Case No. CW 24-19 - City of St. Petersburg (continued from November 19, 2024)
Countywide Plan Map amendment from Residential Medium to Multimodal Corridor, regarding 0.58 acre more or less, located at 920 20th Avenue South and 919 21st Avenue South.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Sitting as the Countywide Planning Authority, adopt an ordinance approving Case No. CW 24-19, a proposal by the City of St. Petersburg to amend the Countywide Plan Map from Residential Medium to Multimodal Corridor, regarding 0.58 acre more or less, located at 920 20th Avenue South and 919 21st Avenue South.
• The property is currently vacant.
• The proposed amendment would permit the site to redevelop to support multifamily housing with a density greater than the current Residential Medium designation permits.
• The property's location adjacent to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street South (MLK), a supporting corridor, aligns with the purpose of the Multimodal Corridor category.
• The proximity to MLK, a designated supporting corridor, reinforces the suitability of this amendment for promoting higher density residential and mixed-use development consistent with the objectives of the Countywide Plan.
• Forward Pinellas and the Planners Advisory Committee each unanimously recommended approval of the proposal.
Strategic Plan:
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.3 Catalyze redevelopment through planning and regulatory programs
Forward Pinellas, in its role as the Pinellas Planning Council, voted 9-0 to recommend approval of the proposal. The Planners Advisory Committee recommended approval of this case by a vote of 12-0.
Background Information:
Forward Pinellas documentation is attached.
Fiscal Impact:
Staff Member Responsible:
Rodney Chatman, Planning Division Manager, Forward Pinellas
City of St. Petersburg
Case Maps
Forward Pinellas Staff Analysis
Draft PAC Minutes
PowerPoint Presentation
Supporting Documentation
Affidavit of Publication