Case No. CW 21-10 - Pinellas County
Countywide Plan Map amendment from Residential Low Medium to Residential High, regarding 1.14 acres more or less, located on the western terminus of 20th Terrace Southwest, approximately 330 feet west of Seminole Boulevard.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Sitting as the Countywide Planning Authority, adopt an ordinance approving Case No. CW 21-10, a proposal by Pinellas County to amend the Countywide Plan Map from Residential Low Medium to Residential High, regarding 1.14 acres more or less, located on the western terminus of 20th Terrace Southwest.
• The property is currently vacant, and the applicant proposes to develop the site as a single-family attached residential subdivision.
• The amendment area involves two parcels which are located on the western terminus of 20th Terrace Southwest, approximately 330 feet west of Seminole Boulevard.
• This particular amendment is adjacent to the Largo Mall Activity Center Special Area Plan to the west and is thus compatible with the locational characteristics of the proposed category.
• Forward Pinellas voted 10-0 and the Planners Advisory Committee voted 12-0 to recommend approval of this proposal.
Strategic Plan:
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.3 Catalyze redevelopment through planning and regulatory programs
Forward Pinellas, in its role as the Pinellas Planning Council, voted 10-0 to recommend approval of the proposal. The Planners Advisory Committee recommended approval of the case by a vote of 12-0.
Background Information:
Forward Pinellas documentation is attached.
Fiscal Impact:
Staff Member Responsible:
Rodney Chatman, Planning Division Manager, Forward Pinellas
Nousheen Rahman, Planning Analyst, Forward Pinellas
Case Maps
Forward Pinellas Staff Analysis
Draft PAC Minutes
Support Documents
Presentation / Site Visit Photos
Affidavit of Publication