Award of bid to Sherman Mechanical Contractors LLC for HVAC preventative maintenance, repairs, and equipment replacements.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the award of bid to Sherman Mechanical Contractors LLC for HVAC preventative maintenance, repairs, and equipment replacements for various County departments.
• Award of contract with Sherman Mechanical Contractors LLC for HVAC preventative maintenance, repairs, and equipment replacements.
• This HVAC contract is for maintenance of multiple locations with HVAC repairs and full replacements included as part of this contract.
• Three bids were received with Sherman Mechanical Contractors LLC, recommended for award in the amount of $7,407,720.00 for a thirty-six-month term as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
• This contract will be primarily utilized by Utilities.
• Funding for replacements is available under Utilities Facilities Miscellaneous Improvements Project 000744A, included in the Capital Improvement Plan, funded by the Water Renewal and Replacement Fund and the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund. Funding for repairs and preventive maintenance is available in the Fiscal Year 2024 Adopted Budget in the Solid Waste Revenue and Operating Fund, STAR Center Fund, General Fund, Water Revenue and Operating Fund, and Sewer Revenue and Operating Fund.
Contract No. 24-0365-ITB-C estimated annual expenditure of $2,469,240.00 with a thirty-six-month expenditure not to exceed $7,407,720.00; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.
Strategic Plan:
Deliver First Class Service to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support.
This contract is for maintenance, repairs, and replacement of air handlers, compressors, sensors, heaters, and other HVAC-related equipment on an as-needed basis. Multiple County departments may use this contract for services on an as-needed basis.
Background Information:
On May 14, 2024, the Purchasing and Risk Management division released an invitation to bid to establish a contract for preventative maintenance, repairs, and replacement on an as-needed basis.
Fiscal Impact:
Estimated thirty-six (36) month expenditure not to exceed: $7,407,720.00
Estimated average annual expenditure: $2,469,240.00
Funding for replacements is available under Utilities Facilities Miscellaneous Improvements Project 000744A, included in the Capital Improvement Plan, funded by the Water Renewal and Replacement Fund and the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund. Funding repairs and preventive maintenance is available in the FY24 Adopted Budget in the Solid Waste Revenue and Operating Fund, STAR Center Fund, General Fund, Water Revenue and Operating Fund, and Sewer Revenue and Operating Fund.
Staff Member Responsible:
Jeremy Waugh, Director, Utilities
Merry Celeste, Purchasing Director, Administrative Services
Joe Lauro, Director, Administrative Services
Tabulation Results