Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners  
315 Court Street  
Clearwater, FL 33756  
Hybrid In-Person and Virtual Regular Meeting Agenda  
Tuesday, May 10, 2022  
9:30 A.M.  
Charlie Justice, Chairman  
Janet C. Long, Vice-Chair  
Dave Eggers  
Rene Flowers  
Pat Gerard  
Kathleen Peters  
Karen Williams Seel  
Barry A. Burton, County Administrator  
Jewel White, County Attorney  
Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller  
INVOCATION by Pastor Randy Morris, Gulf Coast Church, Largo.  
Mental Health Month Proclamation:  
NAMI Pinellas County  
- Denise Bjurholm, Executive Director  
- Dr. Brittany Peters, Board President  
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week Proclamation:  
- Craig Hare, Director, EMS & Fire Administration  
- Lt. Ashley White, Palm Harbor Fire Rescue  
- Chief Scott Sanford, Palm Harbor Fire Rescue  
2022 EMS Professional of Year Awards  
Emergency Medical Dispatcher  
- Sarah Walsh, Public Safety Telecommunicator III, Regional 911 Center  
Emergency Medical Technician  
- Brian Peterson, Firefighter/EMT, St. Pete Beach Fire Rescue  
- Robert Krayer, Firefighter/Paramedic, Palm Harbor Fire Rescue  
Pinellas Federal Credit Union  
- Lauren Sutton, Compliance Specialist  
- Yariel Alvarez, Branch Manager  
Partner Presentation:  
2021 Audit Results  
- Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller  
- John Weber, Partner, Crowe LLP  
Countywide Planning Authority  
Case No. CW 22-05 - Pinellas County  
Countywide Plan Map amendment from Residential Low Medium to  
Residential Medium, regarding 0.71 acres more or less, located at 5173  
28th Street North and 2786 and 2782 52nd Avenue North.  
Sitting as the Countywide Planning Authority, adopt an ordinance approving Case No.  
CW 22-05, a proposal by Pinellas County to amend the Countywide Plan Map from  
Residential Low Medium to Residential Medium regarding 0.71 acres more or less,  
located at 5173 28th Street North and 2786 and 2782 52nd Avenue North.  
* The amendment area is located near the southeast corner of the intersection of 52nd  
Avenue North and 28th Street North in the Lealman Community Redevelopment Area  
and consists of three currently vacant parcels.  
* The amendment area is adjacent to a variety of residential uses, including an 18-unit  
apartment complex to the east, mobile home parks to the south and west, and  
single-family homes to the north across 52nd Avenue North.  
* The applicant intends to develop the site for residential use at a higher density than  
allowed by the current land use designation, hence the proposed amendment to  
Residential Medium.  
* The current Residential Low Medium category would allow up to 8 units. If approved,  
this amendment to Residential Medium would allow up to 11 dwelling units on the  
property, or up to 16 dwelling units if an affordable housing density bonus is pursued.  
* The Lealman Community Redevelopment Area Advisory Committee was briefed on  
the proposal at their December 15, 2021 meeting.  
* Forward Pinellas and the Planners Advisory Committee each unanimously  
recommended approval of the proposal.  
Case No. CW 22-06 - Pinellas County  
Countywide Plan Map amendment from Residential Low Medium and  
Scenic/Non Commercial Corridor to Office and Scenic/Non Commercial  
Corridor, regarding 2.25 acres more or less, located at 1961 East Lake  
Sitting as the Countywide Planning Authority, adopt an ordinance approving Case No.  
CW 22-06, a proposal by Pinellas County to amend the Countywide Plan Map from  
Residential Low Medium and Scenic/Non Commercial Corridor to Office and  
Scenic/Non Commercial Corridor, regarding 2.25 acres more or less, located at 1961  
East Lake Road.  
* The amendment area is located approximately 100 feet north of Woodlands  
Boulevard and is the former location of a private school.  
* The area surrounding the subject property is comprised of lower-density residential  
uses and open space, with enclaves of supporting nonresidential uses located near  
major road intersections.  
* The applicant intends to utilize the amendment area for professional office uses,  
hence the proposed amendment to Office.  
* The proposed category would allow up to 11 residential units on the property based on  
its acreage, and a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.2. Furthermore, at the local  
government level, the applicant is pursuing a separate zoning amendment that would  
limit the site to professional office uses and prohibit residential uses.  
* Forward Pinellas and the Planners Advisory Committee each unanimously  
recommended approval of the proposal.  
Case No. CW 22-07 - Pinellas County  
Countywide Plan Map amendment from Residential Low Medium to  
Retail and Services, regarding 0.33 acres more or less, located at 90  
20th Terrace Southwest.  
