State funded County Incentive Grant Program Agreement and corresponding Resolution with the Florida Department of Transportation for construction activities for Intelligent Transportation System/Advanced Traffic Management System on Alderman Road from US Alternate 19/Palm Harbor Boulevard to US 19/State Road 55 project.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the state funded County Incentive Grant Program Agreement and corresponding resolution (Exhibit D) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for construction activities for the Intelligent Transportation System/Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS/ITS) on Alderman Road from US Alternate 19/Palm Harbor Boulevard to US 19/State Road 55 project.
• FDOT financial assistance maximum participation of $648,350.00. County is responsible for $648,350.00. Total project cost estimate of $1,296,700.00.
• Agreement term is through January 29, 2027.
• Fiscal Year 2025 funding for the Agreement is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Plan, under ATMS Alderman Road 004543A, which is funded by the County Incentive Grant Program Agreement with the FDOT for the ATMS/ITS and the Local Option Fuel Tax.
PID 004543A; FDOT FPN 448510 1 54 01; FDOT to fund $648,350.00 and County to fund $648,350.00; Agreement term ends January 29, 2027; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.
Strategic Plan:
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.4 Invest in Infrastructure to meet current and future needs
4.5 Provide safe and effective transportation systems to support the efficient flow of motorist, commerce, and regional connectivity
The Agreement provides for FDOT maximum participation of $648,350.00 for construction and construction inspection services funding required for the installation of ATMS/ITS on Alderman Road from US Alternate 19/Palm Harbor Boulevard to US 19/State Road 55. Work for this project includes installation of fiber optic cable and CCTV cameras.
Section 14 of the Agreement requires the County to indemnify and hold harmless the FDOT to the extent permitted by law as limited by and pursuant to the provisions of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. County Resolution No. 06-70 prohibits the County from indemnifying others under most circumstances. FDOT will not modify the indemnification section of this Agreement as this is a standard requirement in their agreements.
Background Information:
The project is part of an overall implementation of the Countywide ATMS/ITS effort that was adopted and funded by the Board of County Commissioners utilizing the Ninth Cent Local Option Fuel Tax (LOFT) in 2006.
This project will improve the County’s fiber network by completing a fiber ring in North County which provides necessary redundancy in the fiber. This redundancy enhances the flow of digital information and ensures communication with devices and signals should a portion of the fiber in the ring get damaged. Total project length is approximately two (2) miles.
Fiscal Impact:
The Agreement is for FDOT maximum financial assistance of $648,350.00 for construction activities of the ATMS/ITS System along Alderman Road from US Alternate 19/Palm Harbor Boulevard to US 19/State Road 55 project. (PID 004543A). Construction is funded in FY 2025 with the participation from FDOT CIGP (50%) and LOFT (50%).
Staff Member Responsible:
Kelli Hammer Levy, Director, Public Works
Resolution 25 -
Project Location Map
Resolution 06-70
Email from FDOT - Indemnification