
funded by the STAR Center Fund.  
Contract No. 23-1128-ITB-C in the amount of $977,540.00 all work will  
be completed within 550 consecutive calendar days; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Public Works  
Award of bid to Preferred Materials Inc. for Fiscal Year 2024 Pavement  
Preservation - Package 1.  
Approval of the award of bid to Preferred Materials Inc. for Fiscal Year  
(FY) 2024 Pavement Preservation - Package 1.  
The proposed FY24 Pavement Preservation Package 1 contract  
consists of milling and resurfacing, pavement marking, detector  
loops and traffic control required to complete the following four  
o Bryan Dairy Road (72nd Street - U.S.19 in Largo/Pinellas  
o Local Group 145 (82nd Avenue North - 90th Avenue North  
in Seminole)  
o Local Group 94 (71st Street North - 62nd Street North in  
Pinellas Park)  
o Local Group 62 (CR 1 - Foxcroft Drive East in Palm  
Three bids were received with award recommendation to the  
lowest responsive and responsible bidder Preferred Materials Inc.  
in the amount of $3,936,393.00 who was 8.2% under the  
engineer’s estimate of $4,287,913.41.  
The Small Business Enterprise commitment is 7% for this  
All work will be completed within 330 consecutive calendar days.  
Funding for this award is budgeted in the Capital Improvement  
Plan, under program projects 004192A Road Resurfacing &  
Rehabilitation PIV (Penny Funded) and 005700A Transportation  
Millage Capital Resurfacing Program (transportation millage  
funded), in FY24.  
Penny funding for resurfacing projects in FY24 is  
Transportation Millage funding for resurfacing projects in FY24 is  
Contract No. 23-0831-ITB-C, in the amount of $3,936,393.00, with all  
work completed within 330 consecutive calendar days; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Receipt and file report of civil lawsuits filed against Pinellas County as  
delegated to the County Attorney.  
Accept the receipt and file report of civil lawsuits filed against Pinellas  
County Administrator  
Palm Harbor Area Senior Council, Inc. Fiscal Year 2024 Municipal  
Services Taxing Unit Special Projects funding request.  
Approval of the Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) Special Projects  
funding request made by the Palm Harbor Area Senior Council, Inc., a  
non-profit organization, for renovations of the Sunderman Recreation  
Complex restrooms located at 1631 9th Street in Palm Harbor.  
Existing restrooms at the Sunderman Recreation Complex have  
not been updated since the building was built in 1979.  
This project will improve ADA accessibility, replace toilets and  
fixtures with eco-friendly alternatives, paint walls and ceiling, and  
resurface floors with epoxy for sustainability. Project will be  
managed by Palm Harbor Parks and Recreation.  
The total cost of the project and funding request is $18,849.20.  
This amount is a one-time expenditure of budgeted MSTU  
Special Projects funds. Funding is included in the General  
Government MSTU cost center within the General Fund and is  
consistent with the Fiscal Year 2024 approved budget.  
Palm Harbor Parks and Recreation Fiscal Year 2024 Municipal Services  
Taxing Unit special projects funding request.  
Approval of the Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) Special Projects  
funding request made by Palm Harbor Parks and Recreation for  
updating and remodeling of the outdoor bathrooms at J. Steven Putnam  
Community Park located at 799 Riviere Road in Palm Harbor.  
Existing restrooms at Putnam Park have not been updated since  
the building was built in 1988.  
This project will improve ADA accessibility, replace toilets and  
fixtures with eco-friendly alternatives, install an exhaust fan for  
improved comfort and moisture control, paint walls and ceiling,  
and resurfacing floors with epoxy for sustainability.  
The project funding request is $20,000.00. The total estimated  
cost of the project is $20,831.80. All costs exceeding the  
maximum award will be paid for through the Palm Harbor Parks  
and Recreation’s capital fund budget.  
The request for funding in the amount $20,000.00 is a one-time  
expenditure of budgeted MSTU Special Projects funds. Funding  
is included in the General Government MSTU cost center within  
the General Fund and is consistent with the Fiscal Year 2024  
approved budget.  
Convention and Visitors Bureau  
Interlocal Agreement with the City of St. Petersburg for sharing  
consultant costs associated with the development of financing, design,  
and construction of the new stadium project.  
Approval of the Interlocal Agreement with the City of St. Petersburg  
(City) for equal share of the costs from Inner Circle Sports LLC (Inner  
Circle) as they engage in the development of financing, design, and  
construction of the new stadium project for the Tampa Bay Rays Major  
League Baseball Team (Rays).  
County will reimburse the City up to a maximum of $624,000.00  
for 50% of Inner Circle’s consulting costs:  
o $99,000.00 for the financial analysis of the new stadium  
o $175,000.00 upon City, County and Rays reaching an  
agreement on the terms of the new stadium project.  
o $350,000.00 upon execution of project agreements  
(contingent upon City not identifying a third-party to pay  
these costs).  
Interlocal Agreement will terminate on December 31, 2024, or  
earlier, if all services have been provided and payments made.  
City will consider the Interlocal Agreement for cost sharing on  
November 30, 2023, subsequent to the agreement between the  
City and Inner Circle for financial analysis and funding  
development of the new stadium project.  
Housing & Community Development  
Resolution approving the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee  
Report related to the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program  
Affordable Housing Incentives.  
Adopt a resolution approving the State Housing Initiatives Partnership  
Program (SHIP) Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC)  
Report and authorizing submittal to the Florida Housing Finance  
On October 11, 2023, the AHAC recommended approval of the  
2023 Incentive Report.  
A public hearing was held on October 11, 2023, and no additional  
comments were received.  
The County’s SHIP AHAC, established in 2008, is responsible for  
reviewing policies, land development regulations, the  
Comprehensive Plan Policy, and other aspects of the County’s  
policies and procedures that affect the cost of housing.  
In addition, the AHAC Committee is responsible for making  
recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners to  
encourage affordable housing.  
