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File #: 24-0752A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 4/17/2024 Department: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 5/21/2024 Final action: 5/21/2024
Title: Amendment by resolution supplementing the Fiscal Year 2024 Operating and Capital Budgets realigning reserves and funds and recognizing unanticipated receipt of funds for requesting departments. (Companion to Item No. 43)
Attachments: 1. Adopted RES 24-32, 2. R-24-0752A.pdf, 3. R-24-0752A.pdf, 4. Operating_Board_Request_Form, 5. Operating_Supporting_Data, 6. Capital_Board_Request_Form, 7. Capital_Supporting_Data, 8. Notice of Public Hearing, 9. Resolution Checklist, 10. PDF.R-24-0752A.pdf, 11. Electronic Affidavit of Publication, 12. Affidavit of Publication, 13. Budget Amendment Resolution 052124 Item 42 AATF
Related files: 23-0658D



Amendment by resolution supplementing the Fiscal Year 2024 Operating and Capital Budgets realigning reserves and funds and recognizing unanticipated receipt of funds for requesting departments. (Companion to Item No. 43)



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Approval of the amendment by resolution supplementing the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget.


Operating Budget:

                     Realign various reserves in the amount of $13,869,470.00 to update requesting department Operating Budgets. Realign $616,220.00 in the General Fund for Personnel Attrition and $228,800.00 in the General Fund for various needs.

                     Recognize unanticipated revenue in the amount of $111,868,110.00 for requesting department Operating Budgets.


Capital Budget:

                     Realign appropriations within the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund in the amount of $1,655,000.00 to address various project needs and providing legislative finding of appropriateness of the two ARPA projects being amended.

                     Realign $200,000.00 within the Capital Projects Fund from one project to another.

                     Realign $4,100,000.00 Reserves for Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Projects in the Capital Projects Fund associated with beach nourishment.

                     Recognize $6,000,000.00 in unanticipated revenue for Airport CIP.

                     Realign $1,005,000.00 in Airport CIP projects.

                     Realign $2,400,000.00 within the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund Capital Outlay.



Strategic Plan:

Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support




Operating Budget:

The attached resolution realigns funding from various Reserves for the General, Health Department, Emergency Medical Service, Pinellas Public Library Cooperative, Tourist Development Tax, Fire Districts, Palm Harbor Community Services District, Feather Sound Community Services District, East Lake Library Services District, East Lake Recreation Services District, Lealman Solid Waste Collect and Disposal, and Employee Health Benefits Funds.

The attached resolution recognizes unanticipated revenue for the General, Emergency Communications E911 System, HDPP Local Provider Participation, and Fleet Management Funds.

Capital Improvement Program Budget:

The attached resolution realigns Capital Improvement Program (CIP) funding in the ARPA, Capital Projects, and Airport Revenue and Operating Funds.

The attached resolution realigns Reserves for the Capital Projects, Airport Revenue and Operating, and Sewer Renewal Replacement Funds.

The attached resolution recognizes unanticipated revenue for the Airport Revenue and Operating Fund.



Background Information:

Operating Budget:

Realignment of $60,000 from General Fund Reserves for additional expenses related to State salary changes for Commissioners and other staffing updates.

Realignment of $157,000 from General Fund Reserves for payment to the City of Clearwater for the new North Greenwood Community Redevelopment Agency tax increment revenue. This CRA was approved by the Board in May 2023 and was not included in the FY24 calculation for the Adopted Budget.

Realignment of $40,000 of unused BP Economic Settlement funding for a Creative Pinellas Project to increase funding for Creative Pinellas to complete the County’s Cultural Plan in the General Fund for General Government.

Realignment of $30,000 from General Fund Reserves for additional expenses related to outside general counsel for County Attorney.

Realignment of $456,220 in the General Fund for Parks and Conservation Resources Personnel Services due to Personnel Attrition Budget exceeding Actuals. This funding will be realigned from the funds budgeted and set aside for this purpose in General Government.

Realignment of $200,700 in the General Fund for Human Services Personnel Services due to Personnel Attrition Budget exceeding actuals ($100,000), Personnel Services realignment ($95,000 realigned from the funds budgeted and set aside for this purpose in General Government), and a pass thru grant ($5,700).

Realign $60,000 in the General Fund for Safety and Emergency Services due to Personnel Attrition Budget exceeding actuals (realigned from the funds budgeted and set aside for this purpose in General Government). Realignment of $1,925,000 from Emergency Medical Service Fund Reserves for ambulance contract costs. Realignment of $100,000 from Fire District Fund Reserves for unforeseen repairs to fire station 21.

Realignment of $443,740 from General Fund Reserves for emergency repairs and unanticipated projects in the Department of Administrative Services.

Realignment of $28,000 in the General Fund for Judiciary to address pay equity for County employees.

Realignment of $117,280 from General Fund Reserves for Human Resources due to increased costs for contracts and Personnel Services.

Realignment of $450,000 from General Fund Reserves to the Clerk of Courts and Comptroller due to lower than budgeted Recording Fees revenue.

