Approval of one (1) consumer appointment and nine (9) appointments/reappointments to the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board (Chairman appointment).
Recommended Action:
recommended action
Approval of one (1) new consumer appointment and three (3) appointments/ six (6) reappointments to the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board (PCCLB) for a two (2) year term.
Background Information: The PCCLB consists of 21 members, including one consumer member. The state special act establishing the board specifies that the consumer representative should be a resident and citizen of Pinellas County and that they are “not and never have been a member or practitioner of any closely-related trade or profession” related to the construction industry. The remaining PCCLB members consist of the following: the building directors of the cities of Clearwater and St. Petersburg and the building director for Pinellas County; one North county and one South county building director; one Beach Community building director; a Florida Registered Architect; two general contractors; two building contractors; two residential building contractors; one electrical contractor; one plumbing contractor; two fire marshals; one class A air conditioning contractor or mechanical contractor; one roofing or sheet metal contractor; one swimming pool, aluminum or veneer specialty contractor; and one consumer member.Building officials from the City of Clearwater, City of St. Petersburg, and the County are permanent members of the PCCLB. All other members serve two-year terms, with half of said members commencing their terms on October 1 of odd-numbered years and the other half of said members commencing their terms on October 1 of even-numbered years. Members may serve multiple terms.
Attachments: Applications Applicant worksheet/ballot Roster