Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners  
333 Chestnut Street, Palm Room  
Clearwater, FL 33756  
Hybrid In-Person and Virtual Regular Meeting Agenda  
Thursday, September 7, 2023  
2:00 P.M.  
Public Hearings at 6:00 P.M.  
Janet C. Long, Chair  
Kathleen Peters, Vice-Chair  
Dave Eggers  
Rene Flowers  
Charlie Justice  
Chris Latvala  
Brian Scott  
Barry A. Burton, County Administrator  
Jewel White, County Attorney  
Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller  
INVOCATION by Chaplain Milton Smith, Palm Harbor Fire Rescue.  
Partner Presentation:  
- Charles Carden, General Manager, Tampa Bay Water  
2. Citizens To Be Heard - Public Comment.  
CONSENT AGENDA - Items 3 through 10  
Minutes of the regular meetings held July 18 and August 1, 2023.  
Vouchers and bills paid from July 23 through August 12, 2023.  
Reports received for filing:  
Dock Fee Report for the month of July 2023.  
Division of Inspector General, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller,  
Report No. 2023-17 dated July 31, 2023 - Audit of Emergency Rental  
Assistance Program.  
Division of Inspector General, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller,  
Report No. 2023-18 dated August 4, 2023 - Investigative Review of the  
Municipal Recycling Reimbursement Grant Program involving the City of  
Division of Inspector General, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller,  
Report No. 2023-19 dated August 7, 2023 - Review of 2007 Grand Jury  
Presentment Recommendations.  
Division of Inspector General, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller,  
Report No. 2023-20 dated August 10, 2023 - Inspector General’s  
Observation of the Communications Department’s Annual Physical  
Inventory of Fixed Assets.  
Development Review Services  
Plat of Wilds; a private residential subdivision.  
Approval of the plat for Wilds located in Section 35, Township 27 South,  
Range 16 east, and acceptance of the sidewalk and street sign  
guarantees for recording.  
The private subdivision is located east of Hawks Landing  
Wilds Land Company, LLC is submitting this plat as a  
requirement for site plan number 4595.11.  
The site is being subdivided into 17-single family lots and six  
tracts. The site is designed to be a private subdivision and the six  
tracts will be dedicated to the homeowner’s association.  
Sidewalks and street signs are a requirement of this subdivision.  
Wet signature required on mylars, and street sign and sidewalk  
guarantee to be recorded separately.  
Administrative Services  
Agreement with Trane US Inc. for Central Energy Plant maintenance  
and services.  
Approval of the agreement with Trane US Inc. for Central Energy Plant  
(CEP) maintenance and services  
This contract provides operational and maintenance support for  
the CEP to provide chilled water and air conditioning to buildings  
in the downtown Clearwater area.  
The new agreement is a 36-month term for $760,244.00 with an  
annual fee, labor, and overtime rates for emergency services  
including $100,000.00 for emergency services/repairs. The  
agreement has services removed: landscaping, lighting, janitorial  
services, plumbing, water treatment, electrical coverage, and fire  
alarm/protection. These services are being provided by County  
contractors resulting in a 7% reduction as compared to pricing  
from Trane US Inc.  
This agreement replaces the prior contract with the same vendor  
awarded for a 60-month term for $2,359,945.42.  
Funding for this contract is included in the FY 2023 Amended  
Budget and the FY24 Proposed Budget. Funding is from the  
Operating Budget of the Department of Administrative Services  
which is funded in the General Fund.  
Contract No. 23-0573-N, in the total not-to-exceed of $760,244.00 with  
an estimated annual expenditure of $253,414.66 for a thirty-six-month  
term; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court  
to attest.  
Convention and Visitors Bureau  
Revisions to the Capital Projects Funding Program Guidelines from the  
Tourist Development Council.  
Approval of the Tourist Development Council’s (TDC) recommended  
revisions to the Capital Project Funding Program Guidelines  
Capital Project Funding Program (CPFP) provides a significant  
economic benefit to the County through increased tourist room  
nights and attendance.  
Current Guidelines were approved by the Board of County  
Commissioners on August 7, 2018.  
Substantive revisions include:  
1.) Added requirement to project or maintain minimum room night  
and attendance thresholds.  
2.) Eliminated TDC Capital Projects Funding Committee and  
replaced with staff evaluating and scoring CPFP applications.  
3.) Revised the rating criteria to include contribution of the project  
to County’s strategic plan and the projected minimum room  
night and attendance growth rate.  
4.) Revised the point system associated with the rating criteria  
from a maximum of 1,000 points to a maximum of 100 points.  