Realignment of $2,652,030 from General Fund Reserves to the Supervisor of Elections for the purchase of voting tabulators. This funding will be realigned from the funds budgeted and set aside for this purpose in General Government for future year Election equipment. The expenditures will occur in the current year instead of future years.

Realignment of $60,100 in General Fund from Human Services to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office for two case managers at Safe Harbor due to the Camping in Public Law recently signed by the Governor. Overall funding will not increase or decrease, but will be realigned from Human Services to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.

Realignment of $200,000 from General Fund Reserves to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office for evidence storage.

Realignment of $6,395,000 from Tourist Development Tax Fund Reserves for increased study costs ($6,000,000) and disclosure counsel ($170,000) and bond counsel ($225,000) for the potential St. Petersburg Major League Baseball Stadium project.

Realignment of $2,320 from Lealman Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Fund Reserves for increased Tax Collector fees.

Realignment of $1,300,000 in Employee Health Benefits Fund Reserves for increased costs related to claims and administration, and a dependent eligibility audit with the new benefits consultant.

Realignment of $37,100 in the General, Health Department, Emergency Medical Service, Pinellas Public Library Cooperative, Fire Districts, Palm Harbor Community Services District, Feather Sound Community Services District, East Lake Library Services District, and East Lake Recreation Services District Fund’s Reserves for increased Property Appraiser expenses related to the State approved budget.

Recognize $389,460 in unanticipated revenue in the General Fund for Human Services for the Justice for Families Program Grant ($163,700) and the Opioid Effective Youth Initiative Grant ($225,760).

Recognize $1,750,000 in unanticipated revenue in the General Fund for Safety and Emergency Services for the COPS Grant.

Recognize $330,970 in unanticipated revenue for the General Fund for the Medical Examiner for the Competitive DNA Capacity enhancement and Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program.

Recognize $249,760 in unanticipated revenue for the General Fund for the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office due to a new Pinellas Park E911 Agreement.

Recognize $134,880 in unanticipated revenue for the Emergency Communications E911 System Fund for the GIS Repository Grant ($41,600) and the Wiring and Cabling Grant ($93,280).

Recognize $108,513,040 in unanticipated revenue for the HDPP Local Provider Participation Fund due to the hospital special assessment as recently approved by the Board of County Commissioners.

Recognize $500,000 in unanticipated revenue for the Fleet Management Fund for the Department of Administrative Services due to increased fuel prices.

Capital Improvement Program Budget:

Realign $1,655,000 in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund for the Safe Routes to School ($505,000) and Septic to Sewer Phase 1 ($1,150,000) projects.

                     ARPA Project 006033A Safe Routes to School: As part of this amendment, the Board finds that this project continues to be appropriate within the 2.0 Negative Economic Impacts Expenditure Category of ARPA due to it being a part of the County’s response to the public health and economic impact of COVID-19. Funding for this project will improve pedestrian infrastructure, such as school zone flashers to reduce speeding, and sidewalk improvements, for children in our underserved communities, safe passage to schools.

                     ARPA Project 006052A Septic to Sewer: As part of this amendment, the BCC finds that this project continues to be appropriate within the 5.0 Water, Sewer, and Broadband Infrastructure Expenditure Category of ARPA due to it being a part of the County’s response to the public health and economic impact of COVID-19. Funding will allow for the design of infrastructure prioritizing properties with septic systems, in the100-year floodplain.

Realign $200,000 from the Renovation and Replacement of Park Structure Project to the Taylor Homestead Project due to Increased costs to meet the City of Largo Fire Department requirements.

Realign $4,100,000 from Reserves for Sand Key Nourishment 2023 ($711,000) and Long Key-PAG Nourish ($3,389,000) due to increased costs from the loss of a federal partnership.

Recognize $6,000,000 in unanticipated for the Airport Revenue and Operating Fund for Airport due to a Federal Aviation Administration grant.

Realign $1,005,000 from Reserves in the Airport Revenue and Operating Fund for Airport due to Cargo Apron Reconstruction and Conversion of Runway 09/27 project costs.

Realign $2,400,000 in the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund for Utilities from the Countywide Concrete FM Repl Project to Reclaimed Water Meters Project due to a strategy change for AMI capital projects.


Fiscal Impact:


Operating Budget:


Realign various reserves in the amount of $13,869,470 to update requesting department Operating Budgets. Realign $616,220 in the General Fund for Personnel Attrition and $188,800 in various Funds for increased expenditures.


Recognize unanticipated revenue in the amount of $111,868,110 for requesting department Operating Budgets.


Capital Budget:


Realign appropriations within the American Rescue Plan Act Fund in the amount of $1,655,000 to address various project needs.


Realign $200,000 in Capital Projects Fund for Taylor Homestead.


Realign $4,100,000 Reserves for CIP Projects in the Capital Projects Fund.


Recognize $6,000,000 in unanticipated revenue for Airport CIP.


Realign $1,005,000 in Airport CIP projects.


Realign $2,400,000 in Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund Capital Outlay.


Staff Member Responsible:

Shane Kunze Budget and Financial Management Analyst
Chris Rose, Director Office of Management and Budget






Notice of Public Hearing