Management and Budget  
Amendment to realign Reserves-Future Years-Tourist  
Development-Beach Nourishment with Post Idalia Emergency Shore  
Stabilization to fund stabilization design and construction.  
Adopt the attached resolution realigning Reserves-Future Years-Tourist  
Development-Beach Nourishment with Capital Improvement Program  
(CIP) project Post Idalia Emergency Shore Stabilization, 006241A, in  
Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 for the purpose of funding the design and  
construction of the emergency project. Section 129.06(2)(C), F.S.,  
provides for the reserve for future construction and improvements may  
be appropriated by resolution of the board for the purposes for which the  
reserve was made. The board at any time within a fiscal year may  
amend a budget for that year and may within the first 60 days of a fiscal  
year amend the budget for the prior fiscal year for this purpose.  
This resolution will realign $16,000,000 from Tourist Development  
Reserves within the Capital Projects Fund 3001 to CIP project  
Post Idalia Emergency Shore Stabilization, 006241A. This  
resolution will increase the total project allocation from the FY24  
Adopted Budget amount of $21,000,000 to $37,000,000 to match  
the new project estimate.  
Tourist Development Reserves inside the Capital Projects fund  
had been set aside in the FY24 Adopted Budget for general  
beach renourishment. The Post Idalia Emergency Shore  
Stabilization project was one possible project for these reserves.  
There is no change in the overall total of the Capital Projects  
Fund 3001.  
CIP project Post Idalia Emergency Shore Stabilization, 006241A,  
was not a traditionally planned project. It consists of emergency  
control measures to protect shorelines that were most impacted  
by Hurricane Idalia. The project estimates have changed as the  
project has progressed.  
Public Works is working with the Florida Department of  
Environmental Protection to finalize a grant agreement for  
$15,000,000. This agreement is on this same December 12,  
2023 Agenda (23-1861A). Approval of that agreement will reduce  
the amount of County funds used on this project. Regardless of  
the source of funds, the total project amount is recommended to  
increase from the FY24 Adopted Budget amount of $21,000,000  
to $37,000,000 to match the new project estimate. Any County  
funds unspent at the end of the project will return to Capital  
Tourist Development Reserves.  
Public Works  
Award of bid to Vecellio & Grogan, Inc. for Pinellas Trail Loop North Gap  
- Lake Tarpon Outfall Canal Bridge.  
Approval of the award of bid to Vecellio & Grogan, Inc. for Pinellas Trail  
Loop North Gap - Lake Tarpon Outfall Canal Bridge; PID 000967C.  
This project constructs a pedestrian bridge over the Lake Tarpon  
Outfall Canal that will complete the North Loop of the Pinellas  
Two responsive bids were received. The low bid of $5,898,196.00  
received from Vecellio & Grogan, Inc. was 38% above the office  
estimate of $4,262,439.30. The second bid was 64% above the  
office estimate.  
The bid appears to be materially and mathematically balanced.  
While the bids are significantly higher than the engineer’s  
estimate, staff believes rejecting the bids and readvertising the  
project may result in either higher prices or more limited  
The Small Business Enterprise commitment for this project is  
Project is budgeted in the amount of $4,248,000.00 in the Capital  
Improvement Plan, under project number 000967C, in the  
Transportation Function, funded by the Local Option  
Infrastructure Sales Surtax (Penny for Pinellas) and the American  
Rescue Plan Act federal grant funding. A separate project within  
the Transportation Function is anticipated to come in significantly  
under budget. Updating the Capital Improvement Plan during the  
Fiscal Year 2025 budget cycle with this project’s updated  
estimates will account for the overage in Lake Tarpon Outfall  
Canal Bridge.  
Contract 23-0340-ITB-C in the amount of $5,898,196.00 with all work  
completed within 365 consecutive calendar days; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Grant funding agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental  
Protection for the Pinellas County Dune Restoration Project.  
Approval of the grant funding agreement with the Florida Department of  
Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the Pinellas County Dune  
Restoration Project.  
Through this Agreement, FDEP will fund up to $15,100,000.00 of  
design and construction activities. This is 50% of the project  
estimate at the time these discussions began with FDEP  
($30,200,000.00 at that time). Grant funding amount includes a  
combination of federal and state funding.  
County match is $15,100,000.00, funded by the Tourist  
Development Tax. This match is also 50% of the project estimate  
at the time these discussions began with FDEP ($30,200,000.00  
at that time).  
Pinellas County Dune Restoration Project is the Post Idalia  
Emergency Shore Stabilization project, budgeted in the Fiscal  
Year (FY) 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Program plan and  
funded by the Tourist Development Tax. The FY24 budget is  
A budget amendment of $16,000,000.00 (from $21,000,000.00 to  
$37,000,000.00) is on this same Commission Agenda (Legistar  
File 23-1772A). This amendment will shift $16.0M from  
Reserves-Future Years-Tourist Development-Beach Nourishment  
within the Capital Projects Fund 3001 to Post Idalia Emergency  
Shore Stabilization, CIP project 006241A, resulting in an  
amended FY24 budget of $37,000,000.00 for project 006241A.  
The current total project estimate is $35,850,000.00.  
PID 006241A; FDEP Grant No. 24PI1; Total estimate project cost is  
$30,200,000.00 including $15,100,000.00 in federal and state funding  
and $15,100,000.00 County match; Agreement term ends December  
31, 2026.  
Supplemental No. 1 to the State funded Grant Agreement with the  
Florida Department of Transportation, providing construction and  
construction engineering inspection services for the Advanced Traffic  
Management System/Intelligent Transportation System project on State  
Road 580 / Skinner/Main from U.S. Alternate 19/State Road  
580/Broadway to U.S. 19.  
Approval of the Supplemental No. 1 Agreement to the State funded  
Grant Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT),  
providing construction and construction engineering inspection services  
for the Advanced Traffic Management System/Intelligent Transportation  
System project on State Road 580 / Skinner/Main from U.S. Alternate  
19/SR 580/Broadway to U.S. 19.  
