Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners  
315 Court Street  
Clearwater, FL 33756  
Hybrid In-Person and Virtual Regular Meeting Agenda  
Tuesday, July 18, 2023  
2:00 P.M.  
Public Hearings at 6:00 P.M.  
Janet C. Long, Chair  
Kathleen Peters, Vice-Chair  
Dave Eggers  
Rene Flowers  
Charlie Justice  
Chris Latvala  
Brian Scott  
Barry A. Burton, County Administrator  
Jewel White, County Attorney  
Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller  
INVOCATION by Pastor Clem Bell, Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Dunedin.  
Hometown Hero:  
- Miss Florida USA 2023, Caroline Dixon  
- Dev Shah, 2023 Scripps National Spelling Bee Champion  
National Parks and Recreation Month Proclamation:  
Pinellas County Parks and Conservation Resources Advisory Board  
- Bryan Beckman, Vice Chair  
- Miles Croom, Science Advisory Member  
Employee Recognition Award:  
- Jeremiah Nugent, HVAC Mechanic, Administrative Services  
4. Citizens To Be Heard - Public Comment.  
CONSENT AGENDA - Items 5 through 30  
Minutes of the regular meeting held May 23, 2023.  
Vouchers and bills paid from May 21 through June 24, 2023.  
Reports received for filing:  
Division of Inspector General, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller,  
Report No. 2023-12 dated June 16, 2023 - Unannounced Audit of the  
Facility Operations Northwest Section Change Fund  
Dock Fee Report for the month of May 2023  
Pinellas County Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ended  
September 30, 2022  
Tax Collector 2022 Tax Roll Recapitulation  
Juvenile Welfare Board FY23 Q2 Financials  
Miscellaneous items received for filing:  
Notice of Public Hearing for Amendment of Countywide Plan  
Notice of Public Hearings for Proposed Amendments to the Countywide  
Safety Harbor Downtown Master Plan Update and CRA Sunset Extension  
Special Purpose Financial Statement - Tampa Bay Water  
Tampa Bay Water Annual Financial Report FY Ending 09-30-2022  
Administrative Services  
Award of bid to Viktor Construction Corp for painting services for building  
exteriors, infrastructure systems, and pressure washing for various  
county departments.  
Approval of the award of bid with Viktor Construction Corp for Painting Services for  
building exteriors, infrastructure systems, and pressure washing for various County  
* This contract provides countywide painting services for building exteriors,  
infrastructure systems, and pressure washing on an as needed basis.  
* Contract award is in the total not to exceed amount of $2,683,500.00 for a duration of  
thirty-six months with provision for one twenty-four-month extension; unit prices are  
adjustable every twelve months in an amount not to exceed the average of the  
Consumer Price Index or 5%, wherever is less.  
* Eleven bids were received with Viktor Construction Corp recommended for award as  
the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.  
* This contract will replace Contract No. 178-0405-B awarded in the amount of  
$4,105,000.00 for 60 months by the Board of County Commissioners on 07/17/2018  
with an annual average expenditure of $821,000.00.  
* This contract is primarily utilized by the Administrative Services, Utilities and Public  
Works Departments; however, all departments and agencies may utilize this contract.  
* This new contract reflects a $73,500.00, or 9.0% annual increase from the previous  
contract primarily attributable to market driven wage and material price increases.  
* These services are budgeted for in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 and FY24. Funding is  
derived from multiple Funds, Centers, Accounts, and Programs, dependent on the  
requesting department.  
Contract No. 23-0145-ITB estimated annual expenditure of $894,500.00, with a  
thirty-six-month total not to exceed expenditure of $2,683,500.00 based on the lowest,  
responsible bid received meeting specifications; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the  
Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Building and Development Review Services  
Re-Plat of Cypress Run Unit III; a private residential subdivision.  
Approval of the plat for Cypress Run Unit III located in Section 9, Township 27 South,  
Range 16 East, and acceptance of the sidewalk guarantee for recording.  
* The private subdivision is located on the north of St. Andrews Boulevard at the  
intersection of Royal Dornock Court.  
* Cumbey & Fair, Inc. is submitting this plat as a requirement for Site Plan 2366.20.  
* The site is being subdivided into 2-single family lots and there are no tracts. All private  
easements will be dedicated to Cypress Run Railroad Property LLC.  
* Sidewalk is a requirement of this subdivision.  
County Administrator  
Receipt and file report of non-procurement items delegated to the County  
Administrator for the period ending June 30, 2023.  
Accept the receipt and file report of non-procurement items delegated to the County  
Human Services  
Ranking of firms and agreements with CDR Maguire, Inc. and Family  
Endeavors, Inc. d/b/a Endeavors for Emergency Management shelter  
staff and Clinical/Behavioral Health staff support services.  
Approval of the ranking of firms and agreements with CDR Maguire, Inc. (CDR) and  
Family Endeavors, Inc. d/b/a Endeavors (Endeavors) for Emergency Management  
shelter staff and Clinical/Behavioral Health staff support services.  
* These new agreements provide, on an as needed basis, emergency shelter staff and  
shelter clinical/behavioral health staff for general population disaster shelters in the  
event of a disaster or state of emergency.  
* Six submissions were received and evaluated, with CDR and Endeavors deemed the  
highest ranked firms and are recommended for award.  
* CDR is the primary firm for Shelter Staff with an annual not to exceed amount of  
$506,000.00 for a three-year total of $1,518,000.00. Endeavors is the primary firm for  
Clinical/Behavioral Health Staff Support with an annual not to exceed amount of  
$214,600.00 for a three-year total of $643,800.00.  
* Endeavors is the secondary firm for Shelter Staff and CDR is the secondary firm for  
Clinical/Behavioral Health Staff Support. Secondary firms were selected to ensure staff  
and service availability in exigent circumstances where the primary firm would be  
unable to perform.  
* Funds are not budgeted for this contract. Expenditures would likely initially be funded  
by reserves and then likely be reimbursed from Federal Emergency Management  
Agency Public Assistance Grant Funding.  
Contract No. 23-0509-RFP for a three-year total contract value of $2,161,800.00  
established as contingency disaster contracts; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the  
Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Public Works  
Award of bid to Poole & Kent Company of Florida for the Solid Waste  
Industrial Waste Treatment Facility Intake Pump Station project.  
Approval of the award of bid to Poole & Kent Company of Florida (Poole & Kent) for the  
Solid Waste Industrial Waste Treatment Facility Intake Pump Station project.  
* This project includes installing new intake pump systems with safety upgrades to the  
pump station.  
* One bid received from Poole & Kent in the amount of $2,974,469.00; vendors who  
were solicited and did not respond stated they were either too flush with work to take on  
this project and/or the work required is highly specialized and they were not interested  
in bidding.  
* As only one responsive bid was received, staff negotiated with Poole & Kent resulting  
in a $30,000.00 price reduction. The final recommendation for award is $2,944,469.00.  
* The Small Business Enterprise commitment for this project is 10%.  
* All work must be completed within 365 consecutive calendar days.  
* The funding level approved in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Capital Improvement Plan  
(CIP) for this project is $2,200,000 under Project 005214A Solid Waste Influent  
Pumping Station (Thirsty Duct) Improvements, funded by the Solid Waste Renewal and  
Replacement Fund.  
* A proposal to increase the project amount to $4,100,000 is included in the (as yet  
unapproved) Preliminary FY24 Budget and was discussed with the Board at the  
Department's Budget Information Session.  
* Approving the contract does not obligate the County to spend. That obligation occurs  
that the time of purchase order, which will be monitored and adhered to the approved  
budget at the time of obligation and not before.  
Contract No. 23-0273-ITB-C in the amount of $2,944,469.00 with all work completed  
within 365 consecutive calendar days; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of  
the Circuit Court to attest.  
Award of bid to Southern Precast Concrete Corporation for pipes,  
reinforced concrete, PVC, precast slabs, and related materials.  
Award of bid to Southern Precast Concrete Corporation for pipes, reinforced concrete,  
PVC, precast slabs, and related materials.  
* This contract provides pipes, reinforced concrete, PVC, precast slabs, and related  
materials for Public Works.  
* Three responsive, responsible bids were received with award recommendation to  
Southern Precast as the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of  
* The contract term is 12 months with provision for one, twelve-month extension. Prices  
will be held firm for the first ninety days of the contract and adjustments (increases or  
decreases) will be quarterly in an amount not to exceed the average of the Producer  
Price Index or eight percent, whichever is less, not seasonally adjusted.  
