Resolution adopting the Linking Lealman Action Plan implementing mobility and complete streets.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the resolution adopting the Linking Lealman Action Plan implementing mobility and complete streets (Linking Lealman Action Plan) to improve transportation infrastructure and quality of life in the Lealman Community Redevelopment Area (CRA).
• The Linking Lealman Action Plan is a phased implementation plan for sidewalks, bicycle facilities, trails, street and intersection improvements, transit improvements, and wayfinding and place making elements.
• Adoption authorizes projects identified in the Linking Lealman Action Plan to be reviewed for implementation through the Capital Improvements Program portfolio review process, the Lealman Redevelopment Trust Fund, the Local Government Infrastructure Surtax (Penny for Pinellas funds) and other potential funding sources.
Strategic Plan:
Ensure Public Health, Safety, and Welfare
2.5 Enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.2 Invest in communities that need the most
4.3 Catalyze redevelopment through planning and regulatory programs
4.4 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs
4.5 Provide safe and effective transportation systems to support the efficient flow of motorists, commerce, and regional connectivity
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.1 Maximize partner relationships and public outreach
Approval of the above recommended action authorizes the programming of needed transportation projects in the Lealman CRA through the Capital Improvements Program and other funding sources. Implementation of plan components will improve safety and quality of life in Lealman.
The Lealman Community Redevelopment Area Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) have participated in the development of the plan, reviewed the draft plan elements at their December 18, 2018 meeting, and demonstrated approval by unanimously passing a motion of support for all of the quick win projects.
In 2001, the local community developed a Vision Plan outlining specific objectives to maintain the area’s identity as a distinct, unincorporated community, including: installinggateway markers; maintaining the current pattern of street development; implementing traffic calming measures; utilizing Joe’s Creek as a linear greenway; increasing transportation opportunities for disadvantaged residents; and creating a safe and connected trail, sidewalk, and bike network.
Background Information:
In July 2015, via Resolution 15-62, the Board made a positive finding of blighted conditions and established the Lealman CRA, and directed staff to create the Lealman Community Redevelopment Area Plan (Plan). On June 7, 2016, the Board approved the Plan via Resolution 16-40.
The Plan identifies the current transportation infrastructure as either deficient or non-existent in portions of the CRA and calls for the development of a Complete Streets Masterplan as a short term plan implementation task. Current infrastructure deficiencies present safety and equity concerns as well as obstacles to attracting or accommodating infill and redevelopment. The improvement of multi-modal mobility, accessibility and safety by developing a holistic traffic calming plan, a continuous network of streets, sidewalks, bike lanes and trails, and upgraded pedestrian and transit amenities is a Plan objective.
Fiscal Impact:
There is no direct fiscal impact associated with this resolution; however, there are costs and recurring operation and maintenance associated with the implementation of the Linking Lealman Action Plan.
Staff Member Responsible:
Renea Vincent, Director, Planning
Lealman Community Redevelopment Area Advisory Committee
Lealman residents, businesses, stakeholders, community partners, adjacent municipality and agency partners
Final Linking Lealman Action Plan
Linking Lealman Presentation