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File #: 24-1187A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 6/28/2024 Department: Public Works
On agenda: 7/30/2024 Final action: 7/30/2024
Title: Safe Streets and Roads for all funding grant application with the United States Department of Transportation for a Pinellas Advanced Technology for Traveler Information Project.
Attachments: 1. FE_Form SF424, 2. FE_Form SF424B, 3. FE_Form SFLLL, 4. Pinellas County - 2024 SS4A Grant Application Final 07102024(REV), 5. Form SF424, 6. Form SF424A, 7. Form SF424B, 8. Form SFLLL, 9. Intent_to_Apply_Accepted-Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A)-ID603.pdf (3), 10. SS4A-FY24-Notice-of-Funding-Opportunity_Amended, 11. OMB.REVIEW_24-1187A_PW Safe Streets and Roads for All 07-3-24, 12. Void - Pinellas County - 2024 SS4A Grant Application Final 062824



Safe Streets and Roads for all funding grant application with the United States Department of Transportation for a Pinellas Advanced Technology for Traveler Information Project.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Approval for submission of the Safe Streets and Roads for All funding grant application with the United States Department of Transportation for a Pinellas Advanced Technology for Traveler Information (PATTI) Project.

                     Request for $10,000,000.00 in grant funding for a PATTI Project.

                     County match is $2,500,000.00 from the Advanced Traffic Management System Improvement Project.

                     If the County receives the PATTI Grant, the project will update the Vision Zero Action Plan to improve roadway safety and reduce or eliminate roadway fatalities, and implement automated technology focused on all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation, motorists, personal conveyance operators, etc.

                     The deadline for grant application submittal is August 29, 2024.

                     Should the grant be awarded, the necessary budget amendments will be proposed to the Board of County Commissioners. The grant will begin in Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 with matching funds available from the Transportation Advanced Traffic Management System/Intelligent Transportation System Operating Budget in the FY26 Proposed Budget and are anticipated in future-year budgets.


Anticipated Grant funding is $10,000,000.00 (80%); County match is $2,500,000.00 (20%); total cost of the PATTI project is $12,500,000.00.



Strategic Plan:

Ensure Public Health, Safety, and Welfare
2.1 Provide planning, coordination, prevention, and protective services to create and enhance a safe, secure, and healthy community
2.5 Enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety

Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.4 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs
4.5 Provide safe and effective transportation systems to support the efficient flow of motorists, commerce, and regional connectivity




The Grant funding will update the Vision Zero Action Plan project addressing the greatest transportation safety needs through implementation of advanced technology and preferred roadway treatments.  The County has worked with its partners to develop a strong core framework of institutional coordination, standardized operational procedures, and technology integration.

The proposed PATTI engineering solutions include supplemental planning activities related to updating the current Vision Zero Action Plan, before and after evaluation, signal timing optimization using AI timing plan optimization software, AI-based Vehicle, Pedestrian and Bicycle Detection, Transit Signal Priority (TSP), Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP), Traffic and Safety-Responsive Signal Operation, Blank-out Sign Activation, Adaptive Streetlight Brightness, Connected Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X) Messages and Alerts, Internet of Things (IoT) Data Exchange, Safety and Traffic Insights.



Background Information:

The SS4A program directs USDOT to award grants to eligible entities to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries through safety action plan development and refinement and implementation focused on all users.  These include pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation, motorists, personal conveyance and micromobility users, and commercial vehicle operators.


Fiscal Impact:

Total cost of the PATTI project is $12,500,000.00. Anticipated grant funding requested is $10,000,000.00 (80%). A County match of $2,500,000.00 (20%) is required and is anticipated to come from the ATMS improvement projects. The Grant reimbursement will vary each year over five-year period from FY 2026 through FY 2030. Match funding is derived from Public Works Transportation ATMS/ITS Operating Budget starting in FY25.


Staff Member Responsible:

Kelli Hammer Levy, Director, Public Works Department Director






Grant Application
Form SF424
Form SF424A
Form SF424B
OMB Grant Review
Notice of Funding Opportunity