* This contract is consistent with the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Adopted Budget and is  
included in the (as yet unapproved) preliminary FY24 Budget.  
* The contract replaces the previous contract no. 178-0476-B with Southern Precast  
Concrete, awarded September 29, 2018.  
Contract No. 23-0204-ITB in the total not to exceed amount of $401,420.00 for a  
twelve-month term on the basis of the lowest responsive, responsible bid received  
meeting specifications. Authorize the Chairman to sign and Clerk to attest.  
Award of bid to Brenntag Mid-South Inc. for Membrane Grade Sodium  
Hydroxide (Caustic Soda, 25% and 50% Liquid NaOH).  
Approval of the award of bid to Brenntag Mid-South Inc. for Membrane Grade Sodium  
Hydroxide (Caustic Soda, 25% and 50% Liquid NaOH).  
* This contract is for membrane-grade Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda, 25% and 50%  
Liquid NaOH) to be used in the Solid Waste, Keller Water Treatment Facility, and South  
Cross Bayou Advanced Water Reclamation Facility where, and when required.  
* Utilities utilizes sodium hydroxide in odor control systems and Solid Waste utilizes  
sodium hydroxide to raise the pH in the industrial treatment process.  
* Three bids were received, with Brenntag Mid-South Inc recommended for award as  
the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. This is a twenty-four-month contract with  
provision for two, twenty-four-month extensions.  
* The total estimated expenditure for the two-year contract is $806,120.00, with an  
estimated annual expenditure of $403,060.00. Funding is derived from Solid Waste,  
Water, and Sewer Operating Funds. The estimated amount is included in the FY23  
Adopted Budget and the FY24 Proposed Budget.  
* This contract will replace 21-0601-B-BW, which expires on November 14, 2023. The  
current contract has an average annual expenditure of $332,831.28. The price of  
sodium hydroxide has increased 21% as compared to the current contract.  
Contract No. 23-0392-ITB estimated annual expenditure of $403,060.00 with a  
twenty-four-month term expenditure not to exceed $806,120.00, on the basis of the  
lowest, responsive, responsible bid received meeting specifications; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Award of bid to Chinchor Electric, Inc. for the North Booster Pump Station  
electrical improvements.  
Approval of the award of bid to Chinchor Electric, Inc. for the construction of the North  
Water Booster Station Variable Frequency Drive Modifications.  
* This contract will provide required construction services to complete the North Water  
Booster Station Variable Frequency Drive modifications.  
* Project work includes new variable frequency drives and installation of lighting, surge,  
fire alarm and suppression protection systems to protect valuable assets and mitigate  
downtime at the water booster station during emergency events.  
* Additional upgrades include new heating, ventilation and air conditioning system and  
new programmable logic controllers.  
* Award recommendation is to Chinchor Electric, Inc. in the amount of $4,470,688.00.  
* Chinchor Electric, Inc. is the sole bidder; therefore, staff proceeded to negotiate  
receiving a 6% reduction to the total bid submittal price.  
* Other vendors were notified and contacted after the bid opened; due to market  
conditions, there is an overabundance of work currently available hence why only one  
responsive, responsible bid was received.  
* Chinchor Electric, Inc.'s submittal contains a Small Business Enterprise Program  
commitment of 7%.  
* This contract is budgeted within Project 004356A North Water Booster Station  
Variable Frequency Drive Modifications, included in the Capital Improvement Plan  
(CIP), funded by the Water Renewal and Replacement Fund.  
* Funding for this contract is included in the FY24 Proposed Budget. Approving the  
contract does not obligate the County to spend. That obligation occurs at the time of  
purchase order, which will be monitored and adhere to the approved budget at the time  
of obligation and not before.  
Contract No. 23-0310-ITB-CP in the amount of $4,470,688.00. All work is expected to  
be completed within 730 consecutive calendar days from issuance of notice to proceed;  
Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Joint Project Agreement with the City of Largo for the relocation and  
replacement of County potable water lines, fire hydrants, valves, fittings,  
and service connections in conflict with the City’s proposed roadway and  
drainage system improvements along Rosery Road, from Mandalay Drive  
Avenue to Eagle Lake Park.  
Approval of the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) with the City of Largo for the relocation  
and replacement of County potable water lines, fire hydrants, valves, fittings, and  
service connections in conflict with the City's proposed roadway and drainage system  
improvements along Rosery Road, from Mandalay Drive Avenue to Eagle Lake Park.  
* An existing County watermain will be relocated or realigned to accommodate the  
proposed City project improvements. This County water distribution main is in the City  
of Largo's right of way.  
* The City's contractor will perform the County's water system infrastructure relocations  
and replacements to achieve expedited repair, minimize maintenance of traffic, staging  
area and mobilization costs.  
* Total costs to the County under the JPA are not to exceed $3,300,000.00.  
* The city will invoice the County for reimbursement.  
* Construction is anticipated to commence in November 2023.  
* This agreement is included in the Proposed Budget Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-FY29  
Capital Improvement Plan under Project 005223A Rosery Road Water Main Relocation  
(Phase 2) from Mandalay Drive to Eagle Lake Park, City of Largo, funded by the Water  
Renewal and Replacement Fund.  
This is a reimbursement JPA from County to City not to exceed $3,300,000.00. If costs  
exceed agreement amount, amendment is required. Agreement term is until the work  
has been fully performed and approved. Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk  
of the Circuit Court to attest. The fully executed Agreement must be recorded by the  
Joint Project Agreement with the City of St. Pete Beach for the relocation  
and replacement of County drinking water and reclaimed water  
infrastructure along Gulf Winds Drive.  
Approval of the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) with the City of St. Pete Beach (City) for  
the relocation and replacement of County drinking water and reclaimed water  
infrastructure along Gulf Winds Drive.  
* The City is constructing roadway, sidewalk, and drainage system improvements along  
Gulf Winds Drive, from Gulf Boulevard to 73rd Avenue.  
* The City's contractor will perform County water and reclaimed water system  
infrastructure required relocations and replacements as part of the JPA.  
* The JPA estimated project cost is $385,000.00, including $35,000.00 for mobilization,  
maintenance of traffic, and miscellaneous administrative fees.  
* The City will invoice the County, and the County will reimburse the City.  
* Anticipated construction is from July 2023 to July 2024.  
* Funding is available under Project 000831A Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water  
Relocation Projects, in the Capital Improvement Program, funded by the Water  
Renewal and Replacement Fund and the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund.  
The JPA not to exceed amount is $385,000.00; Agreement term ends when the work  
has been fully performed and approved; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk  
of the Circuit Court to attest. The fully executed Agreement must be recorded by the  
Ranking of firms and agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. for  
professional engineering services pertaining to Utilities Program  
Management Services.  
Approval of the ranking of firms and agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.  
(Jacobs) for professional engineering services pertaining to Utilities Program  
Management Services funded by a combination of grant funding and the County's  
Water and Sewer funds.  
* Recommendation of award for Utilities Program Management Services in the amount  
of $23,600,025.00, to be completed within a five-year period from issuance of the notice  
to proceed.  
* Three proposals were received in accordance with the Consultants Competitive  
Negotiation Act, Florida Statute 287.055, with Jacobs recommended as the No. 1  
ranked firm for award.  
* This contract includes 60,000 hours set aside to augment the County's engineering  
staff on an as-needed basis totaling $15,200,000.00.  
* This contract will support delivery of the Utilities Department's Capital Improvement  
Plan (CIP), comprised of 144 projects. The CIP planned budget is $608,481,000 over  
the next five years.  
* The contract will require the consultant to be responsible for day-to-day management  
of individual projects that comprise the CIP in addition to as-needed task assignments,  
performance monitoring, and mentoring of county staff. The consultant will work with  
county staff collaboratively to communicate a common plan and enable overall CIP  
schedule flow.  
* The consultant will facilitate Program-level decision making and accurate root-cause  
problem identification and corrective actions needed to deliver high quality Capital  
projects, within budget, and on schedule.  
* Funding includes a portion of the $76,209,000 in grants from the American Recovery  
Plan Act (ARPA), Restore Act (BP Oil Spill), Resilient Florida Program, and the  
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.  
* Some services will be provided monthly while others are project specific.  
* Small Business Enterprise commitment as part of this project is 9.4% of the total cost.  
* The consultant will provide project management for the duration of the contract.  
* Funding is available in the ARPA Fund and the Sewer and Water Funds (Operating  
and Maintenance/Renewal and Replacement).  