Recommended revisions were unanimously approved by the  
TDC on March 29, 2023.  
Revising the guidelines has no fiscal impact on Pinellas County.  
Funding to support the Capital Project Funding Program is  
provided through the Tourist Development Tax Fund.  
County Administrator  
Palm Harbor Historical Society Fiscal Year 2023 Municipal Services  
Taxing Unit special projects funding request.  
Approval of the Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) funding request,  
in the amount not to exceed $20,000.00, for the Palm Harbor Historical  
Society (PHHS) to install an historically appropriate front entry door and  
design of entry features at the Palm Harbor Museum.  
Additionally, delegate the approval and execution to the County  
Administrator of the PHHS 2023 MSTU Funding Agreement, which will  
allow for a grant amount not to exceed $20,000.00 to be advanced to  
the PHHS for the installation of historically appropriate front door and  
design of entry features at the Palm Harbor Museum.  
The Palm Harbor Museum is an architecturally significant  
structure built in 1915 by Judge Thomas W. Hartley and is listed  
as an historic landmark by the Pinellas County Historic  
Preservation Board.  
Two wooden porches that existed when the house was first built  
in 1915 had become dilapidated and were removed in the 1950s.  
As a result, the front entry to the Museum has no protection or  
covering and is directly exposed to the elements (see photo  
included in attachments to the file).  
Modifications to the “Judge Hartley House” require the  
professional services of a registered architect experienced in  
historic preservation so that a Certificate of Appropriateness can  
be issued.  
The architect will provide construction documents and design a  
historically appropriate and hurricane rated canopy/roof feature  
that will provide protection from further weather damage.  
The project funding request is in the amount not to exceed  
$20,000.00 for design, construction documents and replacement  
of door. Construction for the canopy/roof feature will be  
accomplished in a future phase.  
Palm Harbor Merchants Association Fiscal Year 2023 Municipal  
Services Taxing Unit special projects funding request.  
Approval of the Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) funding request,  
in the amount of $18,695.00, for the Palm Harbor Merchants  
Association (PHMA) purchase two 18 KV generators, a 10'x10' branded  
event tent, thirty barricades, a barricade storage cart and a 7'x14'  
enclosed trailer that will securely store all this equipment thus  
eliminating the need for a stationary storage shed.  
Additionally, delegate to the County Administrator the approval and  
execution of the PHMA 2023 MSTU Funding Agreement, which will  
allow for a grant amount not to exceed $20,000.00 to be advanced to  
the PHMA for the purchase of equipment described above.  
The Palm Harbor Merchants Association is a core community  
organization focused on promoting special events in the Palm  
Harbor Central (Form Based Code) District (District). Not having  
the equipment necessary to hold events is an organizational and  
financial burden on the Palm Harbor Merchants and is a limiting  
factor on the number and quality of events that the community  
can enjoy.  
Purchasing this equipment, instead of renting it for every event,  
will eliminate the repetitive rental costs and create an ancillary  
revenue stream by offering to rent it to other organizations that  
hold events in the District. This ancillary revenue will offset the  
maintenance and operational costs of the equipment.  
If funding is approved, this equipment will be purchased in time  
for the PHMA to hold a major Veterans Day event in the District in  
November and will be used extensively throughout the year on  
many other planned annual events.  
Money generated from these events will support streetscape  
maintenance and the costs associated with the proposed street  
lighting district being considered with Duke Energy and the PHMA  
in the Downtown Palm Harbor Central District.  
This project will foster continual economic growth and vitality in  
the Downtown Palm Harbor (DPH) Form Based Code District.  
The Palm Harbor Merchant Association is committed to  
sustaining the operational objectives of the DPH Master Plan and  
the DPH Streetscape and Parking Action plan.  
Human Services  
First Option of Renewal with Personal Enrichment Through Mental  
Health, Inc., to continue supporting operational costs of the designated  
public crisis stabilization unit and the Pinellas Integrated Care Team.  
Approval of the First Option of Renewal (Renewal) with Personal  
Enrichment Through Mental Health, Inc., (PEMHS) to continue  
supporting the county’s designated public crisis stabilization unit (CSU)  
and the Pinellas Integrated Care Team (PIC Team).  
This Renewal continues funding the county’s only public CSU  
and the PIC Team an integrated case management pilot. This is  
the first Renewal under this agreement.  
The CSU provides assessment and stabilization services for  
individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. The PIC Team  
provides field-based integrated case management to connect  
individuals to community treatment and resources in collaboration  
with the Pinellas County Sheriff Office’s Mental Health Unit  
In June 2018, the County coordinated the implementation of the  
PIC Team to improve how residents’ access behavioral health  
services to avoid the need for crisis stabilization.  
