Case No. LDR-24-06
An ordinance of Pinellas County, Florida, providing for the amendment of Chapter 158 -Floodplain Management of the Pinellas County Land Development Code. (Legislative)
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of Case No. LDR-24-06: An ordinance amending Chapter 158 - Floodplain Management of the Pinellas County Land Development Code.
• Periodic Code updates are necessary and expected to occur to help us identify additional flexibility, remove redundancy and consistency issues, adapt to changing trends, and respond to changes in State legislation.
• Additional flexible criteria have been added to exclude storm repairs from substantial improvements, along with clarification of the process for floodplain appeals.
• The Local Planning Agency is scheduled to hear this item on December 11th, and the final report will be added to the record once it becomes available.
Strategic Plan:
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.3 Catalyze redevelopment through planning and regulatory programs
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
These amendments are part of the Land Development Code Chapter 158. The proposed amendments seek to provide flexibility, efficiency, and cleanup. The following is a summary of the updates:
• Section 158-112 - Clarification of the process for floodplain appeals.
• Section 158-182 Definitions -
o Cleanup the definition of appeal.
o Addition of flexible criteria regarding Substantial Improvements for non-substantially damaged properties.
These proposed amendments serve to enhance the Code even further. Body
Background Information:
The Local Planning Agency is scheduled to hear this item on December 11th, and the final report will be added to the record once it becomes available.
Fiscal Impact:
Staff Member Responsible:
Kelli Hammer Levy, Public Works Director
Lisa Foster, Floodplain Administrator
LPA Report
Ordinance - Clean Version
Ordinance - Redline Version
Business Impact Statement
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