Contract No. 22-0454-NC in the amount of $23,600,025.00; Authorize the Chairman to  
sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Receipt and file report of civil lawsuits filed against Pinellas County as  
delegated to the County Attorney.  
Accept the receipt and file report of civil lawsuits filed against Pinellas County.  
Sheriff's Office  
Receipt and file report of the Law Enforcement Trust Fund for the quarter  
ending June 30, 2023.  
Accept the receipt and file report on the Law Enforcement Trust Fund from April 1 to  
June 30, 2023.  
Receipt and file report of Sheriff’s Office grants received and service  
contracts for the quarter ending June 30, 2023.  
Accept the receipt and file report of Sheriff's Office grants received and service  
contracts - payments to the Sheriff for April 1 through June 30, 2023.  
Administrative Services  
Increase to the purchase authorization with Services LLC  
for online Marketplace services.  
Approve the increase to the purchase authorization with Services LLC  
(Amazon) for online Marketplace services.  
* This purchase authorization provides oversight and control of the procurement of a  
wide range of commodities including but not limited to; education, IT, maintenance,  
repair and operating items, and office supplies utilizing Amazon's online Marketplace  
services. Pricing, terms, and conditions are per OMNIA Public Sector Contract  
MA3457 through 5/5/2025  
* This request increases the purchase authorization $966,998.00 to provide funding  
through the end of the OMNIA contract term. The increase results in an estimated  
average annual expenditure of $481,749.50 and total not to exceed expenditure of  
$1,926,998.00 through May 5, 2025.  
* This increase includes an annual Amazon Prime for Business membership in the  
amount of $3,499.00 per year allowing the County to control spending with policy that  
guide staff to the right buying choices.  
* The County originally received a free one-year trial of Amazon Prime for Business on  
August 2, 2022. During this trial period, the County has achieved the following savings:  
a.) Shipping savings - $ 6,123.49  
b.) Quantity Discount/Business Price savings - $14,593.93  
* Amazon Prime membership provides the County the ability to track small and diverse  
business spending. Over the past 12 months, the County has spent $131,462.96 with  
registered small and diverse businesses.  
* As part of the membership, the Purchasing and Risk Division is migrating all valid  
County ship-to addresses in so only established County locations can be  
selected via a dropdown menu and the end-user cannot add new ship-to locations,  
creating greater control and enhanced auditing function.  
* On February 19, 2021, the County Administrator approved this purchase authorization  
in the amount of $240,000.00 for a twelve-month term. Current purchases have  
exceeded the County Administrator's delegated authority and this requested increase is  
presented for Board of County Commission consideration.  
* This purchase authorization is not specifically budgeted for in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 or  
FY24, instead the items to be purchased should be budgeted for in the operating  
budgets of requesting departments  
Contract No. 21-0238-PB increase to the purchase authorization in the amount of  
$966,998.00, for a revised not to exceed amount of $1,926,998.00 or an estimated  
annual expenditure of $481,749.50, effective through May 5, 2025.  
Building and Development Review Services  
Ranking of firms and agreements with HR Green, Inc., Joe Payne, Inc.  
d/b/a JPI, and Willdan Engineering for Building and Development Review  
on-call services.  
Approval of the ranking of firms and agreements with HR Green, Inc. (HR Green), Joe  
Payne, Inc. d/b/a JPI (JPI), and Willdan Engineering (Willdan) for on-call services for  
Building and Development Review Services (BDRS) department.  
* This new contract provides on-call professional services to support the Building  
Services Division and Development Review Services operations.  
* BDRS is committed to providing a consistent level of service to our customers; this  
framework will allow us to use these services to mitigate for vacancies and spikes in  
* Rate schedules are attached. Hourly rates are provided by all three contractors. The  
scope of services for fixed unit costs are purposely different among the three  
contractors to provide greater flexibility in the assignment of services.  
* The total contract award in the amount of $1,100,000.00 for a two-year term.  
o HR Green - $300,000.00  
o JPI - $400,000.00  
o Willdan - $400,000.00  
* Three submissions were received, evaluated, and recommended for award by BDRS.  
* Funding is derived from the BDRS operational budget. Funding for this contract is  
partially included in the FY24 Proposed Budget. Approving the contract does not  
obligate the County to spend. That obligation occurs that the time of purchase order,  
which will be monitored and adhered to the approved budget at the time of obligation  
and not before. As well, due to the nature of this work, personnel lapse savings may be  
used to pay for part of the contract.  
* Negotiations resulted in both lower fee costs and enhanced flexibility in the type of  
fixed unit costs provided by the top ranked firm (Willdan) and a similar degree of  
flexibility for the utilization of fixed unit costs for the second ranked firm (HR Green).  
JPI, the third ranked firm, provided lower costs for Building Division services, and  
ranked strongly for these services.  
Contract No. 23-0482-P in the annual amount of $550,000.00 for a two-year total  
contract value of $1,100,000.00; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the  
Circuit Court to attest.  
Economic Development  
Resolution expressing support to participate in a collaborative regional  
consortium seeking grant funding from the U.S. Economic Development  
Administration for a U.S. Economic Development Administration Strategy  
Development grant and designation as a Regional Technology and  
Innovation Hub.  
Adopt a resolution expressing support for a regional consortium with U.S. Economic  
Development Administration (EDA) for a U.S. EDA strategy development grant and  
designation as a regional technology and innovation hub through the Economic  
Development Tech Hub program.  
* This resolution supports Tech Hub Phase 1 Notice of Funding Opportunity applicants  
may pursue a Strategy Development Grant and/or a Tech Hub Designation.  
* A Tech Hub designation is a prerequisite to applying to the Program's Phase 2 Notice  
of Funding Opportunity.  
* If the regional consortium's Phase 1 application is accepted by the EDA, Pinellas  
County will commit to share in the local match amount up to $100,000.00 (County Local  
Match) to be transferred to the University of South Florida as the lead consortium  
member. The notifications for application acceptance are expected to come out in  
October Fiscal Year 2024.  
* If Pinellas County Economic Development's (PCED) application is accepted in  
October, PCED may need a budget amendment to provide the match funding.  
* Efforts to support regional economic development seek to identify new projects or  
initiatives of mutual benefit that are regional in nature, which can be pursued jointly by  
Pinellas County as well as neighboring counties.  
Housing & Community Development  
Resolution endorsing the Advantage Pinellas Housing Action Plan.  
Adopt a resolution endorsing the Advantage Pinellas Housing Action Plan.  
* The Housing Action Plan has been drafted to implement the Advantage Pinellas  
Housing Compact, a commitment by municipal and countywide partners to develop a  
common set of policies and dedicate resources to address affordable housing in  
Pinellas County.  
* The Housing Compact provides for implementation of its goals through the Housing  
Action Plan establishing milestones and timeline for implementation of strategies.  
* The Housing Action Plan has been developed with input from Forward Pinellas and  
other Housing Compact partners.  
Resolution superseding, repealing, and replacing Resolution 22-7, which  
assigned the review of requests to reduce the State distance requirement  
for a Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensing Facility from an  
elementary, middle, or secondary public or private school to the Pinellas  
County Board of Adjustment and Appeals.  
Approval of a resolution superseding, repealing, and replacing Resolution 22-7, which  
assigned the final decision on any request to reduce the State distance requirement for  
a Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensing Facility from an elementary, middle,  
or secondary public or private school to less than 500 feet to the Pinellas County Board  
of Adjustment and Appeals (BAA).  
* Florida Statutes require that local governments hold a formal proceeding open to the  
public to review proposed locations of medical marijuana treatment center dispensing  
facilities that are within 500 feet of the real property that comprises a public or private  
elementary school, middle school, or secondary school.  
* To approve, the local government must determine that the location promotes the  
public health, safety, and general welfare of the community.  
* On January 11, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approved  
Resolution 22-7, which gave the authority to review such proposed locations to the  
* The current resolution would remove that authority from the BAA and assign it to the  
Human Services  
First Option of Renewal and Amendment 2 with Catholic Charities  
Diocese of St. Petersburg, Inc. for the Pinellas Hope Emergency Shelter.  
Approval of the First Option of Renewal and Amendment 2 with Catholic Charities  
Diocese of St. Petersburg, Inc. for the Pinellas Hope Emergency Shelter.  
* This renewal provides funding for Pinellas Hope, an emergency shelter which  
provides safe, temporary housing and support services to individuals and couples (not  
families) as they work toward self-sufficiency. The program provides emergency  
shelter, food, transportation, employment assistance to citizens facing homelessness.  
