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File #: 23-1789A    Version: 1
Type: Zoning / Land Use and Related Item Status: Failed
File created: 11/3/2023 Department: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 12/12/2023 Final action: 12/12/2023
Title: Appeal by Brian and Lori Myrback of the issuance of County Dock Permit No. WND-20-00231REV granted to Dr. James P. Donovan for a dock and boat lift at 106 Harbor Drive, Palm Harbor, 34683.
Attachments: 1. Notice to Applicant, 2. Dock Permit Application No. WND-20-00231REV, 3. Notice of Appeal - Amended, 4. Myrback BCC PPT 11-21-23 (Final Legistar Version) Presentation, 5. Permit - Issued 5/18/2021, 6. Approved Plan with Conditions - 4/28/2023, 7. Vicinity Map, 8. 090822 Permit App (002), 9. Cole Law Firm Cover Letter - RE Contents on Flashdrive, 10. Affidavit - Linda Feinstein - Executed, 11. Amended Appendix to Amended Petition for Writ of Certiorari_FINAL (09-21-21), 12. Approved Permit Drawing (May 2022), 13. BCC_WaterNavPermit_2_20230428_121006 (002), 14. Cantilevered Boat Lift (Current), 15. Email - Mackesey (4-28-23), 16. Item No 30 - Citizen Comment Cards, 17. Mandate, 18. Notice of Appeal - Exhibit A, 19. Notice of Appeal - Exhibit B, 20. Notice of Appeal - Exhibit C, 21. Notice of Appeal - Myrback - Donovan Dock (05-26-23), 22. Opinion (Rendered 08-03-22), 23. Pending Permit Drawing I (September 2022), 24. Pending Permit Drawing II (September 2022), 25. Permit 1971 (WND-H-2049-71), 26. Permit 1989 (WND-H-16910-89), 27. Permit 2001, 28. Permit 2022 Application, 29. Petition for Writ of Certiorari - E-Filed, 30. PWC Deck Lift Example, 31. Registered Public Speakers for the Board of County Commissioners Meeting - Public Comment Sign Up, 32. Reply Brief - Filed, 33. Response Brief - Donovan, 34. Response Brief - Pinellas County, 35. Revised Form_Variance page (002), 36. WND-20-00231REV Approved Plan With Conditions (002), 37. Notice of Appeal - Supplement - 2023 Permit (11-09-23), 38. Notice of Appeal - Supplement - Dock and Boat Lift Outside Center Third, 39. Notice of Appeal - Supplement - BOA Ruling, 40. Notice of Appeal - Supplement - Circuit Court Conclusion, 41. HWH-106 Harbor Drive BOCC PPT (Presentation), 42. HWH-Supplemental Materials_BOCC Dec 12 Hearing_WND20 00231 REV, 43. Affidavit - Myrback (12-05-23), 44. Town of Ponce Inlet v Rancourt, 45. Transcript - Administrative Hearing (11-13-23), 46. Picture - 10x Closer (For Hearing 12-12-23), 47. Picture - August 2022 Construction (Hearing on 12-12-23), 48. Correspondence - Opposing Denial, 49. Item 55 - Documents Submitted, 50. Item 55 - Speaker Cards
Related files: 23-1401A, 24-1870A



Appeal by Brian and Lori Myrback of the issuance of County Dock Permit No. WND-20-00231REV granted to Dr. James P. Donovan for a dock and boat lift at 106 Harbor Drive, Palm Harbor, 34683. 



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Recommend denying Brian and Lori Myrback’s appeal of the issuance of County Dock Permit No. WND-20-00231REV (Subject Permit) granted to Dr. James P. Donovan for a dock and boat lift at 106 Harbor Drive, Palm Harbor, 34683 (Subject Property). 


                     The Subject Property is owned and resided at by Dr. Donovan. The Myrbacks own and reside at the property to the immediate south at 104 Harbor Drive. Both homes affront St. Joseph Sound to the west.

