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File #: 24-1761A    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Public Hearing
File created: 9/20/2024 Department: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action:
Title: Ordinance amending the Pinellas County Code, Chapter 42, related to the County Human Trafficking Ordinance to Align with Recent Statutory Changes.
Attachments: 1. Adopted ORD 25-2, 2. AATF Human Trafficking Clean, 3. Human Trafficking Redline, 4. HB 7063 Enrolled, 5. HB 7063 Bill Analysis, 6. Chapter 2024-184 HB 7063, 7. Human Trafficking Current Ordinance, 8. Human Trafficking Business Impact Estimate, 9. Human Trafficking Ordinance Public Hearing Notice Final Draft 12-23-24, 10. OMB.REVIEW_24-1761A_HS_Ordinance Chapter 42_10-Dec-2024, 11. Electronic Affidavit of Publication, 12. Affidavit of Publication
Related files: 15-955, 15-931



Ordinance amending the Pinellas County Code, Chapter 42, related to the County Human Trafficking Ordinance to Align with Recent Statutory Changes.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Conduct a public hearing and adopt the proposed amendments to the County Human Trafficking Ordinance revising County Code Section 42-430, adjusting the hotline language of the required signage to align with recent statutory changes.


                     This amendment adjusts the language on required signage to reflect recent statutory changes.

                     House Bill 7063 amended Florida Statutes 787.29 to update signage language from the National Human Trafficking Hotline to reflect the Florida Human Trafficking Hotline.

                     The Pinellas Human Trafficking Ordinance requires signs to be posted at each licensed adult use, massage, and specialty salon location within the County to promote awareness and access to the hotline information.

                     Human Services anticipates that this proposed ordinance change will require no additional staff time and will have no fiscal impact.



Strategic Plan:

Ensure Public Health, Safety, and Welfare
2.1 Provide planning, coordination, prevention, and protective services to ensure a safe and secure community

Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support
5.4 Strive to exceed customer expectations




Pinellas County adopted a Human Trafficking Ordinance on January 12, 2016, as part of an ongoing effort to further education and awareness in the community. 

The original ordinance implemented Section 787.29 Florida Statutes, signed into law in June 2015 requiring public awareness signs to be displayed at all adult entertainment and massage/bodywork establishments as required by law.  It also extended the signage requirement to include specialty salon establishments, including those providing nail services.

House Bill 7063 amended Florida Statute 787.29 to update sign language from the National Human Trafficking Hotline to reflect the Florida Human Trafficking Hotline. 

This amendment adjusts the language on required signage under County Code Section 42-430 to reflect recent statutory changes. The statutory language goes into effect January 1, 2025.  The amendment also includes language to align with future statutory changes to this section.

Upon adoption, Consumer Protection will provide updated signage for download from the County Website and will send letters to regulated locations.  The signs will continue to alert employees and the public about the existence, remedies and protections related to human trafficking. 

The Pinellas Human Trafficking Ordinance requires signs to be posted at each licensed adult use, massage, and specialty salon location within the County to promote awareness and access to the hotline information.  Currently, there are 829 licensed facilities covered under the ordinance requirements.  Consumer Protection provides downloadable signs through their website, sends annual written notifications to all licensed locations, and performs site visits for compliance inspections.  A total of 590 compliance inspections were performed in FY24 with 6 warnings and no citation issued.

A public hearing was advertised for the January 14, 2025 Board meeting and an associated Business Impact Estimate has been posted to the County website.



Background Information:

Pinellas County adopted a Human Trafficking Ordinance on January 12, 2016, as part of an ongoing effort to further education and awareness in the community. 

The original ordinance implemented Section 787.29 Florida Statutes, signed into law in June 2015 requiring public awareness signs to be displayed at all adult entertainment and massage/bodywork establishments as required by law.  It also extended the signage requirement to include specialty salon establishments, including those providing nail services.

As required by law, the updated public awareness sign must be at least 8.5 inches by 11 inches in size, must be printed in at least a 16-point type and must state substantially the following in both English and Spanish or other language as determined by industry or area demographic: 

“If you or someone you know is being forced to engage in an activity and cannot leave-whether it is prostitution, housework, farm work, factory work, retail work, restaurant work, or any other activity, call the Florida Human Trafficking Hotline, 1-855-FLA-SAFE, to access help and services. Victims of slavery and human trafficking are protected under United States and Florida law.” 

This adjustment removes “-call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888 or text INFO or HELP to 233-733 to access help and services.” and replaces this language with “, call the Florida Human Trafficking Hotline, 1-855-FLA-SAFE, to access help and services.”

Pinellas Consumer Protection will work with local law enforcement, the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, and the Florida Department of Health to verify that required signage is properly displayed. Each of the partners has complementary responsibilities for visiting the regulated locations.


Fiscal Impact:

Human Services anticipates that this proposed ordinance change will require no additional staff time and will have no fiscal impact. 


Staff Member Responsible:

Karen Yatchum, Director, Human Services



Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Florida Department of Health in Pinellas
Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Local Consumers



Proposed Ordinance Amendment
Proposed Ordinance Amendment Redline
HB 7063 Enrolled
HB 7063 Bill Analysis
Chapter 2024-184 HB 7063
Human Trafficking Current Ordinance
Human Trafficking Business Impact Estimate
Notice of Public Hearing