Sitting as the Countywide Planning Authority, adopt an ordinance approving Case No.  
CW 22-07, a proposal by Pinellas County to amend the Countywide Plan Map from  
Residential Low Medium to Retail and Services regarding 0.33 acres more or less,  
located at 90 20th Terrace Southwest.  
* The amendment area is located approximately 200 feet west of Seminole Boulevard  
and consists of one vacant parcel  
* The applicant intends to change the land use of the amendment area to create  
consistency with the underlying local zoning district.  
* The applicant proposes an amendment to the Retail and Services category, which  
would allow a wider range of non-residential uses that are compatible with the local  
zoning category.  
* Forward Pinellas and the Planners Advisory Committee each unanimously  
recommended approval of this proposal.  
Case No. CW 22-08 - Pinellas County  
Countywide Plan Map amendment from Recreation/Open Space and  
Residential Rural to Residential Rural and Recreation/Open Space,  
regarding 2.86 acres more or less, located at 2669 St. Andrews  
Sitting as the Countywide Planning Authority, adopt an ordinance approving Case No.  
CW 22-08, a proposal by Pinellas County to amend the Countywide Plan Map from  
Recreation/Open Space and Residential Rural to Residential Rural and  
Recreation/Open Space, regarding 2.86 acres more or less, located at 2669 St.  
Andrews Boulevard.  
* The amendment area consists of two parcels located within the Cypress Run  
master-planned community, specifically located west of East Lake Road and north of  
Keystone Road.  
* The two parcels, each approximately 1.43 acres in size, are also part of a larger golf  
course located within the community, with the northern parcel designated Residential  
Rural and the southern parcel designated Recreation/Open Space.  
* It is the intent of the applicant intends to build two units as single-family detached  
dwellings within the southern parcel, which is designated Recreation/Open Space.  
* Forward Pinellas and the Planners Advisory Committee each unanimously  
recommended approval of the proposal.  
8. Citizens To Be Heard - Public Comment  
CONSENT AGENDA - Items 9 through 17  
Minutes of the regular meeting held February 22, 2022.  
Vouchers and bills paid from March 27 through April 9, 2022.  
Miscellaneous items received for filing:  
Pinellas County, Florida, Community Redevelopment Agency Financial  
Statements for the year ended September 30, 2021.  
Eastlake Oaks Community Development District minutes and  
corresponding attachments of the meeting held February 10, 2022.  
Administrative Services  
Quarterly report of claim settlements for the period of January 1, through  
March 31, 2022.  
Accept the receipt and file quarterly report of claim settlements for the period of January  
1, 2022 through March 31, 2022.  
Economic Development  
Award of bid to Gibson Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, LLC for the  
STAR Center Air Handler Replacement project 138, 154, and 189.  
Approval of the award of bid to Gibson Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, LLC for the  
STAR Center Air Handler Replacement project 138, 154, and 189.  
* This project consists of supplying and installing and replacing three current air handler  
units at the STAR Center which are beyond their useful life.  
* Two responsive bids were received with award recommendation to the lowest  
responsive, responsible bidder, Gibson Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration, LLC in the  
amount of $875,000.00.  
* All work will be completed within two hundred fifty consecutive calendar days.  
* The Small Business Enterprise commitment for this project is 3% which will be fulfilled  
by Gibson.  
* Funding is derived from the STAR Center CIP Fund.  
Contract No. 22-0090-CP-MJ PID No. 004564A; in the amount of $875,000.00, all work  
will be completed with two hundred fifty consecutive calendar days; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Public Works  
Joint Project Agreement with the Town of Belleair to address utility  
conflicts associated with County proposed sidewalk improvements on  
Mehlenbacher Road from Gulf View Drive to Belleair Forest Drive.  
Approval of the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) with the Town of Belleair (Town) to  
address utility conflicts associated with County proposed sidewalk improvements on  
Mehlenbacher Road from Gulf View Drive to Belleair Forest Drive.  
* Existing Town water distribution main, including appurtenances, must be replaced,  
and realigned to accommodate the proposed sidewalk project located within the  
County's right of way.  
* Anticipated work will benefit the general public and provide economic advantage to  
both County and Town through this JPA.  
* Estimated cost of utility improvements to be funded by Town is $357,761.25.  
County PID 001976A; estimated cost to Town of $357,761.25; Authorize the Chairman  
to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Award of bid to Insituform Technologies, LLC for the sanitary sewer  
infrastructure rehabilitation in the vicinity of three areas: Bee Pond Road,  
Hamlin Boulevard, and 46th Avenue North.  
