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File #: 25-0113A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 1/17/2025 Department: Airport
On agenda: 3/25/2025 Final action: 3/25/2025
Title: Public Transportation Grant Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for the design and construction associated with Passenger Terminal Improvements at the St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport.
Attachments: 1. PE_AATF FDOT PTGA G2712 Terminal Improvements, 2. AATF FDOT PTGA G2712 Terminal Improvements



Public Transportation Grant Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for the design and construction associated with Passenger Terminal Improvements at the St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Approval of the Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PTGA) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the design and construction associated with Passenger Terminal Improvements at the St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport (PIE).


                     This grant represents additional revenues from FDOT’s District 7 Aviation Fund.

                     FDOT’s share is 50% of eligible costs.

                     The amount of this grant is $6,000,000.00. The Airport’s share is $6,000,000.00.

                     This grant is an amendment of FDOT PTGA FM 444471-1-94-01 Contract Number G2712 in the amount of $1,976,040.00. With this amendment, the total amount of assistance is now $7,976,040.00. 

                     The grant billings will be distributed on a reimbursement basis.

                     This grant is the enabling funding that will allow PIE to move forward with schematic design, the funding of the Construction Management at Risk, and the Owner’s Representative on the terminal project.

                     The expiration date of this PTGA is June 30, 2028. The grant funding will be applied to the Passenger Terminal Improvements Project # 003343A, included in PIE’s Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Plan.



Strategic Plan:

Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.4 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs




The PTGA will assist PIE in the design and construction costs of the Passenger Terminal Improvements project.



Background Information:

During PIE’s ongoing meetings with FDOT regarding our capital project needs, we have continued to request additional funding for the terminal improvements, since we are still early in the design process and will not have a final Guaranteed Maximum Price until the summer of 2026.  Indicators of other airport terminal costs that are similar in scope are $1,200-$2,200 per square foot; that would put us in the $180M - $220M cost range.

The PTGA’s scope of work includes but is not limited to consultant and design fees, permitting, bidding services, survey and geotechnical costs, permitting, construction inspection and material testing, mobilization and demobilization, maintenance of traffic, erosion control, pavement (access roadways and sidewalks), drainage, utilities, primary and back-up power supplies, building (foundation, structure, roof, MEP, and fire prevention and protection), stormwater structures, vehicular parking facilities, pavement markings, fencing and gates, lighting and signage, and landscaping.


Fiscal Impact:


The grant funding will be applied to Passenger Terminal Improvements Project # 003343A, included in PIE’s FY25-FY30 Capital Improvement Plan, funded by FDOT State Grant Funds, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funds, Airport Reserves and Passenger Facility Charges (PFC) via the Airport Revenue and Operating Fund.


The funding that we have currently have for this project is as follows: (1) FAA Grants $6,000,000; (2) FDOT Grants $7,976,040; (3) Airport Share $9,052,301.  The total is $23,028,341.


We are applying for FY2025 FAA BIL funding in the amount of $4,914,957, which we would get late this summer.  The Airport share of that grant would be $546,106.


Staff Member Responsible:

Thomas R. Jewsbury, Director, St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport






Public Transportation Grant Agreement Contract #G2712, Financial Project Number #444471-1-94-01