Revisions to the Elite Event & Destination Enhancement Funding Program Guidelines from the Tourist Development Council.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the revisions to the Elite Event & Destination Enhancement Funding Program Guidelines.
• The Elite Event & Destination Enhancement Funding Program provides funding for eligible major events that generate attendees, visitors, room nights, and promotion for the County.
• Recommended revisions were unanimously approved by the Tourist Development Council on January 15, 2025.
• Substantive revisions include:
1.) Increased program cap from $2 million to $3 million in accordance with the Tourist Development Plan.
2.) Restored the funding cap for category one events to the 2017 level and increased the remaining caps accordingly; included a funding “range” to address the variance between events within each category.
3.) Added public relations/media coverage as a funding criteria.
4.) Added eco-friendly practices for funding consideration.
5.) Eliminated the 2nd application cycle for Destination Enhancement events in lieu of accepting these applications year-round, provided funding is available.
6.) Clarified “broadcast” to mean affiliated with a network cable company.
Strategic Plan:
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.6 Support a vibrant community with recreation, arts, and culture to attract residents and visitors
Deliver First-Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
With Board approval, the revised Guidelines to administer the Elite Event Program will commence with the upcoming Fiscal Year 2026 (FY26) application and funding cycle.
Background Information:
Section 125.0104(5)(a)3., Florida Statutes, authorizes the use of Tourist Development Tax (TDT) funds to promote and advertise tourism, and to support activities and events that have as one of their main purposes the attraction of tourists as evidence by their promotion to tourists. Pinellas County Code Section 118-32 (the Tourist Development Plan), reiterates that the marketing and sponsoring of special events and programs as authorized by the Statute is an allowable use of TDT revenues. Pursuant to these authorities, the Elite Event Program is one of the marketing programs administered by CVB staff that provides funding to qualified, high-profile and destination enhancement events that meet the minimum criteria as set forth in the Guidelines. The original Guidelines were approved by the Board on February 7, 2012, and amended on January 29, 2013, April 15, 2014, December 12, 2017, December 11, 2018, March 10, 2020, March 8, 2022, and April 9, 2024.
Over the past years, this program has steadily become more popular including in FY24, when a total of 51 applications were received. CVB staff performed a review of the Guidelines prior to the FY26 funding cycle in an effort to increase efficiencies, increase the number of new events, encourage events to pursue public relations opportunities thereby increasing the CVB’s brand awareness, and with an eye toward making overall improvements to the program.
On January 15, 2025, during the regular scheduled meeting, CVB staff presented the proposed Guideline revisions to the TDC which included the following substantive changes:
1. Increased program cap from $2 million to $3 million in accordance with the Tourist
Development Plan.
2. Restored the funding cap for category 1 events to the 2017 level and increased the
remaining caps accordingly; included a funding “range” to address the variance
between events within each category.
3. Added public relations/media coverage as a funding criteria.
4. Added eco-friendly practices for funding consideration in alignment with The Tampa
Bay Area Low-Waste Event Guide.
5. Eliminated the 2nd application cycle for Destination Enhancement events in lieu of
accepting these applications year-round, provided funding is available.
6. Clarified “broadcast” to mean affiliated with a network cable company.
The TDC was very supportive of the changes and following discussion, unanimously approved the revised Guidelines. If approved by the Board, the revised Guidelines will become effective in the upcoming FY26 funding cycle.
Fiscal Impact:
This action by itself has no fiscal impact.
The CVB plans to submit a Decision Package to request an additional $1 million for this funding program during the FY26 budget cycle.
Funding to support the Elite Event Program is included in the CVB’s Operating Budget. The source of funding is the Tourist Development Tax Fund.
Staff Member Responsible:
Brian Lowack, Director, Convention and Visitors Bureau
Tourist Development Council
Elite Event & Destination Enhancement Funding Program Guidelines (redline version)
Elite Event & Destination Enhancement Funding Program Guidelines (clean version)