Agreement with Pinellas Ex Offender Reentry Coalition for administration of the sterile needle and syringe exchange program.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the agreement with Pinellas Ex Offender Reentry Coalition (PERC) for administration of the sterile needle and syringe exchange program.
• This contract provides for the administration of a sterile needle and syringe exchange program within Pinellas County to reduce the spread of communicable diseases.
• PERC will be responsible for operating a one-to-one exchange for syringes, offer educational materials on communicable diseases, provide on-site counseling and referrals for treatment, and provide emergency opioid overdose treatment kits.
• An oversight and accountability system has been developed to ensure compliance before commencing operations in accordance with Florida Statute 381.0038(4)(a)(4), and Pinellas County Code, Chapter 42 XV.
• Two proposals were received in response to a competitive Letter of Interest with PERC recommended for an award of contract.
• There is no fiscal impact associated with this contract. In accordance with Florida Statutes 381.0038 (4)(f) and Pinellas Code Section 42-47, no County funds may be used to operate the program. There will be no compensation paid to the vendor by the County for this program.
Contract No. 21-0553-LI for an initial term of sixty months; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.
Strategic Plan:
Ensure Public Health, Safety, and Welfare
2.2 Be a facilitator, convener, and purchaser of services for those in need
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.1 Maximize partner relationships and public outreach
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support
Pursuant to Florida Statute 381.0038(4)(a)(4), and Chapter 42 XV, Pinellas County Code, this agreement provides a program administrator for sterile needle and syringe exchanges. PERC will be responsible for fulfilling the following requirements:
• Operate a one-to-one exchange where participants shall receive one sterile needle and syringe unit in exchange for each used one.
• Make available educational materials regarding transmission of HIV, viral hepatitis, and other blood-borne diseases.
• Provide required, onsite counseling to allow for intervention, prevention and treatment access for any individual making a needle exchange. This will include but is not limited to education on safe injection practices, prevention of HIV/HCV, and overdose prevention counseling. Additionally, PERC will provide, either directly or through referral, counseling for drug abuse prevention, education, treatment, and recovery support services with availability within 72 hours of referral.
• Provide HIV and viral hepatitis screening onsite and by referral within 72 hours.
• Provide kits containing an emergency opioid antagonist.
• Provide for maximum security of distribution and collection sites; to include secure storage and safe collection of needles.
• Collect data and monitor activities for annual reporting purposes.
In addition, the agreement includes provisions for oversight and accountability purposes that ensure compliance with statutory and contractual guidance. Program cost and budget is the sole responsibility of the proposing entity and is planned accordingly.
Background Information:
On June 26, 2019, Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 366 into law expanding needle exchanges and establishing the Infectious Disease Elimination Act (IDEA) enabling any State of Florida County Commission to authorize a sterile needle and syringe exchange program to operate within its county boundaries.
On January 26, 2021, the Pinellas Board of County Commissioners, adopted ordinance No. 21-02, thereby creating Article XV, Chapter 42 of the Pinellas County Code to allow for the development of a local syringe exchange program.
On June 7, 2021 Purchasing Division, on behalf of the Human Services Department released a Letter of Interest with the intent to establish a sterile needle and syringe exchange program. Two (2) proposals were received with Pinellas Ex Offender Reentry Coalition determined to be the highest ranked firm.
Fiscal Impact:
There is no fiscal impact associated with this contract
Staff Member Responsible:
Karen Yatchum, Director, Human Services
Merry Celeste, Division Director, Purchasing & Risk, Administrative Services
Joe Lauro, Director, Administrative Services