First Amendment to the agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associations, Inc., for the Joe’s Creek Industrial Park Master Plan.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the First Amendment to the agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associations, Inc., for the Joe’s Creek Industrial Park Master Plan.
• This contract/agreement was originally approved by the County Administrator on June 25, 2024. The First Amendment provides for an extension of four months to August 24, 2025, and an additional $70,000.00 for a new total not to exceed the amount of $320,000.00 and a revised contract duration of 14 months.
• The First Amendment is necessary to provide additional engineering services to allow additional infrastructure related analysis to include a sheet pile evaluation (seawalls), potable water and wastewater assessment, and stormwater management system analysis.
• Funding for this agreement is sufficiently included in the Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget for Lealman CRA in the Lealman Community Redevelopment Agency Trust Fund.
Contract No. 24-0461-RFP, with a total not exceeding $320,000.00, shall be effective through August 24, 2025; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.
Strategic Plan:
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality:
4.1 Proactively attract and retain businesses with targeted jobs to the county/region.
4.2 Invest in communities that need the most.
4.3 Catalyze redevelopment through planning and regulatory programs.
4.4 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs.
4.6 Support vibrant community with recreation, arts, culture to attract residents/visitors.
Deliver First-Class Services to the Public and Our Customers:
5.1 Maximize partner relationships and public outreach.
First Amendment provides for an extension of four months from April 24th, 2025, to August 24, 2025, and an increase of $70,000.00 to provide for additional engineering services for potential project land use changes as requested by the County for a new total not to exceed amount of $320,000.00.
Background Information:
The Joe’s Creek Industrial Park Master Plan will evaluate potential land use/zoning changes and infrastructure needs that will support existing businesses, attract reinvestment and help the area be more adaptable in response to evolving economic and community needs.
The Master Plan objectives to include the work included in the proposed amendment will be to: Evaluation public infrastructure needs, Devise economic development strategies, Recommend changes to development standards and Identify funding mechanisms.
The project will include an evaluation of real estate/market conditions, assessment of infrastructure and public facility impacts and needs; comprehensive plan recommendations, including goals, objectives, policies, and strategies; land use recommendations and required submittal information for changes to the County’s Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and the Countywide Plan Map, including those required for change to a Targeted Employment Center (TEC) - Local designation, as well as a potential activity center or planned redevelopment district category designation; zoning change recommendations to the County’s zoning atlas; and a master plan vision map.
Fiscal Impact:
Original not-to-exceed: $250,000.00
First Amendment Increase: $ 70,000.00
New Total Contract amount $320,000.00
Funding for this agreement is sufficiently included in the FY25 Operating Budget for Lealman CRA in the Lealman Community Redevelopment Agency Trust Fund.
Staff Member Responsible:
Glenn Bailey, Interim Director, Housing and Community Development
Merry Celeste, Purchasing Director, Administrative Services
Joe Lauro, Director, Administrative Services.
Amendment No. 1