The expenses associated with this renewal option are included in  
the (as yet unapproved) Preliminary Fiscal Year 2024 Budget, in  
the amount of $2,302,719.00 in the General Fund, as presented  
at the Budget Information Session for Human Services with  
$1,777,719.00 allocated to the CSU and $525,000 is allocated to  
the PIC Team. Expenditures under this renewal option will not  
occur if this portion of the budget is not adopted.  
The Board approved the agreement with PEMHS on September  
22, 2020, and the first amendment on March 28, 2023. The first  
amendment implemented a 5% cost of living adjustment  
increasing the total annual funding of this agreement by  
$109,653.00 ($84,653.00 for the CSU and $25,000.00 for the PIC  
Management and Budget  
Grant Funding Agreement with the State of Florida Division of  
Emergency Management regarding a Federal Emergency Management  
Agency Public Assistance Grant for disaster relief funding associated  
with Hurricane Nicole.  
Approval of the federally funded sub-award and grant agreement with  
the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) for  
reimbursement through the Federal Emergency Management Agency  
(FEMA) for public safety costs related to the response to Hurricane  
Execution of this grant funding agreement with the FDEM is  
necessary to appropriate funding for eligible disaster relief costs.  
As of December 31st, 2022, the County had expended  
approximately $31,887.20 on Hurricane Nicole emergency  
response. All funds apply to Fiscal Year 2023.  
The County will leverage FEMA for reimbursement of emergency  
response activities.  
No other Board actions have taken place related to this item.  
Resolution establishing the Pinellas County General Fund Reserve  
Policy at a minimum of 20.8% of recurring revenues.  
Adopt the attached resolution establishing the Pinellas County General  
Fund Reserve Policy.  
The policy is to maintain a minimum level of designated reserves  
in the General Fund of 20.8%, equivalent to two and one-half  
months, of recurring revenues.  
This policy by itself has no fiscal impact on Pinellas County.  
Parks and Conservation Resources  
Written notice that the County is exercising its option to purchase real  
property from the Blanche K. “Pip” Whitesell Revocable Trust  
Approval of a written notice declaring that the County is exercising its  
option to purchase a parcel of real property as depicted in Exhibit A  
(Property) from the Blanche K. “Pip” Whitesell Revocable Trust  
Agreement (Seller).  
Property is 20.315 acres of environmentally sensitive land that  
has a northern and southern border adjacent to County-owned  
preserve land.  
County entered into Option Contract for Sale and Purchase for  
the Property on March 31, 1998.  
Effective date for exercise of the option to purchase became  
effective on December 13, 2022, the date of notification from  
Seller’s attorney.  
Original expiration for exercise of option was June 13, 2023.  
Amended expiration for exercise of option is September 13,  
Purchase price will be determined by calculating the average of  
two appraisals conducted by separate appraisers that are  
approved by County staff.  
Purchase funding is budgeted in Capital Improvement Program  
project 002168A - Environmental Lands Acquisition, funded by  
Local Infrastructure Sales Surtax (Penny for Pinellas). The Fiscal  
Year 2023 project budget is $3.0M.  
Clerk of the Circuit Court  
Resolution amending the County’s Investment Policy.  
Adoption of a resolution amending the County’s Investment Policy.  
The Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller (Clerk) is  
responsible for managing and administering the County’s  
The Pinellas County Investment Committee (Committee)  
comprised of the Clerk, Clerk staff, Office of Management and  
Budget staff, and financial advisors reviewed the County’s  
Investment Policy (Policy) and recommends changes to the  
The proposed changes will comply with recent legislative  
changes {House Bill 3} and to increase the portfolio limits of SEC  
Registered Money Market Funds.  
Proposed initiation of litigation in the case of Pinellas County v. James  
J. Gold and/or John J. Sierra - action for foreclosure of Special  
Magistrate lien.  
Approval and authorization for the County Attorney to initiate litigation in  
the case of Pinellas County v. James J. Gold and/or John J. Sierra.  
Proposed initiation of litigation in the case of Pinellas County v. Jeffery  
L. Gray- action for foreclosure of Special Magistrate lien.  
Approval and authorization for the County Attorney to initiate litigation in  
the case of Pinellas County v. Jeffery L. Gray.  
Resolution approving early extension of 2023 tax rolls.  