                     The Myrbacks timely filed a petition for a public hearing to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to appeal the Subject Permit on numerous procedural and substantive grounds.

                     The BCC granted the Myrbacks petition for hearing on October 17, 2023, causing this public hearing to be scheduled.

                     Water and Navigation staff have consulted with the County Attorney’s Office on this matter and is confident that the Subject Permit was properly issued.




Strategic Plan:

Deliver First-Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support.
5.4 Strive to serve the needs of all Pinellas County residents and customers.




The Myrbacks seek to overturn the Subject Permit on numerous procedural and substantive grounds, detailed in the attached (amended) “Notice of Appeal” dated June 1, 2023.  Their position is summarized as follows: Any part of the dock or boat lift extending outside the center one-third of the Subject Property’s waterfront width must either a) match a previous permit for the Subject Property granted in 2001 (the “2001 Permit”) or b) receive a variance from the BCC or the Board of Adjustment and Appeals (BOA).   The Myrbacks primary concern is that a larger vessel can now utilize the boat lift due to removal of a “stub out” in front of the boat lift shown in the 2001 Permit. 

Water and Navigation Regulations do not dictate the size or type of vessels that utilize docking facilities or require permits for removal of docking facilities.  The stub out was approved by a prior variance authorized because a previous neighbor provided a signature of no objection in the 2001 Permit. The removal of the stub out structure is compliant with the code.  Most of the stub out was removed in 2007, long before Dr. Donovan obtained the Subject Property. 



Background Information:

The 2001 Permit authorizes a 42.5-foot-long dock at the Subject Property.  Additionally, the 2001 Permit authorizes a boat lift on the south end of the dock 25 feet from the seawall. The southwest piling of the boat lift (the closest piling to the Myrbacks property) is 4.79 feet from the Myrbacks extended property line.  The 2001 Permit depicts a 15 feet x 5 feet “stub out” from the dock abutting the north end of the boat lift.

The stub out, boat lift, and a part of the dock reflected in the September 2001 Permit vary from County Code Section 58-555(b)(2), which requires that single-family docking facilities be constructed within the center one-third of a permittee’s waterfront property (or 50 feet from the adjacent property, whichever is less restrictive).  However, compliance with 58-555(b)(2) may be (a) waived where the encroached upon neighbor(s) provides a signature of no objection or (b) excused via variance from the BCC or BOAA per 58-539(b).  The predecessor owners to the Myrbacks provided a signature of no objection on the September 2001 Permit, thereby allowing the variance to 58-555(b)(2).  Notably, aerials show that most of the stub out was removed by Dr. Donovan’s predecessor in interest around 2007.  The small remaining part of the stub out was removed by Dr. Donovan sometime after the 2021 BOAA Hearing discussed in the paragraph below.

In May 2021, the BOAA granted a variance to allow the dock to be expanded by 8 feet to 50.5 feet (a variance of 7.8 feet from the maximum permittable length of 42.7 feet under 58-555(b)(1)); this variance was not appealed.  At the same hearing, the BOAA granted a variance allowing the boatlift to shift 6 feet seaward; this variance was successfully appealed by the Myrbacks.  Therefore, Staff ultimately issued the Subject Permit reflecting (a) the elongated dock (to 50.5 feet) in accordance with the 2021 BOA Variance and (b) the boat lift in the same location reflected in the 2001 Permit.  Significant to the Myrbacks appeal and discussed further in the “Summary” provided above, the Subject Permit does not reflect the stub out.  In addition to the missing stub out, the Myrbacks allege several other deficiencies with the Subject Permit.


Fiscal Impact:



Staff Member Responsible:

Kelli Hammer Levy, Director, Public Works






Dock Permit Application No. WND-20-00231REV
Notice of Appeal - Amended
Staff PowerPoint
Permit - Issued 5/18/2021
Approved Plan with Conditions - 04/28/2023
Vicinity Map