Award of bid to Neptune Technology Group Inc. for water meters, reclaimed meters, and meter parts for the Utilities Department for a five-year contract.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Rejection of the bid from Core & Main LP for being non-responsive and for not meeting specifications, specifically the vendor’s encoder type registers did not include a signal transmission assembly as required by the County.
Approval of the award of bid to Neptune Technology Group Inc. for water meters, reclaimed meters, and meter parts for the Utilities Department.
• This contract provides meters and meter parts for the Utilities Department for routine meter replacement.
• Total estimated expenditure for the five-year contract is $2,506,414.04.
• Two bids were received with award recommendation to Neptune Technology Group Inc., as the only responsive, responsible bidder. Core & Main LP was deemed non-responsive for not meeting specifications as their encoder type register did not include a signal transmission assembly.
• This contract will replace the current contract for meters and meter parts, that expires on August 8, 2021.
Contract No. 21-0056-B(BW) in the estimated average annual amount of $501,282.80 for a five-year term amount not to exceed $2,506,414.04, as the only responsive, responsible bid received meeting specifications. Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.
Strategic Plan:
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support
This contract provides for new water meters, reclaimed meters, and meter parts to be used throughout the County by the Utilities Department. Meters are critical to the County’s potable and reclaimed water system operations. This contract will be utilized for the routine replacement of broken and stuck meters that are no longer functioning in addition to new development installations. The duration of the contract shall be for a period of five years and prices are based on the manufacturer’s suggested retail price minus discount. Annual pricing adjustments must be submitted by the vendor no later than three (3) months before the contract anniversary date and include supporting documentation of the manufacturer’s current price list.
Background Information:
On February 4, 2021, the Purchasing and Risk Management Division, on behalf of the Utilities Department, released an invitation to bid to establish a contract for Water Meters and Meter Parts with the intent to replace a contract which expires August 8, 2021.
Two bids were received with Core & Main LP deemed nonresponsive for not meeting bid specifications. Award recommendation to Neptune Technology Group Inc. for being the only responsive, responsible bidder.
This contract will replace Contract No. 156-0384-B(LN) Water Meter and Meter Parts, which expires on August 8, 2021.
Fiscal Impact:
Five-year estimated expenditure not-to-exceed: $2,506,414.04
Estimated average annual expenditure: $501,282.80
Funding is derived from the Sewer and Water Revenue Operating Fund and the CIP Meter change out project.
Staff Member Responsible:
Megan Ross, Director, Utilities
Merry Celeste, Division Director, Purchasing and Risk Management, Administrative Services
Joe Lauro, Director, Administrative Services
Service Agreement
Bid Tabulation