Resolution approving an updated list of Code Inspector job titles.
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Recommended Action
Adoption of a resolution approving an updated list of Code Inspector job titles.
• Florida Law authorizes the Board of County Commissioners (Board) to designate Code Inspectors (i.e., employees whose duty it is to ensure code and other regulatory compliance).
• This resolution updates the Code Inspector job titles designated in Resolution No. 23-37 (adopted in May 2023). Specifically, Appendix A of this resolution replaces the list of job titles reflected in Appendix A of Resolution No. 23-37, which replaced the list of job titles reflected in Resolution No. 20-144 (adopted in October 2020).
• In addition to designating job titles, Resolution No. 20-144 delegates authority to the County Administrator to modify job titles due to internal reorganization/rebranding and remove job titles, though wholly new job titles must be designated by the Board. Those provisions are unaffected by this resolution.
• Resolution No. 20-144 further requires department directors to identify employees who hold designated job titles and perform code enforcement functions so those employees receive a protected class designation from Human Resources. Those provisions are likewise unaffected by this resolution.
• Current and former designated Code Inspectors are entitled to an exemption under Florida’s Public Records Law (Ch. 119, Florida Statutes). Specifically, their home addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, and photographs are exempt. The names, home addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, and places of employment of their spouses and children, as well as the names and locations of schools and daycare facilities attended by their children, are also exempt.
Strategic Plan:
Create a Quality Workforce in a Positive, Supportive Organization
1.3 Make workforce safety and wellness a priority
Ensure Public Health, Safety, and Welfare
2.1 Provide planning, coordination, prevention, and protective services to ensure a safe and secure community
This Resolution updates the Code Inspector job titles designated in Resolution No. 23-37. It does not change the process by which Code Inspectors receive a protected class designation under Resolution No. 20-144, nor does it change the authority delegated to the County Administrator therein. In addition to job titles for departments under the County Administrator, job titles for the Office of Human Rights are included in this Resolution.
Background Information:
Sections 125.69(4) and 162.21, Florida Statutes, authorize the Board to designate employees or agents whose duty it is to ensure Code compliance. Historically, the Board has done so by identifying applicable job titles in intermittent resolutions. Resolution 23-37 was the last such resolution. However, the process by which employees holding designated job titles may receive a protected class designation for public records purposes remains outlined in Resolution No. 20-144. Resolution No. 20-144 further delegates authority to the County Administrator to revise job titles due to internal reorganization/rebranding and remove job titles, though wholly new job titles still must be designated by the Board - hence the need for Resolution No. 23-37 and this Resolution.
Fiscal Impact:
Staff Member Responsible:
Jill Silverboard, Deputy County Administrator/Chief of Staff
Clean Resolution
Redlined Resolution
Resolution No. 23-37
Resolution No. 20-144