* This renewal is for a two-year period for an amount not to exceed $525,000.00 per  
year, for a total two-year amount of $1,050,000.00. Funding in an amount not to exceed  
$525,000.00 has been identified in the Human Services anticipated Fiscal Year (FY)  
2024 General Fund appropriation. The annual funding amount includes a 5% increase  
that was added in FY23.  
* This action amends the agreement to include additional requirements for disaster  
* Funding in an amount not to exceed $525,000.00 has been identified in the Human  
Services' anticipated FY24 General Fund appropriation. The annual funding amount  
includes a 5% increase that was added in FY23.  
Parks and Conservation Resources  
Dedication to Public Use and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants  
between the Florida Communities Trust, the City of Dunedin, and Pinellas  
County for the Gladys E. Douglas Preserve acquisition.  
Approval of the Dedication to Public Use and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants  
(DDRC) for the acquisition of the Gladys E. Douglas Preserve (GDP) in Dunedin,  
* Effective March 17, 2022, Pinellas County (County) and the City of Dunedin (City)  
received a grant award in the amount of $2.4M from the Florida Communities Trust  
(FCT) Florida Forever program. The reimbursement amount of $2.4M will be evenly  
divided between the County and the City (Parties).  
* As part of the Project Plan approval, the Parties must execute the DDRC and  
subsequently have it recorded and filed in the official public records of Pinellas County.  
* In May of 2021, the County contributed $3.5M toward the GDP acquisition and  
received reimbursement in the amount of $1.5M from the State of Florida in February  
2023 (Legislative Line Item 1693A). Net County contribution, after FCT reimbursement  
of $1.2M, will be $800K.  
* The County's original contribution of $3.5M was funded by Local Infrastructure Surtax  
(Penny for Pinellas) and included in the Fiscal Year 2021-2026 Capital Improvement  
Program Plan under project 002168A - Environmental Lands Acquisition.  
Public Works  
Amendment No. 2 to the Community Development Block Grant Mitigation  
Program Subrecipient Agreement with the Florida Department of  
Economic Opportunity.  
Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Community Development Block Grant Mitigation  
(CDBG-MIT) Program Subrecipient Agreement with the Florida Department of  
Economic Opportunity (DEO).  
* Agreement provides CDBG-MIT funding in the amount of $992,000.00 to be used for  
a Countywide Flood Mitigation Action Plan.  
* Amendment No. 1, revising procedures for citizen complaints and appeals, was  
approved in September 2022.  
* Amendment No. 2 changes reimbursement methods within Attachment A for  
Deliverables 2 and 3 from "upon completion of the tasks" to "upon completion of a  
minimum of one task."  
* Amendment No. 2 does not change the term or amount of the agreement.  
DEO Agreement No. MT028; Amendment does not change the Agreement amount or  
term; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Declaration of Cooperation of the Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management  
Approval of the Declaration of Cooperation of the Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management  
Consortium (NMC).  
* The NMC proactively manage nitrogen loads entering Tampa Bay to reduce nutrient  
pollution and improve water quality for the benefit of seagrass habitat through its Action  
* Participants of the Consortium declare their intent to cooperate to ensure continuing  
recovery of the Tampa Bay Estuary and abide by the Action Plan by signing a  
Declaration of Cooperation every five years.  
* County funding of $7,500.00 in support of the 2027 Reasonable Assurance Update  
Document, will be derived from the Surface Water Utility Fund and the Sewer Revenue  
and Operating Fund (Utilities). Funding is either budgeted in or can be absorbed within  
the Fiscal Year 2023 Adopted Budget for each department and Fund.  
* Payment is due no later than October 31, 2024.  
Funding in the amount of $7,500.00; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of  
the Circuit Court to attest.  
Grant Agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental  
Protection for the Pinellas County Shore Protection Project at Treasure  
Approval of the Grant Agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental  
Protection (FDEP) for the Pinellas County Shore Protection Project at Treasure Island.  
* The Grant is for the Treasure Island segment of the 2023 County Shore Protection  
Project which will nourish the North and South ends of Treasure Island.  
* FDEP will fund up to $2,525,000.00 for construction and monitoring activities,  
representing fifty (50%) percent of the non-federal cost obligation and additional  
non-federal cost share monitoring.  
* Cost share is $9,005,602.24 Federal* (64%), $2,525,000 FDEP (18%), and  
$2,525,000 (18%) County match.  
o * The Federal cost share is currently in question based on U.S. Army Corps of  
Engineers requirements.  
* 002574A - Treasure Island Nourishment 2022 is a Capital Improvement Program  
(CIP) project budgeted in the FY23-FY28 CIP plan. It is funded by Tourist Development  
Tax and State grant funding through agreement 23PI2.  
FDEP Agreement No. 23PI2; County PID No. 002574A; FDEP award of $2,525,000  
and County match of $2,525,000.00; Agreement term ends December 31, 2025;  
Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Non-Competing Continuation of the Cooperative Grant Agreement with  
the United States Department of Homeland Security for the BioWatch  
Approval of the Non-Competing Continuation of the Cooperative Grant Agreement with  
the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the BioWatch Program.  
* Approval of financial assistance for this action is $145,111.00. Additionally,  
$108,145.00 of unobligated balance from prior budgets is moved to Budget Year 2023 -  
2024. Thus, this action provides an additional $253,256.00 to support the County's  
existing BioWatch program from June 1, 2023, to May 31, 2024.  
* DHS will reimburse the County 100% of project costs. No County match is required.  
This contract is consistent with the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Adopted Budget and FY 2024  
Proposed Budget for the Public Works Department, Environmental Management  
* Recipient's signature is not required on the agreement.  
County Project No. 003906A; DHS Grant No. 060HBIO00014-18-00; in the amount of  
$253,256.00; program period June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024.  
Resolution supporting the honorary designation of Alternate U.S.  
Highway 19/Edgewater Drive/Broadway/Bayshore Boulevard (SR 595),  
from Orange Street to Orangewood Drive, as the Specialist Zachary L.  
Shannon Memorial Highway.  
Adoption of the resolution supporting the honorary designation of Alternate U.S.  
Highway 19/Edgewater Drive/Broadway/Bayshore Boulevard (SR 595), from Orange  
Street to Orangewood Drive, as the Specialist (SPC) Zachary L. Shannon Memorial  
* Legislation was signed by the Governor of Florida on May 30, 2023.  
* On March 11, 2013, Zachary L. Shannon, a Specialist with the United States Army,  
was killed in UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter Crash while in serving in Kandahar,  
* Adoption of the resolution will support the honorary designation of Alternate U.S.  
Highway 19/Edgewater Drive/Broadway/Bayshore Boulevard (SR 595), from Orange  
Street to Orangewood Drive, as the SPC Zachary L. Shannon Memorial Highway to  
recognize his service and dedication to the citizens of the United States.  
* Zachary Shannon was a lifelong Dunedin resident and graduate of Dunedin High  
Safety and Emergency Services  
Agreement with the Pinellas Suncoast Fire & Rescue District to provide  
advanced funding toward the construction of a new Fire Station.  
Approval of the funding agreement between Pinellas County and the Pinellas Suncoast  
Fire & Rescue District (District) toward construction of a new Fire Station 28. Provides  
advanced funding of up to $3,000,000.00 to construct a new fire station that will replace  
the existing facility at 13501 94th Avenue North, Seminole, FL 33776.  
* The District shall be responsible for all aspects of land acquisition, design,  
construction, operations, and future maintenance of its fire station facility. The County  
is solely providing funding support for the project.  
* The actual cost to the County shall not exceed the project cap of $3,000,000.00  
without an amendment to this agreement subject to the approval of the Board of County  
* The funding for this agreement is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Plan, under  
Project 005544A Pinellas Suncoast Fire Station 28 Mainland. The agreement is funded  
by the Penny for Pinellas @ $2,000,000.00 and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) @  
$1,000,000.00. Funding is programmed in Fiscal Year 2023.  
* County Local Option Infrastructure Sales Surtax funds (Penny for Pinellas) and ARPA  
federal grant are being made available to provide funding assistance for the design and  
construction of the new Fire Station.  
* This agreement fulfills the requirement of the settlement agreement between parties  
dated July 2017 as it relates to Station 28 refurbishment or replacement.  
Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
First Amendment to the agreement with Badger Meter, Inc. for  
requirements of Advanced Metering Infrastructure system for water and  
reclaimed water utilities.  