Agreement provided $334,500.00 in state funding for the project  
construction and CEI. County match was $1,785,648.00 and total  
project estimate was $2,120,148.00.  
Supplemental No. 1 increases state funding by $748,791.00, for  
a total of $1,083,291.00 and reduces County Match to  
Project estimated current cost is revised from $2,120,148.00 to  
Supplemental No. 1 also revises Section 6 of the Agreement  
which includes project cost, and Exhibits “B” Schedule of  
Financial Assistance and "J” State Financial Assistance (Florida  
Single Audit Act).  
Funding is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Plan, in Fiscal  
Year (FY) 2024 and FY25. The breakdown between funding  
sources (Local Option Fuel Tax and FDOT grant funding) will be  
updated during the budget cycle.  
FDOT FPN 448512 1 54 01; FDOT funding not to exceed  
$1,083,291.00; County contribution is $1,083,291.00 and total project  
estimate is $2,166,582.00; Agreement expires May 13, 2025; Authorize  
the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Supplemental No. 1 to the State funded Grant Agreement with the  
Florida Department of Transportation, providing construction and  
construction engineering inspection for the Advanced Traffic  
Management System /Intelligent Transportation System project on State  
Road 586/Causeway Boulevard/Curlew Road from the Honeymoon Park  
entrance to U.S. 19.  
Approval of the Supplemental No. 1 Agreement to the State funded  
Grant Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT),  
providing construction and construction engineering inspection for the  
Advanced Traffic Management System /Intelligent Transportation  
System project on State Road 586/Causeway Boulevard/Curlew Road  
from the Honeymoon Park entrance to U.S. 19.  
Original agreement provided $502,000.00 in state funding for the  
project construction and Construction Engineering Inspection.  
County match was $1,771,345.00 and total project estimate was  
Supplemental No. 1 increases state funding by $852,532.00, for  
a total of $1,354,532.00 and reduces County Match by  
$416,813.00 to $1,354,532.00.  
Project estimated current cost is revised from $2,273,345.00 to  
Supplemental No. 1 also revises Section 6 of the Agreement  
which includes project cost, and Exhibits "B" Schedule of  
Financial Assistance and "J" State Financial Assistance (Florida  
Single Audit Act).  
Funding is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Plan, in Fiscal  
Year (FY) 2024 and FY25. The breakdown between funding  
sources (Local Option Fuel Tax and FDOT grant funding) will be  
updated during the budget cycle.  
FDOT FPN 448513 1 54 01; FDOT County Incentive Grant Program  
funding not to exceed $1,354,532.00; County contribution is  
$1,354,532.00 and total project estimate is $2,709,064.00; Agreement  
term expires May 13, 2025; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the  
Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Safety and Emergency Services  
Renewal of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for  
Advanced Life Support providers.  
Approval of the renewal Certificates of Public Convenience and  
Necessity (COPCN) for the attached list of Advanced Life Support (ALS)  
providers. COPCNs are issued by Boards of County Commissioners  
(BCC) in all Counties in Florida. The certificate allows Emergency  
Medical Services (EMS) provider agencies to be licensed by the Florida  
Department of Health.  
The certificate process ensures there are coordinated and  
regulated EMS Systems at a County level.  
Certificates are issued on an annual basis to ensure continuous  
compliance to the various standards and requirements.  
A COPCN is issued to ALS First Responders, ALS Helicopters,  
Hospital ground ambulances, All Children’s Hospital, St. Joseph’s  
Hospital, and Sunstar in accordance with Section 401.25, Florida  
The current COPCNs will expire on December 31, 2023. If  
approved, the new expiration date will be December 31, 2024.  
There is no fiscal impact for certifications. Staff administration of  
the process is included in the annual operating budget for the  
EMS Fund.  
There are 25 agencies that have been issued COPCNs by the  
ALS First Responders:  
Cities of Clearwater, Dunedin, Gulfport, Largo, Madeira Beach,  
Oldsmar, Pinellas Park, Safety Harbor, Seminole, South Pasadena, St.  
Pete Beach, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs, Treasure Island, East Lake  
Tarpon Special Fire Control District, Lealman Special Fire Control  
District, Palm Harbor Special Fire Control & Rescue District, and  
Pinellas Suncoast Fire & Rescue District  
ALS Helicopter Ambulances:  
Bayflite - Airlife; Aeromed; Med-Trans Corporation, d/b/a Johns Hopkins  
All Children’s Hospital, Inc.; Med-Trans Florida  
Hospitals - Ground - Neonatal/Pediatric Interfacility:  
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, Inc. - (Interfacility Ground)  
BayCare Health System, d/b/a St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, Inc.  
Pinellas County Emergency Medical Services Authority, d/b/a Sunstar  
Authorize the Chairman to sign the Certificates.  
Business Technology Services  
Termination of agreement for convenience with Bourntec Solutions, Inc.  
for Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Modernization.  
Approval of termination of the agreement for convenience with Bourntec  
Solutions, Inc. for Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Modernization.  
Termination of the contract for convenience, with thirty days’  
notice as required by contract and recommended by the County’s  
Oracle stakeholders and governance committee (Oracle  
Business Applications Executive Committee) (OBAEC).  
Contract was restructured into a task order model in 2023 to  
support as-needed modernization requirements of Oracle  
stakeholders without a defined scope of work.  
OBAEC Committee members have elected to discontinue current  
investment in the County’s Oracle modernization efforts and  
defer investment into planning for a new Enterprise Resource  
Planning system in Fiscal Year 2024.  
This contract was awarded on August 28, 2020, by the County  
Administrator for the upgrade to the Oracle E-Business Suite  
application. On March 9, 2021, the Board of County  
Commissioners (Board) approved and executed the First  
Amendment to provide additional services to assist in the  
upgrade of the County’s Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning  
system (OPUS). On October 18, 2021, the County Administrator  
approved the Second Amendment to provide additional services  
to complete the upgrade of OPUS. On July 18, 2023, the Board  
approved the Third Amendment to provide additional services to  
assist in the upgrade of OPUS.  
