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File #: 23-1282A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 8/9/2023 Department: Public Works
On agenda: 10/17/2023 Final action: 10/17/2023
Title: First Amendment to the contract for professional engineering services with DRMP, Inc. for the 13th Street bridge replacement project and with Kisinger Campo & Associates, Corp for the Madonna Boulevard bridge replacement.
Attachments: 1. FE_First Amendment - DRMP - 13th St. - Final, 2. FE_First Amendment - KCA - Madonna Blvd - Final, 3. First Amendment - DRMP - 13th St. - Final, 4. First Amendment - KCA - Madonna Blvd - Final, 5. OMB.REVIEW_23-1282A_PublicWorks_FirstAmendment_13StBridge_MadonnaBridge_11-SEP-2023
Related files: 21-1433A



First Amendment to the contract for professional engineering services with DRMP, Inc. for the 13th Street bridge replacement project and with Kisinger Campo & Associates, Corp for the Madonna Boulevard bridge replacement.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Approval of the First Amendment to the contract with DRMP, Inc. for the 13th Street bridge replacement project and with Kisinger Campo & Associates, Corp for the Madonna Boulevard bridge replacement.


                     This contract is for professional engineering services to prepare the design, construction plans, and post-design services for replacing the 13th Street bridge and Madonna Boulevard bridge projects.

                     This contract was originally approved by the Board of County Commissioners on July 19, 2022, with DRMP, Inc. in the amount of $890,452.43 for the 13th Street bridge and with Kisinger Campo & Associates, Corp in the amount of $1,080,276.00 for the Madonna Boulevard bridge.

                     This First Amendment does not impact the project schedule but increases the contract amount by $43,723.00 for the 13th Street bridge project and $62,823.60 for the Madonna Boulevard bridge project to include design services for relocation of the existing reclaimed water line for both projects that was not part of the original design upon award.

                     Funding for the Pinellas County Utilities relocations is available under program project 000831A Water, Sewer and Reclaimed Water Relocation Projects, included in the Capital Improvement Plan, funded by the Water Renewal and Replacement Fund and the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund.


Contract No. 21-0678-NC; increases in the amount of $106,546.60 for a revised total of $2,077,275.03. Work is expected to be completed within the initially approved project schedule and does not extend the contract duration; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.



Strategic Plan:

Ensure Public Health, Safety, and Welfare
2.5 Enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety

Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.4 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs
4.5 Provide safe and effective transportation systems to support the efficient flow of motorist’s, commerce, and regional connectivity




This First Amendment increases the contract amount by $106,546.60, bringing the total amount of this contract to $2,077,275.03. This amendment provides additional funding to design the relocation of the reclaimed water line at both the 13th Street and Madonna Boulevard bridge projects. 



Background Information:

This contract was originally approved by the County on July 19, 2022, with DRMP, Inc. in the amount of $890,452.43 for the 13th St Bridge and with Kisinger Campo & Associates, Corp in the amount of $1,080,276.00 for the Madonna Blvd bridge.

DRMP, Inc. and KCA were contracted to provide all professional services necessary to design; prepare plans; develop construction specifications; and provide engineering services for the proposed improvements, including post-design services for each respective bridge replacement project.


The project includes the design of Pinellas County Utilities (PCU) potable water line improvements. PCU has requested the reclaimed water lines be added to the design task and replaced as part of these projects.  The new utility lines will be installed under the canal instead of being attached to the bridge.


Fiscal Impact:

Funding for the Pinellas County Utilities relocations is available under program project 000831A Water, Sewer and Reclaimed Water Relocation Projects, included in the Capital Improvement Plan, funded by the Water Renewal and Replacement Fund and the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund:


13th St Bridge Replacement Project - PID No. 000971A

          Awarded not to exceed amount:                         $890,452.43

          First Amendment:                                                 $43,723.00

          Total Revised Design Cost:                                    $934,175.43


Madonna Blvd Bridge Replacement Project - PID No. 003678A

          Awarded not to exceed amount:                         $1,080,276.00

          First Amendment:                                                    $62,823.60

          Total Revised Design Cost:                $1,143,099.60


Total Design Cost for these two projects:     $2,077,275.03.


Staff Member Responsible:

Kelli Hammer-Levy, Director, Public Works
Merry Celeste, Division Director, Purchasing & Risk Management, Administrative Services
Joe Lauro, Director, Administrative Services






First Amendment - DRMP, Inc.
First Amendment - Kisinger Campo & Associates, Corp