Approval of the award of bid to Insituform Technologies, LLC for the sanitary sewer  
interceptor rehabilitation in three locations: Bee Pond Road, Hamlin Boulevard, and  
46th Avenue North.  
* This project is for sanitary sewer interceptor rehabilitation in three locations: Bee Pond  
Road, Hamlin Boulevard, and 46th Avenue North.  
* This project will extend the useful life of approximately 7,500 linear feet of sanitary  
sewer gravity mains and 60 manholes.  
* One responsive submittal was received with award recommendation to Instituform  
Technologies, LLC as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the not to exceed  
amount of $1,253,773.40.  
* Instituform Technologies, LLC will meet the Small Business Enterprise commitment of  
10% for this project.  
* Work will be completed within 365 consecutive calendar days.  
* Funding is derived from the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund. Funding amount  
for this award is consistent with the Fiscal Year 2022 Approved Budget.  
Contract No. 21-0366-CP(MJ) (PID 002747F&J) in the amount of $1,253,773.40 on the  
basis of being the lowest responsive, responsible bid received meeting specifications;  
Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Ranking of firms and agreement with CDM Smith, Inc. for professional  
engineering services for the Regional Resource Recovery Facility project.  
Approval of the ranking of firms and execution of the agreement with the top ranked  
firm CDM Smith, Inc. for professional engineering services related to the Regional  
Resource Recovery Facility (RRRF) project.  
* Award recommendation is for CDM Smith, Inc. per the Consultant Competitive  
Negotiation Act, Florida Statute 287.055, for an amount not to exceed $2,343,755.50  
* The project will be performed in three phases. The professional engineering services  
will be performed in Phases 1 (preliminary engineering report) and 2 (design). The  
construction of the facility will occur in Phase 3. This contract is for Phase 1 of the  
* The tasks for Phase 1 are expected to be completed within seven hundred thirty  
consecutive calendar days, or two years.  
* Funding for this project is derived from the Sewer Enterprise Funds and Solid Waste  
Enterprise Funds.  
* Earthshine Environmental, Inc. and The Valerin Group, Inc. both Small Business  
Enterprise firms will be utilized as sub-consultants in this contract.  
Contract No. 190-0157-NC (SS) in the amount of $2,343,755.50; Authorize the  
Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.  
Administrative Services  
Declare 15 County-owned parcels as surplus and grant authorization to  
advertise and dispose of the parcels.  
Recommend the adoption of the attached resolution to declare 15 County-owned  
parcels (Parcels) as surplus and grant authorization to advertise and dispose of the  
Parcels in accordance with Section 125.35 Florida Statutes and County Real Estate  
Policy and Procedures.  
* Colliers International is engaged to provide advisory services to identify and  
recommend County-owned Parcels for disposition.  
* County departments reviewed recommendations made by Colliers to either support  
disposition or to retain Parcels for departmental use.  
* Out of approximately 1200 Parcels owned by the County approximately 110 are  
potential surplus. The remainder are either park lands, properties containing County  
buildings providing services and properties required for future projects.  
* Staff will continue to submit Parcels to the Board of County Commissioners until all  
potential surplus Parcels are disposed.  
* Declaring the Parcels surplus and proceeding with sale, donation or transfer will  
provide income to the for County for Parcels no longer required for public use and  
potentially transfer the property back on to tax rolls.  
* Once declared surplus, Facilities & Real Property staff will work with Housing &  
Community Development staff to assess suitability for affordable housing projects, and  
with Economic Development staff to assess suitability for industrial uses, before listing  
properties for sale.  
It is further recommended that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Clerk  
of the Circuit Court to record the resolution in the public records of Pinellas County.  
Award of bid to Kloote Contracting, Inc. for the St. Pete-Clearwater  
International Airport cell lot restrooms.  
Approval of the award of bid and execution of agreement with Kloote Contracting, Inc.  
for the St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport (Airport) cell lot restrooms.  
* This project involves installing prefabricated restrooms in the Airport cell phone  
parking lot.  
* Restrooms are required by the public while waiting in the cell phone parking lot for  
flights to arrive and depart.  
* Two bids were received with award recommendation to Kloote Contracting the  
amount of $409,025.00 as the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder with a 180-day  
consecutive calendar term from date of notice to proceed.  
* Kloote Contracting, Inc will meet or exceed the Small Business Enterprise  
commitment of 16% for this project.  
Housing & Community Development  
Affordable Housing Program loan to Homes for Independence d/b/a  
ServiceSource for a multifamily rental housing project known as the  
Homes for Independence 6 Homes Renovation project.  
Approval of the recommendation to fund an Affordable Housing Program loan to  
Homes for Independence d/b/a ServiceSource for a multifamily rental housing project  
known as the Homes for Independence 6 Homes Renovation Project.  
