Ordinance amending the Countywide Rules (first public hearing).
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Sitting as the Countywide Planning Authority (CPA), hold the first of two public hearings to consider proposed amendments to Countywide Rules to create a Senior Housing Bonus, revise the map adjustment process, and other minor housekeeping changes as follows:
• Forward Pinellas has received a request to amend the residential equivalency standards, specifically for the Assisted Living Facility (ALF) use based on the growing residential needs of Pinellas County’s aging population.
• The amendment identifies criteria for defining what qualifies as Senior Housing, allows each local government the discretion for determining the maximum number of allowable residential dwelling units, residential equivalent beds, and/or floor area ratio bonuses allowable in their applicable zoning district and/or future land use categories.
• The amendment prohibits the application of this density/intensity bonus in the Coastal High Hazard Area.
• The map adjustment process is being revised in response to local government requests for interpretation and clarification of this administrative process.
• The amendment adds criteria for adjusting Preservation or Recreation/Open Space boundaries, including clarification that a survey is required unless very specific de minimis criteria are met as well as replaces the current “official acceptance process” with a process similar to Tier I map amendments, where staff processes the adjustments administratively and the Forward Pinellas Board and CPA are notified after the fact.
• Housekeeping amendments to definitions related to submerged land, continuances, withdrawals, and animal boarding uses are also part of this amendment package.
Strategic Plan:
Practice Superior Environmental Stewardship
3.2 Preserve and manage environmental lands, beaches, parks, and historical assets
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.3 Catalyze redevelopment through planning and regulatory programs
Forward Pinellas, in its role as the Pinellas Planning Council, held a public hearing on June 9, 2021, and adopted Resolution 21-03, recommending that the Countywide Planning Authority amend the Countywide Rules as set forth in the attached underline/strike-through ordinance. The Planners Advisory Committee met on May 3, 2021, and voted unanimously to recommend approval of this amendment (vote: 13-0).
An amendment to the Countywide Rules requires two public hearings by the Countywide Planning Authority, with at least one of the hearings being held in the evening. This is the first of the two requisite public hearings.
Background Information:
Forward Pinellas documentation is attached.
Fiscal Impact:
Staff Member Responsible:
Linda Fisher, Principal Planner, Forward Pinellas
Local municipal governments
Forward Pinellas Resolution 21-03
Draft Ordinance with Exhibit
Affidavit of Publication for Forward Pinellas hearing
Affidavit of Publication for Countywide Planning Authority hearing