Contract No. 190-0719-G in the total approved amount of  
Countywide Planning Authority  
Countywide Plan Map - 2023 Annual Update.  
Sitting as the Countywide Planning Authority, adopt a resolution  
accepting the amended Countywide Plan Map.  
This action is taken annually to incorporate all the amendments  
made to the Countywide Plan Map throughout the year.  
An official record copy of the Countywide Plan Map for Fiscal  
Year 2023 is created.  
Forward Pinellas and the Planners Advisory Committee each  
unanimously voted to recommend acceptance and filing of the  
Countywide Plan Map.  
Direct the filing with the Clerk, as the official record copy.  
Emergency Medical Services Authority  
Amendment to the Advanced Life Support First Responder Agreement  
with 3 municipalities and independent fire districts.  
Sitting as the Pinellas County Emergency Medical Services Authority,  
approve the amendment to the Advanced Life Support (ALS) First  
Responder Agreement with eighteen municipalities and independent fire  
Funding in the amount of $14,156,491.00 is consistent and  
included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Adopted Budget for the  
Emergency Medical Services Fund.  
Amendment to Agreements with three municipalities and fire  
districts to provide ALS First Responder services.  
These amendments continue the two-year term beginning on  
October 1, 2022, and ending on September 30, 2024.  
The agreements are a consolidated and restated agreement that  
incorporates prior amendments and the current amendments as  
outlined below.  
In aggregate, the three agreements represent a baseline increase  
of $1,150,597.00, or 8.85%, over FY22-23.  
Specific enhancements include:  
a.) Largo Medic 42 Peak/Civilian Unit.  
b.) Traffic Preemption Project.  
c.) Requirement for Criminal Justice Information System  
compliance to support the Pinellas Regional Information  
Management Enterprise Computer Aided Dispatch System  
Proposed ratification of initiation of litigation in the case of Pinellas  
County v. Scott Newmark; County Civil Case No. 23-008323-CO -  
petition for custody of cruelly or neglectfully treated animals.  
Ratification of the Chair’s approval of authority to initiate litigation  
against Scott Newmark.  
County Attorney Reports.  
County Administrator Reports.  
Appointments to the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council  
(Board of County Commissioners as whole).  
Sitting as the Emergency Medical Services Authority, approve the  
following appointments to the Emergency Medical Services Advisory  
Council for a term ending October 2025.  
Appointment of Dr. Matthew A. Liao-Troth as the St. Petersburg  
College President’s representative on the EMS Advisory Council.  
Dr. Liao-Troth is the Vice President of Academic Affairs for St.  
Petersburg College. Dr. Liao-Troth is replacing Dr. Eric Carver’s  
seat on the EMS Advisory Council.  
Appointment of District Chief Lindsey Kensinger as the City of St.  
Petersburg Fire Chief’s alternate representative. Chief Kensinger  
is a District Chief for St. Petersburg Fire Rescue.  
Appointment to the Parks and Conservation Resources Advisory  
(Individual appointment by Commissioner Eggers).  
Approve the appointment to the Parks and Conservation Resources  
Advisory Board for a term of one year, ending on November 14, 2025.  
Approve appointment of Tex Carter by Commissioner Dave  
No ballot is needed.  
Appointment to the Pinellas Public Library Cooperative (Board of County  
Commissioners as a whole).  
Approve the appointment of Karen LaCorte-Nies to the Pinellas Public  
Library Cooperative to fill a current vacancy that expires on September  
30, 2025.  
Karen LaCorte-Nies has been deemed eligible by Cheryl  
Morales, the Executive Director who reviewed Ms. LaCorte-Nies  
application and resume.  
Ms. LaCorte-Nies was the only applicant.  
The Clerk has a ballot, however, with only one applicant, a  
motion and voice vote will suffice.  
Reappointment to the Pinellas Park Water Management District Board  
(Board of County Commissioners as a whole).  
Approve the reappointment of Michael Farrell to the Pinellas Park Water  
Management District Board for a term of three years beginning on  
January 1, 2024, and expiring on December 31, 2026.  
No other applications were submitted.  
No ballot necessary. A motion and voice vote will suffice.  
Appointment to the Value Adjustment Board (Board of County  
Commissioners as a whole).  
Approve one appointment to the Value Adjustment Board for a length of  
two years beginning January 1, 2024, and ending on December 31,  
The list of applicants is available on the attached  
The Clerk has ballots.  
Appointments/Reappointments to the Feather Sound Community  
Services District (Individual appointments/reappointments by  
Commissioners Long, Justice, Eggers, Latvala, Peters, and Flowers).  
Approve six appointments/reappointments to the Feather Sound  
Community Services District by individual County Commissioners for a  
term of one year beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31,  
William Wynne - Commissioner Janet Long  
Marshall Deason - Commissioner Charlie Justice  
Calvin Warren - Commissioner Dave Eggers  
Kevin Chambers - Commissioner Chris Latvala  
Ryan Andrews - Commissioner Kathleen Peters  
Jessica Hooper - Commissioner Rene Flowers  
No ballot necessary. A motion and voice vote will suffice.  
Appointments/Reappointments to the Historic Preservation Board  
(Individual appointments by Commissioners Scott and Peters, and  
Board of County Commissioners as a whole).  
Approve the reappointment of Ramona Pletcher by Commissioner  
Kathleen Peters and the new appointment of Joseph Oliveri by  
Commissioner Brian Scott for term of three years beginning January 1,  
2023 and expiring December 31, 2025.  
Joseph Oliveri - Commissioner Brian Scott  
Ramona Pletcher - Commissioner Kathleen Peters  
No ballot necessary. A motion and a voice vote will suffice.  
*Please note for the next two approvals (Two BCC At-Large positions  
and one Alternate position), you will be selecting from the same  
applicant pool.  
