Data Sharing Agreement between the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity and Pinellas County Economic Development.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the agreement to allow Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) to provide Pinellas County Economic Development (PCED) with its Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data.
• DEO is the authority over the administration of Florida’s Unemployment Compensation Program.
• The agreement establishes the confidentiality guidelines pursuant to which DEO agrees to disclose its Quarterly Census of Employment Wages to PCED.
• The information will be used to analyze employment and industry trends and review data for targeted industry businesses.
Strategic Plan:
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.1 Proactively attract and retain businesses with targeted jobs to the county and the region
DEO is the authority over the administration of Florida’s Unemployment Compensation Program. The Agreement establishes the confidentiality guidelines pursuant to which DEO agrees to disclose its Quarterly Census of Employment Wages to PCED. PCED uses the data for analysis, targeting industries, performance measurement and implementation of its economic development strategies.
Background Information:
The purpose of this Agreement is to establish confidentiality guidelines for DEO to provide PCED with Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) data, including confidential RA information. The information will be used to analyze employment and industry trends and review data for targeted industry businesses. This confidential data will only be accessible by PCED employees who have a valid need for access to this information.
Fiscal Impact:
There is no monetary exchange and no future obligation to expend funds. There are no in-kind services to be provided by PCED.
Staff Member Responsible:
Dr. Cynthia Johnson, Director, Economic Development
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
Data Sharing Agreement