It is further recommended that the Board of County Commissioners (Board) delegate  
authority to the County Administrator to execute loan documents, restrictive covenants,  
and any other such agreements and documentation associated with the loan in the  
amount authorized by the Board.  
* The recommended loan amount is $386,198.00 utilizing State Housing Initiatives  
Partnership funds for renovations.  
* The proposed project is the renovation of six units in multiple buildings within  
multifamily residential properties for persons with special needs. Three of the units will  
be restricted to households with an income not to exceed 50.0% of Area Median  
Income (AMI) and three of the units will be restricted to households with an income not  
to exceed 60.0% AMI.  
* Execution of a Land Use Restriction Agreement will be required and will impose a  
30-year affordability period.  
* The total project cost is estimated to be $390,000.00, consisting of the $386,198.00  
loan plus estimated recording costs for the loan documents  
* Funding will be in the form of a forgivable loan.  
* The units are located at 3890 7th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida, 1000 79th  
Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida and 8211 12th Way North, St. Petersburg,  
Affordable Housing Program project funding recommendation for Fairfield  
Avenue Apartments by Fairfield Avenue LLC.  
Recommend conditional approval of affordable housing funding for Fairfield Avenue  
Apartments by Fairfield Avenue Apartments LLC.  
It is further recommended that the County Administrator be authorized to negotiate and  
approve the terms, conditions, and final funding amount not to exceed the Board of  
County Commissioners (Board) approved amount.  
* Fairfield Avenue Apartments is a planned new housing construction project with a total  
of 264 multi-family affordable apartment units. The affordable unit set asides are: 53  
units for households earning less than 50.0% of Area Median Income (AMI), 67 units  
for households below 80.0% of AMI and the remaining 144 units for households below  
120.0% of AMI.  
* The County funding recommendation for Fairfield Avenue Apartments is $5.6M of  
which $3M will be used for land acquisition and $2.6M for construction costs.  
* The total development cost is estimated to be $51,426,942.00. Other sources of  
funding include a HUD 211 (d) (4) loan of ($43,826,942.00), and St. Petersburg CRA  
funds ($2M).  
* The project location is 3300 Fairfield Avenue South in St. Petersburg.  
* Next steps: County and Housing Finance Authority staff will complete additional due  
diligence activities including, but not limited to, property appraisals, title searches, loan  
underwriting and financial analysis. Funding agreements, leases, loan documents, and  
affordability restrictions will be prepared, negotiated, and executed.  
* Board funding approval is conditioned upon satisfactory completion of all due  
diligence review as determined by the County Administrator.  
Management and Budget  
Fiscal Year 2022 Board Budget Amendment No. 22-02 to realign  
appropriation from Reserve for Contingencies in the General Fund and  
Risk Financing Fund for unanticipated Fiscal Year 2022 expenditures.  
Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022 Board Budget Amendment No. 22-02 pursuant to  
section 129.06(2)(b) realigning:  
* $6,179,880.00 from Reserves for Contingencies in the General Fund for the Sheriff's  
Office to purchase a new helicopter to replace their current helicopter, which is 31 years  
* $1,125,210.00 from Reserves for Contingencies in the Risk Financing Fund to Risk  
Management to pay for insurance premiums associated with highly protected properties  
owned by the Utilities Department, as well as a change in policy carriers for the Sheriff  
to cover their doctors as the department switches to contracted employees.  
Public Works  
Request for a public hearing to appeal the denial of County Dock Permit  
Application No. WND-21-01528 for 618 Sunset Drive South in St.  
Recommend consideration of Mr. James Arnold's (property owner) request for a public  
hearing to appeal the denial of County Dock Permit Application No. WND-21-01528 for  
618 Sunset Drive South in St. Petersburg.  
* Property owner applied for a private permit to construct a new single-family dock at  
618 Sunset Drive South in St. Petersburg.  
* Proposed dock location would require removal of approximately 330 square feet of  
large mature mangroves.  
* Section 58-530(b) - affirmative answers to Findings of Fact require denial or  
modification of the application.  
* County staff proposed an alternate location on the southern edge of the property,  
which is currently devoid of mangroves, but property owner declined to modify  
County Dock Permit Application No. WND-21-01528.  
County Attorney Reports.  
25. County Administrator Reports.  
2022 Federal Legislative Program.  
Approval of the 2022 Federal Legislative Program.  
* The 2022 Federal Legislative Program outlines the Board's federal legislative priorities  
for the upcoming year.  