The Clerk will first distribute the ballot which includes all the applications  
received for consideration for the two positions in the BCC At-Large  
category. Once that vote is counted and two applicants have been  
selected, the Clerk will provide the ballot for the Alternate position. At  
that time, you will disregard the two that were previously selected for the  
two BCC At-Large positions and vote from those still available for  
Approve two applicants to fill the BCC At-Large positions that are  
expiring on December 31, 2023. These two appointees will serve for a  
three-year term that begins on January 1, 2023, and ends on December  
31, 2025.  
List of applicants can be viewed on the ballot/worksheet attached  
to this agenda item.  
The Clerk has ballots for the At-Large applicants.  
Approve one applicant to fill the Alternate position that is expiring on  
December 31, 2023.This position is a three-year term beginning on  
January 1, 2023, and ending on December 31, 2025.  
List of applicants can be viewed on the ballot/worksheet attached  
to this agenda item.  
The Clerk has ballots for the Alternate applicants.  
Reappointment to the Lealman Community Redevelopment Area Citizen  
Advisory Committee (Board of County Commissioners as a whole).  
Approve the reappointment of Jeremy Heath to the Lealman Community  
Redevelopment Area Citizen Advisory Committee (by the Board of  
County Commissioners as a whole) for a term of three years beginning  
January 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2026.  
Mr. Heath is currently in his first term on the Lealman CRA  
Citizen Advisory Committee.  
No other applications were received.  
No ballot necessary. A motion and voice vote will suffice.  
2024 Chair Board Appointments  
County Commission New Business:  
Pertinent and timely Committee/Board updates, policy considerations,  
administrative/procedural considerations, and other new business.  
6:00 PM  
Countywide Planning Authority  
Case No. DA 23-01 - City of St. Petersburg  
Countywide Plan Map amendment from Activity Center and Target  
Employment Center to Activity Center and Target Employment Center,  
regarding 17.91 acres more or less, located at the northwest corner of  
Gandy Boulevard and I-275.  
Sitting as the Countywide Planning Authority, adopt an ordinance  
approving Case No. DA 23-01, a proposal by the City of St. Petersburg  
to amend the Countywide Plan Map from Activity Center and Target  
Employment Center to Activity Center and Target Employment Center,  
regarding 17.91 acres more or less, located at the northwest corner of  
Gandy Boulevard and I-275.  
The City of St. Petersburg is requesting an amendment to the  
existing Development Agreement that was submitted in support  
of Case CW 21-13.  
Under the existing Development Agreement, the multifamily  
residential units cannot be occupied until the completion of the  
third industrial building, which is now currently estimated to be  
late 2024 to early 2025. This would result in 412 multifamily  
residential units, including 83 workforce housing units, sitting  
empty for about one year.  
The amended Development Agreement includes the following  
requests: to reduce the industrial use square footage that is  
required to be completed prior to or concurrently with the first  
certificate of occupancy for the multifamily uses from 200,000 to  
143,000 square feet, and to require an additional 147,000 square  
feet of industrial uses to be delivered by February 28, 2025, with  
the building permit approved and the foundation completed no  
later than the final certificate of occupancy for the multifamily  
This amendment is required to be reheard under the Countywide  
Plan Map amendment process, pursuant to Section of the  
Countywide Rules.  
Forward Pinellas and the Planners Advisory Committee each  
unanimously recommended approval of the proposal.  
Case No. FLU-23-01 (La Mirage Beauty Salon, Inc.)  
A request for a Future Land Use Map amendment from  
Residential/Office General to Institutional on approximately 3.3 acres  
located at 3720 and 3730 Tampa Road in Palm Harbor. (Companion to  
Item No. 48)  
Based upon the evidence and findings contained in the staff report and  
attachments, Case No. FLU-23-01 is recommended for approval:  
An ordinance approving the application of La Mirage Beauty Salon, Inc  
for a Future Land Use Map amendment from Residential/Office General  
(R/OG) to Institutional (I).  
The applicant is seeking a land use change on the 3.3-acre  
upland portion of the properties located at 3720 and 3730 Tampa  
Road in Palm Harbor.  
In July 2023 the Board continued this case to allow the applicant  
time to amend the request to a more appropriate land use  
category. At that time a change to Employment was proposed,  
which was recommended for denial by both staff and the Local  
Planning Agency (LPA).  
The current proposal would allow for a larger building area and a  
range of institutional type uses.  
The subject property is surrounded by environmentally sensitive  
areas and residential uses and is located along a designated  
Scenic/Non-Commercial Corridor. Institutional uses are common  
along such corridors.  
The applicant is also seeking a zoning change with a  
development agreement under a separate case number (ZON-23  
The LPA recommended approval of the current request based on  
staff’s recommendation and the evidence presented in the LPA  
report (vote 7-0). No one from the public appeared in support or  
opposition and no public correspondence has been received.  
Case No. ZON-23-01 (La Mirage Beauty Salon, Inc.)  
A request for a zoning change from GO, General Office to GI, General  
Institutional, with a Development Agreement allowing up to 23,314  
square feet of building area for the uses permitted in the GI zone at a  
building height as allowed by the GI zone and terminating a 2014 deed  
restriction that limits building area to 14,690 square feet, on  
approximately 3.3 acres located at 3720 and 3730 Tampa Road in Palm  
Harbor. (Quasi-Judicial) (Companion to Item No. 47)  
Based upon the evidence and findings contained in the staff report and  
attachments, Case No. ZON-23-01 is recommended for approval:  
A resolution approving the application of La Mirage Beauty Salon, Inc  
for a change in zoning from General Office (GO) to General Institutional  
(GI) with a Development Agreement allowing up to 23,314 square feet of  
building area for the uses permitted in the GI zone at a building height  
as allowed by the GI zone and terminating a 2014 deed restriction that  
limits building area to 14,690 square feet.  
The applicant is seeking a zoning change with a development  
agreement on the 3.3-acre upland portion of the properties  
located at 3720 and 3730 Tampa Road in Palm Harbor.  