Approval of the First Amendment to the agreement with Badger Meter, Inc. (Badger) for  
requirements of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system for water and  
reclaimed water utilities.  
* The purpose of this contract is to convert from the County's analog meters (manually  
read) that have reached the end of their useful life to an electronic metering network for  
the County's water and reclaimed water utilities services. Additionally, this project will  
integrate existing Automated Meter Reading meters to the new metering network.  
* The First Amendment provides the Utilities Department a mechanism to purchase  
water and reclaimed water meters for new construction, new connections, and to  
replace Badger meters outside of warranty coverage as needed, for operational  
requirements, while maintaining material requirements with the current AMI Meter  
conversion project. This additional funding will be used to install new electronic meters  
on new construction. Historically, analog meters were installed on new construction.  
This is a continuing operational requirement.  
* The First Amendment has an estimated annual expenditure of $597,671.56 and  
increases the contract by $5,379,044.06; for a revised total amount of $68,224,764.79,  
through June 20, 2031.  
* The Board of County Commissioners awarded the initial 10-year AMI contract with  
Badger on June 21, 2022, to be used with CIP funding for the replacement and  
conversion of existing analog water meters to digital meters and to install new  
reclaimed water meters for existing customers that were established before October 1,  
2022. Change Order (CO) No. 1 was approved by the Division Director of Purchasing  
and Risk Management on April 20, 2023, to provide for material substitution for  
reclaimed boxes and lids. CO No.1 had no monetary impact to the contract.  
* The contract was entered into for the completion of the AMI capital project; however,  
this First Amendment is not material to the Capital project because we would be  
purchasing meters for new construction and operational purposes regardless of vendor.  
Given the Badger contract, it makes financial sense to purchase the same meters.  
* Funding is available in the Water Revenue and Operating Fund and the Sewer  
Revenue and Operating Fund, supported by Connection Fees.  
Contract No. 21-0057 P; increase in the amount of $5,379,044.06 for a revised total  
amount of $68,224,764.79 through June 20, 2031; Authorize the Chairman to sign and  
the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Business Technology Services  
Amendment No. 5 increase to the purchase authorization with Carahsoft  
Technology Corporation for the implementation of Accela Civic Platform  
software system for Contractor Licensing.  
Approval of Amendment No.5 to the purchase authorization with Carahsoft Technology  
Corporation (Carahsoft) for the implementation of Accela Civic Platform land  
management software system for Contractor Licensing (PCCLB).  
* Amendment No. 5 provides $272,792.52 for the Construction Licensing Board system  
implementation and integration services to Accela Civic Platform.  
* This project is to retire a legacy (unsupported) Oracle system that provides current  
business functionality to PCCLB.  
* This project also addresses material deficiencies and controls outlined in a 2017 audit  
performed by the Inspector General's office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.  
* The original purchase of the Accela Civic Platform software was to replace Permits  
Plus, which was utilized for approval of land use, building permits, inspections, and  
code enforcement. Business Technology Services (BTS) recommended also that  
PCCLB move to Accela for delivery of its internal and citizen-facing business functions.  
* Amendment No. 5 increases the contract by $272,792.52 (includes 10% contingency)  
for a total contract amount of $6,640,410.86.  
* The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the purchase authorization  
from General Services Administration contract GS-35F-0315X for the technology  
upgrade of Accela's Civic Platform software on April 27, 2017.  
* The $272,792.52 increase is consistent with the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget within the  
Strategic Projects cost center in the BTS Fund. This increase will be charged back to  
the Construction Licensing Board Fund through the BTS cost allocation plan in future  
Contract No. 167-0244-G; increase in the amount of $272,792.52; for a revised total  
contract amount of $6,640,410.86; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the  
Circuit Court to attest.  
First Amendment to the Agreement with AssetWorks Inc for upgrade  
implementation, and maintenance services for the County’s fleet  
management, fuel dispensing and accounting system.  
Approval of the First Amendment to the Agreement with AssetWorks LLC for upgrade  
implementation, and maintenance services pertaining to a new fleet management, fuel  
dispensing and accounting system.  
* This contract provides for the implementation and support services pertaining to the  
upgrade of the County's integrated fleet management and fuel management systems.  
* The First Amendment provides for corporate name change from AssetWorks LLC to  
AssetWorks Inc. and upgrades the County's legacy AssetWorks products for asset  
management (M4), fuel management (FuelFocus) to the latest version of the  
AssetWorks product suite including software licensing, maintenance, and support  
services for a period of five years and increases the total contract value to  
* The current version used by Fleet Management is end of life, is over 23 years old and  
no longer supported by AssetWorks. This software upgrade transitions the software to  
the cloud (SaaS) and will retire legacy hardware and software licensing services  
currently on-prem.  
* This software will enable Fleet Management Operations to be competitive with  
governmental and non-governmental fleet operations by providing state of the art  
software which will enable greatly enhanced and efficient fleet billing, provide an  
electronic interface with Fleet Management's privatized parts solution through NAPA  
and provide the necessary metrics to compare the efficiency and effectiveness of  
County Fleet Operations pre and post the implementation.  
* This software solution was a central and critical recommendation by a third-party firm  
(Raftelis) reviewing fleet operations two years ago and the Inspector General "Audit of  
Fleet Management Billing Processes" issued 5/22/2023.  
* This contract was competitively solicited and awarded by the Board of County  
Commissioners on April 9, 2019, in the amount of $729,195.86 for a five-year term.  
* Current requested funding is consistent with the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request via  
the Business Technology Services (BTS) Board of County Commissioners Strategic  
Projects and Application Services centers within the BTS Fund.  
Contract no. 167-0378-P (JJ); in the amount of $1,005,924.16 for a revised total  
amount of $1,735,120.02; effective for a term of five years; Authorize the Chairman to  
sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Third Amendment to the Agreement with Bourntec Solutions, Inc. for  
additional services pertaining to the continued effort to upgrade the  
County’s Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning system.  
Approval of the Third Amendment with Bourntec Solutions, Inc. (Bourntec) to provide  
additional services to assist in the upgrade of the County's Oracle Enterprise Resource  
Planning (ERP) system (OPUS).  
* This purchase authorization with Bourntec Solutions, Inc. provides services for phase  
3 of 3 of the County's ERP Modernization Project.  
* This contract is the last phase of the Oracle modernization project and will address  
the remaining business and technical requirements outlined in the statement of work  
which have been defined by the County's Oracle stakeholders and governance (Oracle  
Business Applications Executive Committee).  
* This Third Amendment increases the contract $1,900,000.00 for a revised total  
contract value of $4,904,400.60.  
* Pricing, terms, and conditions are per General Services Administration contract No.  
* This item is budgeted, and funding is derived from a Business Technology Services  
Fiscal Year 2023 decision package that was approved by the Board of County  
Contract No. 190-0719-G increase in the amount of $1,900,000.00 resulting in a  
revised not to exceed expenditure of $4,904,400.60 for a term of six months.  
Housing Finance Authority  
Resolution approving the issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue  
Bonds by the Housing Finance Authority of Pinellas County to finance a  
multifamily residential rental housing project Lealman Heights.  
Adopt a resolution allowing the Housing Finance Authority (HFA) to issue Multifamily  
Housing Revenue Bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $19.0M for the benefit of  
SP Pinellas II, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, or its affiliate, duly organized  
and existing under the laws of the State of Florida.  
* This conduit financing transaction proceeds will be loaned to SP Pinellas II, LLC (the  
borrower/developer) to help finance the construction of an 86-unit multifamily rental  
housing facility for persons or families earning 60.0% or less of the Area Median  
Income to be known as Lealman Heights.  
* This project is located within the unincorporated area of Pinellas County on four  
contiguous sites near the intersection of 40th Street North and 57th Avenue North,  
Pinellas County, Florida 33714.  
* The land for the development was acquired using Penny for Pinellas Land Acquisition  
funds. The land is in a land trust administered by the HFA as Trustee on behalf of the  
County as Beneficial Owner.  
* The developer will be solely responsible for payment of the bond debt.  
* The HFA is a dependent special district of the County. Conduit financings pledge  
neither the district nor the County's credit and neither are responsible for payment of  
the debt except from funds received from the borrower (in this case the developer).  
* This item has no fiscal impact on Pinellas County.  
Resolution approving the issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue  
Bonds by the Housing Finance Authority of Pinellas County to finance a  
multifamily residential rental housing project Skyway Lofts II.  
