Purchase authorization for requirements of heavy and light duty vehicles and equipment.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Authorize the purchase of heavy and light duty vehicles and equipment pursuant to the pricing, terms and conditions of each competitively procured cooperative contract:
1. Florida Sheriff’s Association / Florida Association of Counties (FSA/FAC) contracts: police rated; administrative; utility vehicles; trucks and vans; heavy equipment
2. Sourcewell (formerly known as the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA): heavy and utility equipment
3. Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC)
4. U.S. Communities (U.S. Communities) Government Purchasing Alliance
5. Various State of Florida, Department of Management Services (DMS) vehicles, equipment, and fleet contracts
Contract No. 189-0047-PB(AM) in the amount of $6,558,918.00
Strategic Plan:
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of public’s resources
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support
This action provides purchase authorizations with multiple firms under various entity contracts for the acquisition of vehicles and equipment. Acquisition includes vehicles being replaced that have reached the end of their useful and economic lives and are due for replacement in Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19), and new capitalized vehicles being added to the existing fleet, which are included in the FY19 Adopted Budget.
Background Information:
Factors used to determine the end of useful and economic life include, but are not limited to: age, life to date, mileage/hours of operation, historical maintenance cost as compared to like vehicles, operating cost per mile/hour, anticipated and ongoing repairs, and physical condition.
All of the contracts recommended for purchase authorization are competitively and cooperatively bid and awarded by their respective jurisdictions:
1. FSA/FAC is a purchasing cooperative in the State of Florida for police and municipal requirements.
2. Sourcewell (formerly known as NJPA) is a purchasing cooperative operating under legislative authority in the State of Minnesota.
3. The H-GAC is a purchasing cooperative program, known as HGACBuy, operates under legislative authority in the State of Texas.
4. U.S. Communities is a national government cooperative purchasing program.
5. DMS cooperatively bids requirements for agencies throughout Florida.
Fiscal Impact:
The adopted FY19 budget includes appropriations that impact Pinellas County departmental enterprise funds and the Vehicle Replacement Plan fund.
Total expenditure not to exceed $6,558,918.00
Funding for this purchase is derived from the following:
Fleet Vehicle Replacement Plan FY 2019 Equipment Purchase Plan $ 3,259,993.00
Utilities FY 2019 Equipment Purchase Plan $ 2,943,650.00
FY19 Non-Replacement Equipment Purchase Plan $ 226,669.00
Contingency (toolboxes, light bars, inverters, accessories) $ 128,606.00
Staff Member Responsible:
Andrew W. Pupke, Director, Real Estate Management
Joe Lauro, Director, Purchasing
FY19 Equipment Purchase Plan