In July 2023 the Board continued this case to allow the applicant  
time to amend the request to a more appropriate zoning  
designation. At that time a change to Employment-2 (E-2) was  
proposed, which was recommended for denial by both staff and  
the Local Planning Agency (LPA).  
The current proposal would allow for a larger building area and a  
range of institutional type uses.  
The subject property is surrounded by environmentally sensitive  
areas and residential uses and is located along a designated  
Scenic/Non-Commercial Corridor. Institutional uses are common  
along such corridors.  
The applicant is also seeking a land use change under a  
separate case number.  
The LPA recommended approval of the current request based on  
staff’s recommendation and the evidence presented in the LPA  
report (vote 7-0). No one from the public appeared in support or  
opposition and no public correspondence has been received.  
Case No. LDR-23-01 (Pinellas County/Housing and Community  
Development Department) (second public hearing)  
A request to amend the Pinellas County Land Development Code  
Section 138-2153 to adopt the Lealman Form Based Code (L-FBC) and  
adding Article XI - the Lealman Form Based Code to Chapter 138 of the  
Land Development Code. (Companion to Item No. 50)  
The second of two public hearings for Case Number LDR-23-01  
(ordinance). Based upon evidence and findings contained in the staff  
report and attachments, this case is recommended for approval by the  
Board of County Commissioners (Board). Staff requests the Board  
conduct a second public hearing to adopt the Ordinance.  
This proposed ordinance will enact the following changes:  
Establish new form-based zoning regulations within the Lealman  
Community Redevelopment Area (CRA).  
Establish three new form-based code (FBC) districts along key  
corridors within the Lealman CRA.  
The proposed Lealman-FBC (L-FBC) (LDR-23-01) is a result of  
significant study and analysis along with community input and  
consultation with the Lealman Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC).  
The Lealman CAC recommends approval.  
A companion Zoning Atlas amendment (Case No. ZON-23-05) is also  
proposed for the successful completion of this request. The current  
zoning districts in the subject area as shown on the attached Zoning  
District map will be entirely replaced by the L-FBC Zoning District.  
Case No. ZON-23-05 (Pinellas County/Housing and Community  
Development Department) (second public hearing)  
A request to change the zoning classification of approximately 168.63  
acres comprising various parcels within the Lealman Community  
Redevelopment Area from C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, C-2,  
General Commercial and Services, E-1, Employment-1, E-2,  
Employment-2, I, Heavy Industry, GO, General Office, LO, Limited  
Office, GI, General Institutional, R-3, Single Family Residential and R-4,  
One, Two, and Three Family Residential to L-FBC, Lealman Form  
Based Code District. (Companion to Item No. 49)  
The second of two public hearings for Case Number ZON-23-05  
(resolution). Based upon evidence and findings contained in the staff  
report and attachments, this case is recommended for approval by the  
Board of County Commissioners (Board). Staff requests the Board  
conduct a second public hearing to adopt the resolution.  
This proposed resolution will enact the following changes:  
Establish a new Lealman Form Based Code (L-FBC) Zoning  
District along key corridors within the Lealman County  
Redevelopment Area (CRA) on the Zoning Atlas from the newly  
adopted Lealman Form Based Code (L-FBC) (LDR-23-01).  
Further implement the newly adopted L-FBC (LDR-23-01).  
The proposed Zoning Atlas amendment and associated Land  
Development Regulations amendment (LDR-23-01) are a result  
of significant study and analysis along with community input and  
consultation with the Lealman Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC).  
The Lealman CAC recommends approval.  
A companion Land Development Regulations amendment (Case No.  
LDR-23-01) is also proposed for the successful completion of this  
request. The current zoning districts in the subject area as shown on the  
attached Zoning District map will be replaced by the new L-FBC District.  
Resolution approving through Interlocal Agreement indebtedness and  
expenditure of Pinellas County Tax Increment Financing funds pursuant  
to the City of Dunedin Redevelopment Plan, subsequently amended as  
the City of Dunedin Community Redevelopment Agency Downtown  
Master Plan 2033, for the Dunedin Redevelopment District pursuant to  
the Community Redevelopment Act of 1969, Chapter 163, Part III,  
Florida Statutes; and providing for an effective date.  
Conduct a public hearing and approve an Interlocal Agreement between  
the City of Dunedin, Florida and Pinellas County Florida for the  
commitment of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) revenues in the City of  
Dunedin Community Redevelopment District.  
In 1988, the Board approved the establishment of a  
Redevelopment Trust Fund for the Dunedin Community  
Redevelopment Agency (CRA), with a 95.0% Tax Increment  
County contribution.  
In 2012, the Board approved a CRA extension, extending the  
CRA term from 30 years to 45 years. The CRA is set to expire in  
The City of Dunedin plans to complete two major capital projects  
identified in their CRA Plan.  
To pay for these projects, Dunedin is assuming long-term debt  
and the City will use City and County TIF contributions and  
general funds for debt service.  
The resolution approves the planned borrowing.  
If approved, the County’s estimated TIF contributions for debt  
service payments for the identified projects through 2033 would  
be $4,596,995 at the 95.0% level.  
Ordinance approving Jabil, Inc. for an Economic Development Ad  
Valorem Tax Exemption.  
Adopt an ordinance approving Jabil, Inc. (Jabil) for an Economic  
Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption (EDAVTE) pursuant to  
Section 196.1995, Florida Statutes, and Pinellas County Ordinance  
Jabil is one of the world’s largest electronics manufacturers for  
computers, smart phones and printers, and their international  
corporate headquarters is located in St. Petersburg.  
Jabil considered relocating their current facilities to California at  
their North American Center of Excellence “Blue Sky” Innovation  
Center or considered Dallas, Texas, back in 2018.  
Pinellas County and the City of St. Petersburg offered an  
incentive package that included the EDAVTE program.  
Jabil decided to maintain and expand their headquarters in  
Pinellas County after considering the other locations, submitting  
an intent to apply for the EDAVTE in 2018. That resolution was  
approved on March 20, 2018.  
