Ranking of firms and agreement with GPI Geospatial, Inc. for photogrammetric and digital aerial mapping professional services.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the ranking of firms and agreement with GPI Geospatial, Inc. (GPI), for photogrammetric and digital aerial mapping professional services.
• This contract provides photogrammetric and digital aerial mapping professional services on an annual as-needed basis for land records management, property appraisals, infrastructure management, engineering pre-design, map production, GIS activities, and land and environmental analysis.
• This competitive process was solicited in accordance with the Consultant Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), 287.055 Florida Statutes.
• This agreement includes Small Business Enterprise firm, Hyatt Survey Services, Inc. Percentage goals are not pre-established for CCNA continuing contracts; when the County utilizes a firm for an individual work assignment, the requesting department working with Economic Development will ensure SBEs are utilized.
• This contract replaces the current contract held by Pictometry International Corp. The total not-to-exceed amount, including optional services, increases the total contract by $387,396.00 or 27.4%.
• Four firms submitted proposals; following written evaluation, GPI Geospatial, Inc. was selected as the highest-ranked firm and is recommended for award by Business Technology Services.
• Funding for annual aerial mapping professional services - aerial photography acquisition and processing- is included in the Fiscal Year 2024 Adopted recurring operating budget for Enterprise GIS within Business Technology Services Fund. Included optional services require additional funding from using departments when needed.
Contract No.23-623-CN; the upset limit over the five-year term is $1,800,000.00; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.
Strategic Plan:
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.1 Maximize partner relationships and public outreach
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support
5.4 Strive to exceed customer expectations
The purpose of this contract is to provide photogrammetric and digital aerial mapping professional services on an annual as-needed basis for land records management, infrastructure management, engineering pre-design, map production, GIS activities and land and environmental analysis. The results of the aerial surveys are used Countywide, primarily by Property Appraiser, Business Technology Services, Public Works, Utilities, Planning and Engineering.
The firms in order of ranking are attached on the ranking sheet.
Background Information:
On May 12, 2023, in accordance with CCNA Statute, the Purchasing and Risk Management Division, on behalf of Business Technology Services, released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) with the intent of obtaining the services of qualified consulting firm to provide digital mapping services. The ranking of firms was completed July 6, 2023, with agreement negotiations completed on November 3, 2023.
The contract includes fully burdened hourly rates for GPI Geospatial, Inc. and its subconsultants. The rates include all labor, direct/indirect overhead, margins/profit, customary expenses such as copies, postage, etc., and travel within the Tampa Bay Metropolitan Statistical Area (TBMSA). Travel outside of the TBMCSA will be reimbursed in accordance with Florida Statutes.
Fiscal Impact:
Not to exceed five (5) year expenditure: $1,800,000.00
Funding for annual aerial mapping professional services - Aerial photography acquisition and processing- is consistent with the FY24 Adopted Budget for Enterprise GIS within Business Technology Services Fund. Future needs will be included in future BTS budget requests. Included optional services require additional funding from using departments when requested.
Staff Member Responsible:
Jeff Rohrs, CIO, Business Technology Services
Merry Celeste, Division Director, Purchasing & Risk, Administrative Services
Joe Lauro, Director, Administrative Services
Property Appraiser’s Office
Ranking Sheet