Resolution supplementing the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget for the Contractor Licensing Department within the Construction Licensing Board Fund.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Adopt a resolution to recognize and appropriate revenue from citations and fees received during Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) that exceeds the amounts originally anticipated during the development of the FY19 Adopted Budget for the Contractor Licensing Department within the Construction Licensing Board Fund.
• Adoption of this resolution provides for the receipt of $857,270.00 in revenue into the Construction Licensing Board Fund and increases the FY19 Contractor Licensing Department’s budget by $857,270.00.
• The increase in revenue is from the department’s licensing function, and increased collections of citation payments and fines due to improved processes and the utilization of special magistrates.
• The increase in appropriation includes $226,430.00 for operating expenditures and adds $630,840.00 to reserves.
Strategic Plan:
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support
This resolution recognizes and appropriates $857,270.00 in revenue for the Contractor Licensing Department. The revenue is from the success of increased efficiencies and processes that were not anticipated during the development of the FY19 Adopted Budget.
Background Information:
Additional revenues to be recognized and appropriated through this resolution are: $58,500.00 to be received through licensing fees; and $798,770.00 to be received through the collection of citations and fees through the Special Magistrate process and the shrinking of the previous backlog of cases.
Higher receipts reflect increased administrative activities and expenses that are required to process these transactions and actions.
Fiscal Impact:
Adoption of this resolution provides for the recognition of additional revenues in the Construction Licensing Board Fund Budget and an increase in the Contractor Licensing Department’s operating budget. The amendment is not consistent with the current year estimates provided during development of the FY20 Proposed Budget. The estimates are updated in the FY20 Tentative Budget.
Staff Member Responsible:
Katherine Burbridge, Budget and Financial Management Analyst
Office of Management and Budget