Adopt a resolution allowing the Housing Finance Authority (HFA) to issue Multifamily  
Housing Revenue Bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $12.5M for the benefit of  
Blue Pinellas 2, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, or its affiliate, duly organized  
and existing under the laws of the State of Florida.  
* This conduit financing transaction proceeds will be loaned to Blue Pinellas 2, LLC (the  
borrower/developer) to help finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of a  
66-unit multifamily rental housing facility for persons or families earning 60.0% or less  
of Area Median Income to be known as Skyway Lofts II.  
* This project is located within the City of St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, at 3800 34th  
Street South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33711.  
* The land for the development will be acquired using Penny for Pinellas Land  
Acquisition funds. The land will be placed into a land trust administered by the HFA as  
Trustee on behalf of the County as Beneficial Owner.  
* The developer will be solely responsible for payment of the bond debt.  
* The HFA is a dependent special district of the County. Conduit financings pledge  
neither the district nor the County's credit and neither are responsible for payment of  
the debt except from funds received from the borrower (in this case the developer).  
* This item has no fiscal impact on Pinellas County.  
Human Resources  
Rescind award of agreement with Sign-In Solutions, Inc. for staff  
augmentation services.  
Approval of the rescind of award with Sign-In Solutions, Inc. (Sign-In) for annual  
requirements of staff augmentation services.  
* This contract provides temporary staffing services awarded to four local and national  
firms for use by the Unified Personnel System to augment the County's workforce with  
contracted labor.  
* The Board of County Commissioners awarded this contract on March 28, 2023.  
* Sign-In was unresponsive and unable to provide insurance requirements as specified  
in the contract documents.  
* Staff recommends rescind of award to Sign-In for temporary services. The three other  
awarded firms have been deemed adequate to provide services.  
* This rescind of award reduces the total contract value by $3,000,000.00, for a revised  
total not to exceed amount of $15,000,000.00. In the event additional funds are needed  
in the future, these funds may be re-added to the other vendor agreements.  
Contract No. 22-0591-P reduction in the amount of $3,000,000.00 for revised five-year  
total not to exceed amount of $15,000,000.00; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the  
Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Proposed initiation of litigation in the case of Pinellas County v.  
Wilmington Trust N.A. Successor Trustee to Citibank N.A. as Trustee for  
the Benefit of Registered Holders of Structured Asset Mortgage  
Investments II Trust 2007-AR1. Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates,  
Series 2007-AR1 - action for foreclosure of Special Magistrate lien.  
Approval and authorization for the County Attorney to initiate litigation in the case of  
Pinellas County v. Wilmington Trust N.A. Successor Trustee to Citibank N.A. as  
Trustee for the Benefit of Registered Holders of Structured Asset Mortgage  
Investments II Trust 2007-AR1. Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-AR1  
("Wilmington Trust, N.A.").  
Proposed initiation of litigation in the following cases involving actions for  
recovery of damages: Pinellas County Emergency Medical Services  
Authority d/b/a Sunstar Paramedics v. 9035 Bryan Dairy Road Operations  
LLC d/b/a Bardmoor Oaks Healthcare and Rehabilitation; 3825  
Countryside Boulevard Operations LLC d/b/a Countryside Rehab and  
Healthcare Center; 1820 Shore Drive Operations LLC d/b/a The Health  
and Rehabilitation Centre at Dolphins View; 1061 Virginia Street  
Operations LLC d/b/a Lakeside Oaks Care Center; Safety Harbor Facility  
Operations, LLC d/b/a Living Center of Safety Harbor; St. Petersburg  
Facility Operations, LLC d/b/a Living Center of St. Petersburg.  
Approval and authorization for the County Attorney to initiate litigation against the  
parties identified above and other similarly situated parties as may be discovered.  
County Attorney Reports.  
County Administrator Reports:  
- Proposed FY24 Budget  
Appointment of a BIG-C nominee to the Tourist Development Council  
(Board of County Commissioners as a whole).  
Approve one nominee from the BIG-C as the BIG-C representative appointee to the  
Tourist Development Council for a term of four years beginning upon their appointment  
by the Board of County Commissioners on July 18, 2023.  
* Names of nominees can be found on the Worksheet/Ballot.  
* Worksheet/Ballot will be provided by the Clerk.  
Appointments/Reappointments to the Parks and Conservation Resources  
Advisory Board (Board of County Commissioners as a whole).  
Approve two appointments to the Parks and Conservation Resources Advisory Board  
for a full term.  
* Approve two environmental science/policy appointments for one term.  
* Names can be viewed on the attached list.  
* Ballot/worksheet is provided; however, the Clerk may request a verbal vote.  
Appointments to the Pinellas County Charter Review Commission (Board  
of County Commissioners as a whole).  
Approve appointments to the Pinellas County Charter Review Commission in the  
following categories:  
* Appoint one County Commissioner  
o Commissioner Dave Eggers  
o Commissioner Rene Flowers  
* Appoint one Constitutional Officer  
o Mike Twitty, Pinellas County Property Appraiser  
* Appoint one member of the Pinellas Legislative Delegation  
o Nick DiCeglie, State Senator  
* Appoint one Municipal Elected Official  
o Ann-Marie Brooks, City of Madeira Beach, Commissioner  
* Appoint the nominations from the seven Commissioners  
o Mark Strickland - Commissioner Long  
o Ashley Overend - Commissioner Scott  
o Tom Steck - Commissioner Justice  
o Robert Posavec - Commissioner Eggers  
o Brian Aungst, Jr. - Commissioner Latvala  
o Richard Butler - Commissioner Peters  
o Terri Lipsey Scott - Commissioner Flowers  
* Appoint two members of the public at-large.  
* The Clerk has ballots.  
Appointments to the Pinellas County Housing Finance Authority (Board of  
Commissioners as a whole).  
Approve two appointments to the Pinellas County Housing Finance Authority. One  
vacancy will be to complete a term that expires on January 31, 2026 and the other will  
complete a vacancy that expires on August 25, 2024.  
* Approve two appointments to the Housing Finance Authority.  
* Names can be viewed on the attached list.  
* Ballot/worksheet is provided; however, the Clerk may request a verbal vote.  
Reappointments to WorkNet Pinellas d/b/a CareerSource Pinellas Board  
of Directors (Board of County Commissioners as a whole).  
Approval of 12 reappointments to WorkNet Pinellas d/b/a CareerSource Pinellas Board  
of Directors for two-year terms expiring June 30, 2025.  
* The names of the reappointments can be viewed on the attached list.  
* The local board must include representatives from four categories: Business,  
Workforce, Education and Training, Government, Economic and Community  
Development, Other.  
County Commission New Business:  
Pertinent and timely Committee/Board updates, policy considerations,  
administrative/procedural considerations, and other new business:  
- Replacement on the FAC Board of Directors  
- Bridge Illumination Resolution  
6:00 PM  
Case No. ZON-23-02 (Pinellas County/St. Pete-Clearwater International  
Airport) (second public hearing)  
A request for a zoning change from Employment-1 (E-1) to Pinellas  
County Airport (P.C. Airport) on approximately 18.5 acres located at  
13690 Stoneybrook Drive in unincorporated Largo. (Quasi-Judicial)  
Based upon the evidence and findings contained in the staff report and attachments,  
Case No. ZON-23-02 is recommended for approval:  
A resolution approving the application of Pinellas County/St. Pete-Clearwater  
International Airport for a change in zoning from E-1 to P.C. Airport.  
* The applicant is seeking a zoning change on an 18.5-acre portion of the 126.9-acre  
former Airco property that is adjacent to the east of the airport runways.  
* The construction of a new airport taxiway to provide access to future aviation uses is  
* The requested P.C. Airport zoning is consistent with the Pinellas County  
Comprehensive Plan and the Airport Master Plan.  
* The amendment area is surrounded by County-owned land that is designated with  
transportation, employment, and commercial land use categories.  
* The applicant is also seeking a land use change under a separate case number,  
which is currently going through the Countywide map amendment process.  
* The Local Planning Agency (LPA) recommended approval of the request (vote 7-0).  
Two persons appeared in opposition at the LPA and two letters in opposition have been  
received. Noise impacts were a primary concern. Airport staff indicated that any  
increase in noise would be negligible.  
* This is the second of two required public hearings by the Board of County  
Commissioner on this case. The first hearing occurred on June 13, 2023.  
Case No. FLU-23-01 (La Mirage Beauty Salon, Inc.)  