The project was planned in three phases. The Phase I Ordinance  
was approved on October 20, 2020. The capital investment of  
Phase I was estimated at $11.7 million. Phase I was approved for  
10 years at 100% for Real Property Improvements exempting in  
the estimated amount of $450,951.00 over the ten-year period.  
Phase I exemptions received for 2021 and 2022 equal  
An estimate of the amount of revenue that would be lost to the  
County during the current fiscal year if the exemption applied for  
were granted is approximately $280,000. Future revenues are  
expected to offset this and cannot be estimated at this time.  
The capital investment for Phase II is for Real Property only and  
not equipment. Real Property capital investment for Phase II is  
$69,521,036.00. The ordinance is required for compliance with  
Federal or State law or regulation.  
The economic impact of 71 new jobs with an average wage of  
$110,000.00 a year represents 189% of the average wage in Pinellas  
County with an earnings impact of $9,875,745.00 and 104 jobs. The  
economic impacts were calculated using the U.S. Bureau of Economic  
Analysis Regional Input Modeling System (RIMS II) Model for Pinellas  
Ordinance creating a Municipal Services Taxing Unit for recreation  
services and facilities in the unincorporated Seminole area.  
Conduct a public hearing and adopt an ordinance to establish a  
Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) within a specific area of the  
unincorporated Seminole area described as the “district”, for the  
purpose of funding maintenance, operation, and capital improvements  
to recreation facilities within the boundaries of the district.  
Pinellas County owns three recreational facilities within the district  
which would benefit from the MSTU funds: Seminole Junior  
Warhawks Sports Complex (10410 125th Street), Cross Bayou  
Athletic Complex (10150 98th Street), and SYAA Sports Park  
(12000 90th Avenue North).  
The ordinance would provide up to a one-quarter mill levy of ad  
valorem taxes on property within the district boundaries.  
Total annual revenue generated through a one-quarter mill levy is  
estimated at $987,750.00.  
A one-quarter mill levy is expected to cost the average residential  
property within the proposed boundary an additional $45 per  
year, based on November 2023 taxable values.  
The proposed MSTU district, as shown on the attached map, is  
bounded by 122nd Avenue to the north, 54th Avenue to the  
south, Starkey Road to the east and the Intracoastal Waterway to  
the west.  
The MSTU may only be applied to unincorporated properties  
within the district boundaries.  
The ordinance allows for the creation of a nonprofit corporation  
for the administration and operation of the business affairs of the  
district, to include one nomination from each of three youth  
recreation non-profits and four citizen members residing within  
the unincorporated area of the district boundaries.  
If the ordinance establishing a MSTU is approved, these  
revenues and expenditures would be included in the Fiscal Year  
2025 Proposed Budget.  
Appeal by Mark and Debra Colburn of the issuance of County Dock  
Permit No. WND-22-00252 granted to Rostam Holding, LLC for a  
residential multiuse six-slip dock at 1605 Pass-a-Grille Way, St. Pete  
Beach, 33706.  
Recommend denial of the appeal of the issuance of County Dock Permit  
No. WND-22-00252 (Subject Permit) granted to Rostam Holding, LLC  
for a residential multiuse six-slip dock at 1605 Pass-a-Grille Way, St.  
Pete Beach, 33706 (Subject Property).  
The Subject Property is owned by Rostam Holdings and consists  
of apartment units. The Colburns own and reside at a property  
several blocks to the north at 1803 Pass-a-Grille Way Harbor  
Drive. They also own a vacant lot to the north of the Subject  
Property at 1701 Pass-a-Grille Way.  
The Colburns timely filed a petition for a public hearing to the  
Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to appeal the Subject  
Permit on numerous procedural and substantive grounds.  
BCC granted the Colburns’ petition for a hearing on October 17,  
2023, causing this public hearing to be scheduled.  
Water and Navigation Staff consulted with the County Attorney’s  
office and is confident that the Subject Permit was properly  
issued. Procedural issues cited by the appellants were resolved  
during the permitting process and substantive concerns regarding  
boat traffic and environmental impacts were deemed not to have  
any merit per staff field report.  
Appeal by Brian and Lori Myrback of the issuance of County Dock  
Permit No. WND-20-00231REV granted to Dr. James P. Donovan for a  
dock and boat lift at 106 Harbor Drive, Palm Harbor, 34683.  
Recommend denying Brian and Lori Myrback’s appeal of the issuance  
of County Dock Permit No. WND-20-00231REV (Subject Permit)  
granted to Dr. James P. Donovan for a dock and boat lift at 106 Harbor  
Drive, Palm Harbor, 34683 (Subject Property).  
The Subject Property is owned and resided at by Dr. Donovan.  
The Myrbacks own and reside at the property to the immediate  
south at 104 Harbor Drive. Both homes affront St. Joseph Sound  
to the west.  
The Myrbacks timely filed a petition for a public hearing to the  
Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to appeal the Subject  
Permit on numerous procedural and substantive grounds.  
The BCC granted the Myrbacks petition for hearing on October  
17, 2023, causing this public hearing to be scheduled.  
Water and Navigation staff have consulted with the County  
Attorney’s Office on this matter and is confident that the Subject  
Permit was properly issued.  
Resolution supplementing the Fiscal Year 2024 Operating and Capital  
Budget for unanticipated revenue for the American Rescue Plan Act,  
Capital Projects and General Funds, revenue replacement for the  
General Fund, and unanticipated fund balance for the General Fund.  
Realign appropriation from General Fund Reserves for unanticipated  
expenditures at the Public Safety Complex.  
Conduct a public hearing and adopt the attached resolution recognizing  
and appropriating unanticipated revenue and revenue replacement and  
realigning of funds in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 budget as follows:  
Realign $2,640,000.00 from General Fund Reserves and  
appropriate $440,000.00 to the Department of Administrative  
Services for the purchase of a fuel replenishment system for the  
Public Safety Complex (PSC) generator and $2,200,000.00 to the  
Transfer to Capital Projects Fund Account. Recognize  
$2,200,000.00 in the Capital Projects Fund and appropriate to the  
Ground Water Return Wells at PSC project 006192A.  
