Award acceptance and agreement with the Florida Department of Children and Families for the 2023 Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant, Treatment for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the award acceptance, certifications, and agreement with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) for the 2023 Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse (CJMHSA) Reinvestment Grant, Treatment for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness (TIEH).
• DCF’s 2023 CJMHSA Reinvestment Grant will fund supportive services through the TIEH program for adults 18 or over who have a mental illness, substance use disorder, or co-occurring disorder and who are in, or at risk of entering the criminal justice system.
• The TIEH program is a collaboration between Pinellas County Human Services, Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, Pinellas Safe Harbor Emergency Shelter, Boley Centers, Inc., and Eleos Health (formerly Personal Enrichment Through Mental Health Services, Inc.).
• This grant award provides up to $1,200,000.00 over three years, beginning February 1, 2025, and concluding January 31, 2028.
• A 100% in-kind match is required. $1,200,000.00 will be provided by Pinellas County Human Services, Boley Centers, Inc., Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, and Eleos Health.
• This grant was not included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 County budget. A budget amendment will likely be submitted to recognize the revenue and appropriate the expenditure in FY25. It will be included in the proposed FY26 budget once submitted.
Strategic Plan:
Ensure Public Health, Safety and Welfare
2.2 Be a facilitator, convener, and purchaser of services for those in need.
This award acceptance serves as the agreement between the County and the Department of Children and Families (DCF) for the 2023 CJMHSA Reinvestment Grant (TIEH). TIEH seeks to enhance resources, bridge gaps in services, and improve stabilization outcomes for justice-involved adults with substance use or co-occurring mental health needs, with an emphasis on those individuals’ experiencing homelessness who are coming through the Safe Harbor emergency shelter, as it is the largest emergency shelter in the County and is also a receiving center for individuals who are diverted from the criminal justice system.
This DCF award will fund supportive services for 30 clients/year, or 90 total over the 3-year grant period.
Background Information:
The CJMHSA Reinvestment Grant Program was created by the 2007 Florida Legislature by s. 394.656, F.S., and is housed within the Department of Children and Families. The purpose of the grant funding is for counties to plan, implement, or expand initiatives that increase public safety and avert increased spending on criminal and juvenile justice systems.
The Pinellas County Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC) serves as the statutorily designated planning council for the CJMHSA Reinvestment Grant under section 394.657, Florida Statutes. The PSCC met on December 18, 2023 and voted to recommend the County proceed with TIEH proposal. The PSCC’s recommendation was later approved by the Board of County Commissioners on February 23, 2024.
In August 2024, the County was awarded $2,499,995 in federal funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for the TIEH program, which funds supportive services to 64 clients/year or 320 over a 5-year grant period.
Fiscal Impact:
The 2023 CJMHSA Reinvestment grant will provide up to $400,000.00 per year for three years ($1,200,000.00 total). The County will contract, via a subaward, with Boley Centers to implement and deliver the TIEH program. Boley will subcontract with Eleos Health for mental health services.
In-kind match equal to the award amount is required and will provided by PCSO ($161,465.00) Pinellas County Human Services ($103,040.88), Boley ($99,607.12), and Eleos Health ($35,887.00).
This grant was not included in the FY2025 County budget. A budget amendment will be submitted to OMB to recognize the revenue and appropriate the expenditure in FY25. It will be included in the proposed FY26 budget once submitted.
Staff Member Responsible:
Karen Yatchum, Director, Human Services
Florida Department of Children and Families
Pinellas County, Department of Human Services
Boley Centers, Inc.,
Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, Safe Harbor
Eleos Health
Certification Regarding Lobbying
Certification Regarding Debarment & Suspension
DCF Notice of Award & Agreement LH887
DCF Intent to Award
DCF Application Submission