A request for a land use change from Residential/Office General to  
Employment on approximately 3.3 acres located at 3720 and 3730  
Tampa Road in Palm Harbor. (Companion to Item No. 63)  
Based upon the evidence and findings contained in the staff report and attachments,  
Case No. FLU-23-01 is recommended for denial:  
An ordinance approving the application of La Mirage Beauty Salon, Inc. for a change in  
land use from Residential/Office General (R/OG) to Employment (E).  
* The applicant is seeking a land use amendment on the 3.3-acre upland portion of the  
properties located at 3720 and 3730 Tampa Road in Palm Harbor.  
* This land use proposal (coupled with the companion zoning change proposal) would  
allow for larger buildings and a wider range of allowable nonresidential uses.  
* The subject property is surrounded by environmentally sensitive areas and residential  
uses and is located along a designated Scenic/Non-Commercial Corridor.  
* The applicant is also seeking a zoning change with an existing development  
agreement modification under a separate case number.  
* The Local Planning Agency (LPA) recommended denial of the request based on  
staff's recommendation and the evidence presented in the LPA report (vote 6-1). No  
reason was given for the dissenting vote. No one from the public appeared in support or  
opposition and no public correspondence has been received.  
Case No. ZON-23-01 (La Mirage Beauty Salon, Inc.)  
A request for a zoning change from GO, General Office to E-2,  
Employment-2, with a Development Agreement allowing up to 23,314  
square feet of building area for the uses permitted in the E-2 zone, except  
those specifically prohibited by the Development Agreement, at a building  
height as allowed by the E-2 zone and terminating a 2014 deed  
restriction that limits building area to 14,690 square feet, on  
approximately 3.3 acres located at 3720 and 3730 Tampa Road in Palm  
Harbor.(Quasi-Judicial) (Companion to Item No. 62)  
Based upon the evidence and findings contained in the staff report and attachments,  
Case No. ZON-23-01 is recommended for denial:  
A resolution approving the application of La Mirage Beauty Salon, Inc for a change in  
zoning from General Office (GO) to Employment-2 (E-2) with a Development  
Agreement allowing up to 23,314 square feet of building area for the uses permitted in  
the E-2 zone, except those specifically prohibited by the Development Agreement, at a  
building height as allowed by the E-2 zone and terminating a 2014 deed restriction that  
limits building area to 14,690 square feet.  
* The applicant is seeking a zoning change with a development agreement on the  
3.3-acre upland portion of the properties located at 3720 and 3730 Tampa Road in  
Palm Harbor.  
* The proposal would allow for larger buildings and a wider range of allowable  
nonresidential uses.  
* The subject property is surrounded by environmentally sensitive areas and residential  
uses and is located along a designated Scenic/Non-Commercial Corridor.  
* The applicant is also seeking a land use change under a separate case number.  
* The Local Planning Agency (LPA) recommended denial of the request based on  
staff's recommendation and the evidence presented in the LPA report (vote 6-1). No  
reason was given for the dissenting vote. No one from the public appeared in support or  
opposition and no public correspondence has been received.  
Case No. CP-23-01 (Pinellas County/Housing and Community  
Development Department) (first public hearing)  
A request to amend the Pinellas County Comprehensive Plan Future  
Land Use Map (FLUM) Category Descriptions Rules, Part 1 - FLUM  
Category Descriptions to add the Mixed Use  
Corridor-Supporting-Neighborhood Park (MUC-SU-NP), Mixed Use  
Corridor-Supporting-Local Trade MUC-SU-LT, and Mixed Use  
Corridor-Primary-Commerce (MUC-P-C), FLUM Designations to facilitate  
implementation of the Lealman Form Based Code (L-FBC); and  
amending the unincorporated Pinellas County FLUM Legend.  
(Companion to Item No. 65)  
The first of two public hearings for Case Number CP-23-01 (Ordinance). Based upon  
evidence and findings contained in the staff report and attachments, this case is  
recommended for transmittal to the State Department of Economic Opportunity for  
agency review prior to a second (adoption) hearing before the Board of County  
Commissioners (Board).  
This proposed ordinance will enact the following changes:  
* Establish three new Mixed-Use Corridor (MUC) land use designations under the MUC  
* Add the three new MUC land use designations to the unincorporated Pinellas County  
FLUM Legend.  
* Facilitate adoption of the associated Future Land Use Map (FLU) amendment  
application (FLU-23-04) and the companion L-FBC and Zoning Atlas amendment  
applications (LDR-23-01 and ZON-23-05) within the Lealman Community  
Redevelopment Area.  
* The proposed L-FBC (LDR-23-01) is a result of significant study and analysis along  
with community input and consultation with the Lealman Citizen Advisory Committee  
* The Lealman CAC recommends approval.  
The three companion applications (FLU-23-04, LDR-23-01 and ZON-23-05) require  
approval of this application in order to be adopted and effectuated. The latter two  
applications (LDR-23-01 and ZON-23-05) will be heard by the Board at a future meeting  
Case No. FLU-23-04 (Pinellas County/Housing and Community  
Development Department) (first public hearing)  
A request for a land use change on approximately 168.63 acres from  
Commercial General (CG), Employment (E), Residential Urban (RU),  
Residential Medium (RM), Residential/Office Limited (R/OL),  
Residential/Office General (R/OG), Institutional (I), and  
Transportation/Utility (T/U), to Mixed Use  
Corridor-Supporting-Neighborhood Park (MUC-SU-NP) (approximately  
36.5 acres); from CG, Residential Low (RL), RU, Residential Low Medium  
(RLM), RM, R/OG, to Mixed Use Corridor-Supporting-Local Trade  
(MUC-SU-LT), (approximately 38.71 acres); and from CG, E, RL, RU,  
RLM, RM, R/OG, to Mixed Use Corridor-Primary-Commerce (MUC-P-C)  
(approximately 93.42 acres); comprising various parcels within the  
Lealman Community Redevelopment Area. (Companion to Item No. 64)  
The first of two public hearings for Case Number FLU-23-04. Based upon evidence and  
findings contained in the staff report and attachments, this case is recommended for  
transmittal to the State Department of Economic Opportunity for agency review prior to  
a second (adoption) hearing before the Board of County Commissioners (Board).  
An ordinance approving the application of Pinellas County/Housing and Community  
Development Department for a change in land use on approximately 168.63 acres  
comprising various parcels within the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) as  
described above.  
* This case is one of four cases related to adopting the L-FBC within certain areas of  
the Lealman CRA: CP-23-01, FLU-23-04, LDR-23-01, and ZON-23-05.  
* The applicant is seeking land use changes on approximately 168.63 acres comprising  
various parcels within the CRA and utilizing three new land use designations proposed  
to be established per companion application Case No. CP-23-01 amending the  
Comprehensive Plan.  
* The proposed land use changes would include three new Mixed-Use Corridor (MUC)  
designations: MUC-SU-NP; MUC-SU-LT; and MUC-P-C, (as established per Case No.  
* The proposed land use changes are necessary to adopt and implement the Lealman  
Form Based Code (L-FBC), companion application Case No. LDR-23-01 to be heard by  
the Board at a future date.  
* The proposed land use changes are consistent with the adopted Lealman CRA Plan.  
* The proposed L-FBC (LDR-23-01) is a result of significant study and analysis along  
with community input and consultation with the Lealman Citizen Advisory Committee  
* The Lealman CAC recommends approval.  
* Three letters of concern and requests for additional information were received (No  
letters in opposition were received.) Thirteen phone calls were returned: primarily,  
requests for additional information and concerns for nearby residential neighborhoods.  
No direct opposition was expressed. All correspondence reviewed pertained to this  
application, Case No. FLU-23-04, and corresponding Case No. ZON-23-05, the latter of  
which is to be heard by the Board at a later date.  
Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan and  
authorizing actions related to the administration and operation of the  
Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships,  
and Emergency Solutions Grant programs.  
Hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024  
Annual Action Plan for community planning and development and authorize submittal to  
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  
* The FY24 Annual Action Plan contains the application for the Consortium's HOME  
Investment Partnerships (HOME) and the County's Community Development Block  
Grant (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds.  
* The FY24 Annual Action Plan identifies the projects and activities the County will  
undertake in FY24 to address the housing and community development needs  
identified in the Fiscal Years 2020-2024 five-year consolidated plan.  
* The County will receive $2,475,188.00 in CDBG, $1,408,919.00 in HOME and  
$214,487.00 in ESG funding and estimates receiving $45,000.00 in CDBG and  
$875,000.00 in HOME program income in FY24.  