Adopt the resolution approving early extension of 2023 tax rolls,  
pursuant to Section 197.323, Florida Statutes, directing the Property  
Appraiser to complete and deliver the extended tax rolls to the Tax  
Collector on or before October 6, 2023, and directing the Clerk of the  
Circuit Court to deliver the resolution to the Property Appraiser.  
County Attorney Reports.  
County Administrator Reports.  
Appointments to the Youth Advisory Committee (Board of County  
Commissioners as a whole).  
Approve the appointments to the Youth Advisory Committee.  
Applicants can be viewed in the attached packet.  
Suggested voice vote to approve slate of candidates.  
County Commission New Business:  
Pertinent and timely Committee/Board updates, policy considerations,  
administrative/procedural considerations, and other new business.  
6:00 PM  
Resolutions adopting tentative millage rates and budgets for Fiscal Year  
2024 (first public hearing).  
Following a public hearing, adopt resolutions approving the tentative  
millage rates and budgets for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024.  
The budget is as proposed on July 18, 2023, and presented in  
the FY24 Proposed Budget book.  
Two changes to the Proposed Budget are recommended:  
Adding $23.6M in the Opioid Settlement Fund, newly  
clarified since the budget was proposed.  
Moving $7,693,000.00 in the American Rescue Plan Act  
funding to Penny projects (reducing Penny accordingly),  
and in return moving $3,693,000.00 in Penny funding to  
partially replace the funding as necessary.  
Special Accommodations  
Persons with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations to effectively participate in this meeting are  
asked to contact Pinellas County’s Office of Human Rights by e -mailing such requests to at least three (3) business days in advance of the need for reasonable  
accommodation. You may also call (727) 464-4882.  
Public Participation Procedures  
Persons wishing to comment regarding a specific agenda item should do so:  
In person - by preregistering at or by filling out a comment card with the County  
staff person in the meeting room; or,  
Virtually - in advance in accordance with the instructions in the notice of this meeting, or on the virtual platform  
or phone after preregistering.  
Members of the public wishing to make comments on the virtual platform or by phone must preregister by 5  
p.m. the day before the meeting. At the scheduled section of the meeting when the item is before the Board of  
County Commissioners (Board), the Chairman or Clerk will call on each individual, one by one, to be heard.  
Each individual may speak for up to three minutes as may be modified by the Chairman. Comments or  
behavior that violate Pinellas County Commission Public Participation and Decorum Rules will be  
disconnected. Members of the public who cannot attend at the time an agenda item is before the Board may  
offer comments during the Citizens to Be Heard section near the beginning of the meeting. More information is  
available at or by calling (727) 464-4400.  
Public Hearing Procedures  
The procedure used by the Board in conducting Public Hearings is to have a staff presentation followed by the  
applicant presenting the specific proposal. The Board will then hear comments from the proponents, the  
opponents and a staff summary. The applicant will then be given an opportunity to close and the Board will  
decide on the matter. Public Hearings before the Board are governed by the provisions of Section 134 -14 of  
the Pinellas County Land Development Code as may be modified by Pinellas County Emergency Order. That  
code provides that at the conclusion of each person’s presentation, any speaker may seek the Chairman’s  
permission to ask questions of staff.  
1. At the conclusion of the presentations by the applicant and any proponents, all affected parties may  
seek the Chairman’s permission to ask questions of or seek clarification from the applicant and/or the  
2. At the conclusion of the presentation by the opponents, all affected parties may seek the Chairman’s  
permission to ask questions of or seek clarification from any opponent.  
The applicant’s closing comments will address testimony subsequent to his or her presentation. Continuing  
rebuttal of other than directly preceding testimony will not be allowed. Because much testimony has already  
been submitted in writing, the following guidelines accommodate efficient presentations:  
1. The applicant should present his or her entire case, including rebuttal, in no more than 20 minutes.  
2. Persons wishing to speak regarding a Public Hearing item may speak for up to three minutes each.  
3. Persons wishing to attend virtually must preregister at by 5 p. m. the day  
before the meeting.  
Persons are advised that, if they decided to appeal any decision made at this meeting/hearing, they will need  
a record of the proceeding, and, for such purposes, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the  
proceeding is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.  
If a Board meeting beginning at 9:30 A.M. has not concluded by noon, a recess will be taken from noon to  
12:30 P.M., and the remainder of the meeting will continue at 12:30 P.M.  
If a Board meeting beginning at 2:00 P.M. has not concluded by 5:30 P.M., a recess will be taken from 5:30 to  
6:00 P.M. The remainder of the afternoon agenda will resume at 6:00 P.M., followed by Public Hearings.