Ordinance adopting a new Pinellas County Comprehensive Plan to be known as PLANPinellas; providing for a new Vision Element, the update and replacement of each Element and the associated Future Land Use Category Descriptions and Rules, as per State Statute requirements. (Legislative)
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
The first of two public hearings for Case Number CP-21-03 (Ordinance). Based upon evidence and findings contained in the staff report and attachments, this case is recommended for transmittal to the State Department of Economic Opportunity for agency review prior to a second (adoption) hearing before the Board of County Commissioners.
This proposed Ordinance will enact the following changes:
• The creation of a new Vision Element for the Comprehensive Plan
• The update and replacement of the Goals, Objectives, Policies and Strategies of each Element
• The update and replacement of the Future Land Use Category Descriptions and Rules
The Plan is focused around eight Guiding Principles that set the foundation of the community vision and with which the policies must align. These Principles include:
- Consider long-term impacts and evaluate policy decisions to ensure that they support a SUSTAINABLE FUTURE.
- Create and enhance safe, HEALTHY COMMUNITIES that attract and retain a socially and culturally diverse population.
- Facilitate a STRONG LOCAL ECONOMY that supports sustainable, healthy communities and enhances employment opportunities and the quality-of-life for its citizens.
- Provide a range of HOUSING OPTIONS to meet the needs of a diverse and intergenerational community.
- Provide an interconnected, resilient MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION network that safely, efficiently and equitably addresses the mobility needs of all citizens, visitors and businesses, while simultaneously minimizing opportunities for traffic-related fatalities and injuries.
- PROTECT the diverse ecosystem that makes up the county’s NATURAL RESOURCES, and contributes to the county’s public health, quality-of-life, and local economy.
- Promote advancing BEST PRACTICES and technologies that benefit the economy; healthy communities; and the public, health, safety and welfare.
- Recognize opportunities for RESPONSIBLE REGIONALISM and promote intercoordination with the county’s municipalities, community organizations and regional entities.
These Principles were coordinated with each of the County’s departments, presented to the Board, and shared with the community at-large; and each of these stakeholder groups expressed their support.
Strategic Plan:
Ensure Public Health, Safety and Welfare
2.1 Provide planning, coordination, prevention, and protective services to create and enhance a safe, secure and healthy community
2.5 Enhance pedestrian safety and bicycle safety
Practice Superior Environmental Stewardship
3.2 Preserve and manage environmental lands, beaches, parks and historical assets
3.5 Foster a sustainable and resilient community that is prepared for sea level rise and a change climate
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.3 Catalyze redevelopment through planning and regulatory programs
Deliver First-Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
5.4 Strive to serve the needs of all Pinellas County residents and customers
The Pinellas County Housing and Community Development Department’s Planning Division led a multiyear effort, with significant coordination and input from each of the County’s implementing departments, to review and update the goals, objectives, policies and strategies in the County’s Comprehensive Plan.
PLANPinellas (the Plan) is the result of a an in-depth evaluation process and advances a more focused message with an emphasis towards equitable redevelopment, addressing the County’s changing needs (e.g.: housing affordability; resiliency; etc.) While the Plan continues to pursue much of the intent of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, it focuses the language and updates some of the policies and strategies to achieve the goals. The Plan is presented in a format that is more user-friendly and emphasizes the interconnection across policy topics.
Background Information:
As Pinellas faces new challenges, the Plan must respond to those changing needs. The County is primarily built-out and has shifted to a redevelopment community, and the existing Comprehensive Plan policies do not necessarily reflect that focus. The Plan’s policies should support the shifting demographic trends and sufficiently address key challenges and County initiatives, such as housing needs and sustainability and resiliency.
With the guiding foundation of the eight Guiding Principles established, an in-depth review of the County’s existing goals, objectives, and policies was coordinated across the County’s departments to ensure that the implementation of policies support both current and future programs and activities that will continue to meet the County’s current and future needs.
On August 6, 2020, a status update for PLANPinellas was shared with the Board of County Commissioners at a work session. In August 2021, the completed draft was shared with the public through a unique website dedicated to the Comprehensive Plan, The County hosted two webinars to introduce the document to the public. Public comments have been submitted through the website, and responses to the comments have been posted. (See Attachment six (6), the Plan - Comment Response Summary.)
Upon adoption, the Plan will replace the existing 2008 Comprehensive Plan, as amended.
The DRC reviewed this application on August 9, 2021 and forwarded it to the LPA who recommended approval (7-0) by the Board at their December 9, 2021 meeting.
Fiscal Impact:
Staff Member Responsible:
Carol Stricklin, Director, Housing and Community Development
1. Ordinance
a. Exhibit A (PLANPinellas)
2. CP-21-03 LPA Staff Report
3. PLANPinellas Summary of Key Changes
4. Comprehensive Plan Policy Comparison
5. PLANPinellas State Statute Alignment
6. PLANPinellas - Comment Response Summary
7. PLANPinellas Strikethrough Underline revisions
a. Since Website Launch
b. Between LPA and BCC Transmittal
8. PLANPinellas Supplemental Combined