* FY24 funding will be used for target area, public facility, public infrastructure, public  
service, homeless, homelessness prevention, affordable housing and planning and  
administration activities.  
* Two public hearings were conducted to obtain input from participating cities,  
partnering agencies, community organizations and the public on community needs.  
* This request is consistent with the FY24 Proposed Budget for Housing and  
Community Development Department within Community Development Grant Fund. The  
revenues and expenses associated with this Annual Action Plan are included in the  
Preliminary FY24 Budget. Expenses are managed within the available grant funding as  
the year progresses.  
Authorize the Chairman, or designee, to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest  
applications, certifications, and HUD Grant Agreements, Specific Performance  
Agreements and Land Use Restriction Agreements, including Amendments; Authorize  
the County Administrator, or designee, to execute Housing Program Security  
Instruments, Agency Agreements, and Land Use Restriction Agreements, including  
Amendments; Authorize the Housing and Community Development Department  
Director to serve as certifying officer for HUD environmental responsibilities, to sign and  
file necessary forms, reports, and other administrative documents related to  
administration of the Action Plan, and to hold a public hearing on needs and  
performance in the first quarter of 2024 on behalf of the Board of County  
Resolution amending the Clearwater Downtown Redevelopment Plan to  
allow for changes granting the Community Development Coordinator  
authority to approve allocations from the Public Amenities Incentive Pool  
and modify and expand the list of eligible amenities.  
Approval of the resolution amending the Clearwater Downtown Redevelopment (CRA)  
Plan granting the following:  
* Community Development Coordinator authority to approve allocations from the Public  
Amenities Incentive Pool. This change streamlines the approval process for approving  
allocations from the incentive pool.  
* Modifies and expands the list of eligible amenities in the incentive pool to improve  
desired community outcomes consistent with plan goals and policies.  
* The Clearwater Downtown Redevelopment Plan acts as both the City's CRA Plan and  
land use plan for the Downtown Clearwater area. As a result, any amendment to the  
land use plan must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. This  
resolution amends land use provisions only and does not affect the provisions of the  
CRA Plan related to area, sunset date, tax increment contribution rates, or projects to  
be funded. Because of this, the County's adopted CRA Policy does not apply.  
Amend Chapter 42- Consumer Protection, Article XIV, Property Assessed  
Clean Energy Program ordinance.  
Approve proposed changes to the Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE)  
* The Pinellas County PACE Program is codified in Chapter 42, Article XIV.  
* Section 42-44 Definitions - Redefine PACE Contractor - "PACE contractor shall mean  
a contractor hired by a property owner or general contractor to construct a qualifying  
improvement which is funded wholly, or in part, under a PACE financing agreement as  
well as contractors authorized by the PACE local government or PACE administrator to  
sell, construct or install qualifying improvements funded through the PACE program."  
* Property means a nonresidential property, including multifamily residential properties  
having five or more dwelling units, located within the jurisdictional boundaries of  
Pinellas County excepting any municipality that has opted out of the Pinellas County  
PACE Program.  
* Section 42-441. Finding of fact - Eliminate - (h) "It is within the best interests of the  
citizens of Pinellas County to have uniform consumer protection regulations that apply  
to all PACE local governments and PACE administrators who implement and manage  
PACE programs in Pinellas County excepting any municipality that has opted out of the  
Pinellas County PACE Program."  
* Section 42-446. PACE program standards. Eliminate - "(7) Notice to property owner.  
c. The three days right to cancel the PACE financing.  
* These proposed changes will have no fiscal impact on Pinellas County.  
Ordinance amending the Pinellas County Code, Chapter 2, Section 441 -  
Pinellas County Economic Development Council, repealing ordinance  
establishing Pinellas County Economic Development Council.  
Ordinance of the Pinellas County Code, amending Chapter 2, Section 441 - Pinellas  
County Economic Development Council (PCEDC), repealing ordinance establishing  
Pinellas County Economic Development Council.  
* Repealing this ordinance will remedy the administrative burden of electing and  
maintaining a board comprised of one hundred members.  
* Repealing this ordinance in the best interest of Pinellas County to dissolve the current  
PCEDC and instead establish a more viable committee through other means.  
* The new committee's purpose would be a fact-finding committee that would provide  
insight/industry perspective; however, they would not have any approval power over  
* The new committee will benefit the growth and economic development of Pinellas  
County and it is important that there is a continued method for receiving such valuable  
Ordinance updates to Chapter 90 of the Pinellas County Code relating to  
the operation and management of parks and environmental lands.  
Conduct a public hearing and adopt ordinance updates on the augmentation and  
clarification of Pinellas County Code relating to the operation and management of parks  
and environmental lands.  
* Update Section 90-1 relating to the length of terms for Parks and Conservation  
Resources Advisory Board members, extending terms of appointment from one year to  
two years.  
* Approve definition updates and new definitions in Chapter 90.  
* Approve ordinance updates on the augmentation and clarification of code Section  
90-7 to include prohibition of smoking and vaping within the sandy or rocky area along  
the shoreline located waterward or seaward of and including the vegetation line and/or  
the dune environment that is owned by the County; and prohibit smoking and vaping  
within environmental lands (preserves and management areas), Florida Botanical  
Gardens, and Heritage Village.  
* This item is not expected to have a fiscal impact on Pinellas County.  
* These ordinance updates were reviewed with the Board of County Commissioners on  
February 23, 2023.  
Special Accommodations  
Persons with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations to effectively participate in this meeting are  
asked to contact Pinellas County’s Office of Human Rights by e -mailing such requests to at least three (3) business days in advance of the need for reasonable  
accommodation. You may also call (727) 464-4882.  
Public Participation Procedures  
Persons wishing to comment regarding a specific agenda item should do so:  
In person - by preregistering at or by filling out a comment card with the County  
staff person in the meeting room; or,  
Virtually - in advance in accordance with the instructions in the notice of this meeting, or on the virtual platform  
or phone after preregistering.  
Members of the public wishing to make comments on the virtual platform or by phone must preregister by 5  
p.m. the day before the meeting. At the scheduled section of the meeting when the item is before the Board of  
County Commissioners (Board), the Chairman or Clerk will call on each individual, one by one, to be heard.  
Each individual may speak for up to three minutes as may be modified by the Chairman. Comments or  
behavior that violate Pinellas County Commission Public Participation and Decorum Rules will be  
disconnected. Members of the public who cannot attend at the time an agenda item is before the Board may  
offer comments during the Citizens to Be Heard section near the beginning of the meeting. More information is  
available at or by calling (727) 464-4400.  
Public Hearing Procedures  
The procedure used by the Board in conducting Public Hearings is to have a staff presentation followed by the  
applicant presenting the specific proposal. The Board will then hear comments from the proponents, the  
opponents and a staff summary. The applicant will then be given an opportunity to close and the Board will  
decide on the matter. Public Hearings before the Board are governed by the provisions of Section 134 -14 of  
the Pinellas County Land Development Code as may be modified by Pinellas County Emergency Order. That  
code provides that at the conclusion of each person’s presentation, any speaker may seek the Chairman’s  
permission to ask questions of staff.  
1. At the conclusion of the presentations by the applicant and any proponents, all affected parties may  
seek the Chairman’s permission to ask questions of or seek clarification from the applicant and/or the  
2. At the conclusion of the presentation by the opponents, all affected parties may seek the Chairman’s  
permission to ask questions of or seek clarification from any opponent.  
The applicant’s closing comments will address testimony subsequent to his or her presentation. Continuing  
rebuttal of other than directly preceding testimony will not be allowed. Because much testimony has already  
been submitted in writing, the following guidelines accommodate efficient presentations:  
1. The applicant should present his or her entire case, including rebuttal, in no more than 20 minutes.  
2. Persons wishing to speak regarding a Public Hearing item may speak for up to three minutes each.  
3. Persons wishing to attend virtually must preregister at by 5 p. m. the day  
before the meeting.  
Persons are advised that, if they decided to appeal any decision made at this meeting/hearing, they will need  
a record of the proceeding, and, for such purposes, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the  
proceeding is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.  
If a Board meeting beginning at 9:30 A.M. has not concluded by noon, a recess will be taken from noon to  
12:30 P.M., and the remainder of the meeting will continue at 12:30 P.M.  
If a Board meeting beginning at 2:00 P.M. has not concluded by 5:30 P.M., a recess will be taken from 5:30 to  
6:00 P.M. The remainder of the afternoon agenda will resume at 6:00 P.M., followed by Public Hearings.