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File #: 23-1703A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 10/20/2023 Department: Utilities
On agenda: 6/11/2024 Final action: 6/11/2024
Title: Ranking of firms and agreement with McKim & Creed, Inc. for the Pinellas Park Interceptor Collection System.
Attachments: 1. FE_AATF Final Agreement, 2. AATF Final Agreement, 3. AATF - Ranking, 4. OMB.REVIEW_23-1703A_Utilities_PParkInterceptor_23-May-2024



Ranking of firms and agreement with McKim & Creed, Inc. for the Pinellas Park Interceptor Collection System.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Approval of the ranking of firms and agreement with McKim & Creed, Inc. for the Pinellas Park Interceptor Collection System.


                     This contract is for the upgrade to the Pinellas Park Interceptor Collection System.

                     Two firms submitted proposals and were evaluated with recommendation to award to the top ranked firm, McKim & Creed, Inc. in the amount of $2,774,058.00 in accordance with the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), per Florida Statute 287.055.

                     Following written evaluations and presentations, negotiations began with McKim & Creed, Inc. on December 6th, 2023, and concluded May 6th, 2024.

                     This agreement will be effective for one thousand one hundred twenty-five consecutive calendar days after receipt of a notice to proceed from the County.

                     Four certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE) sub-consultants are included in the award to McKim & Creed, Inc., Alfka, LLC, Harbor Coordination Solutions, Inc., The Valerin Group, Inc., and Driggers Engineering Services, Inc. for a total SBE fees in the amount of $311,894.00, or approximately 12% of the total award amount.

                     Funding for this contract is available under Pinellas Park Interceptor Collection System Improvements Project 003147A, included in the Capital Improvement Plan, funded by the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund and a Joint Project Agreement with the City of Pinellas Park, in the amount of $16,000,000.00.


Contract No. 23-1042-RFP-CCNA in the amount of $2,774,058.00 for one thousand one hundred twenty-five consecutive calendar days; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.



Strategic Plan:

Practice Superior Environmental Stewardship
3.3 Protect and improve the quality of our water, air and other natural resources.

Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.4 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs.

Deliver First-Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources.




Pinellas County proposes to upgrade and install liners to the existing 42-inch sewer gravity interceptor to strengthen the pipe, seal all potential cracks, minimize the coefficient of pipe friction, and extend its useful life. The County will also construct approximately two miles of 24-inch parallel bypass sanitary sewer force main to capture the excessive flows during wet weather events along Belcher Road from 84th Avenue North to the County’s South Cross Bayou Advanced Water Reclamation Facility.



Background Information:

A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to comply with CCNA, per Florida Statute 287.055, was released on September 6, 2023; the negotiation and scoping process began with McKim & Creed, Inc. on December 6th, 2023, and concluded on May 6th, 2024.


The contract includes fully burdened hourly rates that include all labor, direct/indirect overhead margins/profits, and travel within the Tampa Bay Metropolitan Statistical Area (TBMSA). Travel outside of the TBMCSA will be reimbursed in accordance with Florida Statutes.


Pinellas County will upgrade the City of Pinellas Park’s sanitary sewer lift station #31 and replace the City’s existing 20-inch force main by approximately 1.10 miles of pipe from 102nd Avenue North to 84th Avenue North, with a new 24-inch force main. In addition, a new sewer flow meter will be installed on the new 24-inch force main parallel to the existing interceptor flow meter.


The project protects, preserves, or replaces the County's and City’s existing old and outdated infrastructure that has passed the end of its useful life. This proposed project upgrades will avoid potential emergency pipe breaks, sewer service interruptions, sewer mixing, contamination of water bodies, road depression and traffic impacts.


Fiscal Impact:


Total contract not to exceed:                      $2,774,058.00


Funding for this contract is available under Pinellas Park Interceptor Collection System Improvements Project 003147A, included in the Capital Improvement Plan, funded by the Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund and a Joint Project Agreement with the City of Pinellas Park, in the amount of $16,000,000.00.


Staff Member Responsible:

Jeremy Waugh, Director, Utilities
Merry Celeste, Division Director, Purchasing, Administrative Services
Joe Lauro, Director, Administrative Services



City of Pinellas Park