* National Flood Insurance Program  
o SUPPORT a long-term extension to the program (set to expire September 30, 2022)  
that ensures financial sustainability, while not pricing out policy holders. This includes  
providing premium discounts for private and community-based mitigation efforts.  
o CORRECT the issues with the approach and algorithm for Risk Rating 2.0 (went into  
full effect April 1, 2022).  
* Beach Nourishment  
o REQUEST the Army Corps of Engineers reevaluate its Perpetual Storm Damage  
Reduction Easement policy, which requires 100% of beachfront property owner  
easements in perpetuity for areas landward of the Erosion Control Line within the limits  
of the planned Sand Key nourishment project.  
o REQUEST that Congress include in the 2022 Water Resources Development Act a  
50-year reauthorization of the Treasure Island and Long Key sections of the Pinellas  
County beach construction program.  
* Transportation and Infrastructure  
o SUPPORT strategies that address the Federal Highway Trust Fund's declining  
revenues in order to adequately fund future transportation needs.  
o IDENTIFY federal funding opportunities for Pinellas County as a result of the  
enactment of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.  
* Offshore Oil Drilling  
o SUPPORT legislation to permanently ban oil drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico  
within 125 miles of Florida. Legislation providing for a temporary moratorium expires in  
2022 and a Presidential Executive Order expires in 2032.  
County Commission New Business: Pertinent and Timely  
Committee/Board Updates, Policy Considerations,  
Administrative/Procedural Considerations, and other New Business:  
- Skyway Lighting Resolutions (Commissioner Justice)  
Special Accommodations  
Persons with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations to effectively participate in this meeting are  
asked to contact Pinellas County’s Office of Human Rights by e -mailing such requests to at least three (3) business days in advance of the need for reasonable  
accommodation. You may also call (727) 464-4882.  
Public Participation Procedures  
Persons wishing to comment regarding a specific agenda item should do so:  
In person - by preregistering at or by filling out a comment card with the County  
staff person in the meeting room; or,  
Virtually - in advance in accordance with the instructions in the notice of this meeting, or on the virtual platform  
or phone after preregistering.  
Members of the public wishing to make comments on the virtual platform or by phone must preregister by 5  
p.m. the day before the meeting. At the scheduled section of the meeting when the item is before the Board of  
County Commissioners (Board), the Chairman or Clerk will call on each individual, one by one, to be heard.  
Each individual may speak for up to three minutes as may be modified by the Chairman. Comments or  
behavior that violate Pinellas County Commission Public Participation and Decorum Rules will be  
disconnected. Members of the public who cannot attend at the time an agenda item is before the Board may  
offer comments during the Citizens to Be Heard section near the beginning of the meeting. More information is  
available at or by calling (727) 464-4400.  
Public Hearing Procedures  
The procedure used by the Board in conducting Public Hearings is to have a staff presentation followed by the  
applicant presenting the specific proposal. The Board will then hear comments from the proponents, the  
opponents and a staff summary. The applicant will then be given an opportunity to close and the Board will  
decide on the matter. Public Hearings before the Board are governed by the provisions of Section 134 -14 of  
the Pinellas County Land Development Code as may be modified by Pinellas County Emergency Order. That  
code provides that at the conclusion of each person’s presentation, any speaker may seek the Chairman’s  
permission to ask questions of staff.  
1. At the conclusion of the presentations by the applicant and any proponents, all affected parties may  
seek the Chairman’s permission to ask questions of or seek clarification from the applicant and/or the  
2. At the conclusion of the presentation by the opponents, all affected parties may seek the Chairman’s  
permission to ask questions of or seek clarification from any opponent.  
The applicant’s closing comments will address testimony subsequent to his or her presentation. Continuing  
rebuttal of other than directly preceding testimony will not be allowed. Because much testimony has already  
been submitted in writing, the following guidelines accommodate efficient presentations:  
1. The applicant should present his or her entire case, including rebuttal, in no more than 20 minutes.  
2. Persons wishing to speak regarding a Public Hearing item may speak for up to three minutes each.  
3. Persons wishing to attend virtually must preregister at by 5 p. m. the day  
before the meeting.  
Persons are advised that, if they decided to appeal any decision made at this meeting/hearing, they will need  
a record of the proceeding, and, for such purposes, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the  
proceeding is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.  
If a Board meeting beginning at 9:30 A.M. has not concluded by noon, a recess will be taken from noon to  
12:30 P.M., and the remainder of the meeting will continue at 12:30 P.M.  
If a Board meeting beginning at 2:00 P.M. has not concluded by 5:30 P.M., a recess will be taken from 5:30 to  
6:00 P.M. The remainder of the afternoon agenda will resume at 6:00 P.M., followed by Public Hearings.