Recognize $6,000.00 in unanticipated revenue in the General  
Fund and appropriate $6,000.00 to Human Services’ Pinellas  
County Health Facilities Authority project.  
Recognize $172,000.00 in unanticipated fund balance for the  
General Fund and appropriate to the State Attorney for a  
previously approved budget amendment for funding to purchase  
radios (Res-23-67).  
As was previously approved by the Board of County  
Commissioners in FY23 on August 15, 2023, in Granicus Item 23  
-1082A, this item proposes to recognize $1,230,850.00 in  
unanticipated revenue for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)  
Fund due to a previously approved transfer (Res-23-67) that was  
reversed in FY23 and appropriate $1,230,850.00 to the Transfer  
to General Fund Account. Recognize $1,230,850.00 in revenue  
replacement from ARPA Fund in the General Fund and  
appropriate $1,230,850.00 to Safety and Emergency Services’  
(SES) personnel services. Realign $1,230,850.00 from SES’  
personnel services to General Government’s aid to private  
organizations. This is requested because the transaction was  
anticipated in FY23 but is now happening in FY24. The financial  
transactions are proposed now exactly as they were proposed in  
Award of bid to Ring Power Corporation for the Public Safety Campus  
Generator Fuel Replenishment System project. (Regular Agenda Item  
that is companion to Item No. 56)  
Approval of the award of bid to Ring Power Corporation (Ring Power) for  
the Public Safety Campus Generator Fuel Replenishment System  
This project will install and test an emergency generator fuel  
supply system and will be completed in 180 consecutive calendar  
The design and fuel replenishment system will now meet the  
standard required for the sustained operation of a large generator  
system to adequately support a Regional 911 call center and  
County law enforcement operation under emergency conditions.  
More specifically, this project will correct a design flaw from the  
original construction of the Public Safety Campus and will rectify  
a potential shut down of the generators and/or flooding of the  
generator room with diesel fuel during an emergency event.  
One responsive bid was received with award recommendation to  
Ring Power Corporation.  
Ring Power's bid of $440,129.00 is fair and reasonable based  
upon the scope and scale of this project and is within 20% of the  
pre-solicitation estimated price.  
This item is not specifically budgeted for in the Fiscal Year 2024  
Adopted Budget.  
The Department of Administrative Services has requested a  
budget amendment (Legistar file 23-1841A, on this same  
Commission agenda) in the amount of $440,000.00, which  
should provide adequate funding for this purchase.  
Contract No. 23-1008-ITB-C, in the total not to exceed amount of  
$440,129.00 for a duration of 180 consecutive calendar days; Authorize  
the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Special Accommodations  
Persons with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations to effectively participate in this meeting are  
asked to contact Pinellas County’s Office of Human Rights by e -mailing such requests to at least three (3) business days in advance of the need for reasonable  
accommodation. You may also call (727) 464-4882.  
Public Participation Procedures  
Persons wishing to comment regarding a specific agenda item should do so:  
In person - by preregistering at or by filling out a comment card with the County  
staff person in the meeting room; or,  
Virtually - in advance in accordance with the instructions in the notice of this meeting, or on the virtual platform  
or phone after preregistering.  
Members of the public wishing to make comments on the virtual platform or by phone must preregister by 5  
p.m. the day before the meeting. At the scheduled section of the meeting when the item is before the Board of  
County Commissioners (Board), the Chairman or Clerk will call on each individual, one by one, to be heard.  
Each individual may speak for up to three minutes as may be modified by the Chairman. Comments or  
behavior that violate Pinellas County Commission Public Participation and Decorum Rules will be  
disconnected. Members of the public who cannot attend at the time an agenda item is before the Board may  
offer comments during the Citizens to Be Heard section near the beginning of the meeting. More information is  
available at or by calling (727) 464-4400.  
Public Hearing Procedures  
The procedure used by the Board in conducting Public Hearings is to have a staff presentation followed by the  
applicant presenting the specific proposal. The Board will then hear comments from the proponents, the  
opponents and a staff summary. The applicant will then be given an opportunity to close and the Board will  
decide on the matter. Public Hearings before the Board are governed by the provisions of Section 134 -14 of  
the Pinellas County Land Development Code as may be modified by Pinellas County Emergency Order. That  
code provides that at the conclusion of each person’s presentation, any speaker may seek the Chairman’s  
permission to ask questions of staff.  
1. At the conclusion of the presentations by the applicant and any proponents, all affected parties may  
seek the Chairman’s permission to ask questions of or seek clarification from the applicant and/or the  
2. At the conclusion of the presentation by the opponents, all affected parties may seek the Chairman’s  
permission to ask questions of or seek clarification from any opponent.  
The applicant’s closing comments will address testimony subsequent to his or her presentation. Continuing  
rebuttal of other than directly preceding testimony will not be allowed. Because much testimony has already  
been submitted in writing, the following guidelines accommodate efficient presentations:  
1. The applicant should present his or her entire case, including rebuttal, in no more than 20 minutes.  
2. Persons wishing to speak regarding a Public Hearing item may speak for up to three minutes each.  
3. Persons wishing to attend virtually must preregister at by 5 p. m. the day  
before the meeting.  
Persons are advised that, if they decided to appeal any decision made at this meeting/hearing, they will need  
a record of the proceeding, and, for such purposes, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the  
proceeding is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.  
If a Board meeting beginning at 9:30 A.M. has not concluded by noon, a recess will be taken from noon to  
12:30 P.M., and the remainder of the meeting will continue at 12:30 P.M.  
If a Board meeting beginning at 2:00 P.M. has not concluded by 5:30 P.M., a recess will be taken from 5:30 to  
6:00 P.M. The remainder of the afternoon agenda will resume at 6:00 P.M., followed by Public Hearings.