Amendment No. 1 to the grant funding agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the Vulnerability Assessment Phase II.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the grant agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the Vulnerability Assessment (VA) Phase II.
• Original agreement approved by the Board of County Commissioners on October 25, 2022, provided a grant reimbursement amount of $700,000.00.
• Amendment No. 1 provides an additional grant reimbursement amount of $1,353,000.00. Total grant funding in the amount of $2,053,000.00.
• Amendment extends Agreement date from December 31, 2024, to December 30, 2026.
• Agreement is to update existing VA to keep the County in compliance with requirements of Florida Statutes 380.093 and develop an Adaptation Plan for county-owned/controlled assets.
• Amendment provides funding to produce VA’s and Adaptation Plans for ten additional municipalities within the County at the request of Florida’s Chief Resilience Officer.
• The amendment and increase in funding is consistent with the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Adopted Budget. A budget amendment may be needed to recognize the revenues and expenditures associated with the grant increase depending on activity within FY25. No County match is required.
PID 005708A; Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement No. 22PLN94; Amendment adds $1,353,000.00 to Agreement for a total amount of $2,053,000.00; Agreement term ends on December 30, 2026; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.
Strategic Plan:
Ensure Public Health, Safety, and Welfare
2.1 Provide planning, coordination, prevention and protective services to ensure a safe and secure community
Practice Superior Environmental Stewardship
3.3 Protect and improve the quality of our water, air, and other natural resources
3.5 Foster a sustainable and resilient community that is prepared for seal level rise and a changing climate
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.2 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
Amendment No. 1 provides an additional grant reimbursement amount of $1,353,000.00. Total grant funding amount is $2,053,000.00. from FDEP to conduct VA Phase II for Pinellas County. As part of the VA, funding will be applied for the necessary steps to meet full requirements of F.S. 380.093. Maintaining compliance with F.S. 380.093 is required to remain eligible for future funding under the Resilient Florida grant program.
Many of the County’s municipalities also have their own grants to conduct VAs. Ten (10) municipalities did not have the resources to conduct their own VAs, thus they were not on track to be compliant with the Resilient Florida standards. The State's Chief Resiliency Officer requested the County Public Works Department partner to conduct VAs for those municipalities. The necessary amount to complete this work is $1,353,000.00. This amount was added to the $700,000, and the grant work plan is being amended to accommodate the extra work, including extending the completion dates. Phase 2 will update the study to include additional critical assets and hazard scenarios ensuring the County and the 10 municipalities are compliant with F.S. 380.093 and remain eligible for grant funding under the Resilient Florida program.
Background Information:
On July 1, 2021, FDEP launched the Resilient Florida Grant Program, making a non-reoccurring amount of $500,000,000.00 available for eligible applicants. The non-reoccurring funds will be dispersed across one (1) application cycle. The Program is designed to provide funding opportunities for local governments and state agencies to develop large-scale mitigation activities that allow Florida communities to better withstand future disasters.
Pinellas County completed the Phase I Vulnerability Assessment in 2021. That study identified and analyzed risks to County-wide critical infrastructure. Findings from the study provide the County with data and information to support mitigation measures for current-day and future tidal and storm surge flooding.
Fiscal Impact:
This is a multi-year reimbursement grant project that will impact the fiscal year 2023 - 2025 Annual Budget. Amendment No. 1 provides an additional grant reimbursement amount of $1,353,000.00. Total funding is 2,053,000.00. No County match is required. The total project is estimated to cost $2,053,000.00.
Staff Member Responsible:
Kelli Hammer Levy, Director, Public Works
Amendment No. 1