Case No. CW 21-12 - Pinellas County
Countywide Plan Map amendment from Retail and Services to Residential Low Medium, regarding 0.65 acres more or less, located at 1201 Gooden Crossing.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Sitting as the Countywide Planning authority, adopt an ordinance approving Case No. CW 21-12, a proposal by Pinellas County to amend the Countywide Plan Map from Retail and Services to Residential Low Medium, regarding 0.65 acres more or less, located at 1201 Gooden Crossing.
• The subject property is current vacant, but formerly housed commercial retail uses.
• The amendment area is located on the east corner of Gooden Crossing and is separated from the Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail by Railroad Avenue.
• It is the intent of the applicant to redevelop the site with three single-family residential lots.
• The Forward Pinellas Board and the Planners Advisory Committee each voted unanimously to recommend approval of this proposal.
Strategic Plan:
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.3 Catalyze redevelopment through planning and regulatory
Forward Pinellas, in its role as the Pinellas Planning Council, voted 10-0 to recommend approval of the proposal. The Planners Advisory Committee recommended approval of the case by a vote of 12-0.
Background Information:
Forward Pinellas documentation is attached.
Fiscal Impact:
Staff Member Responsible:
Rodney Chatman, Planning Division Manager, Forward Pinellas
Nousheen Rahman, Planning Analyst, Forward Pinellas
Case Maps
Forward Pinellas Staff Analysis
Draft PAC Minutes
Support Documents
Presentation / Site Visit Photos
Affidavit of Publication