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File #: 24-2075A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 11/20/2024 Department: Solid Waste
On agenda: 3/25/2025 Final action: 3/25/2025
Title: Agreement with Trojan Technologies Corp for the Department of Solid Waste's Industrial Water Treatment Facility Microfiltration System Module Replacement.
Attachments: 1. FE_AATf 25-0131-N IWTF MF Replacement Agreement Executed LKM_vendor, 2. OMB.REVIEW_24-2075A_Projects_002423A&003363A_Budget_Detail_Report.pdf, 3. OMB.REVIEW_24-2075A_TrojanTech_Agreement_.pdf



Agreement with Trojan Technologies Corp for the Department of Solid Waste’s Industrial Water Treatment Facility Microfiltration System Module Replacement.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Approval of the agreement with Trojan Technologies Corp for Industrial Water Treatment Facility (IWTF) Microfiltration System Module Replacement.


                     The microfiltration system modules are a critical subsystem within the IWTF, which filters contaminants before the reverse osmosis process.

                     The existing microfiltration system modules are at the end of life, and filtration effectiveness and efficiency have been reduced, limiting process flow through the IWTF system.

                     Pall Corporation is the manufacturer of the microfiltration system. The modules are proprietary to the system. Trojan Technologies Corporation (formerly Pall Corporation) has the regional exclusivity rights to maintain and replace system components.

                     The agreement is for a total not to exceed amount of $696,936.98 until project completion or September 30, 2025, whichever is sooner.

                     Funding is partially budgeted under the Industrial Waste Treatment Facility Rehabilitation and Replacement Project (002423A) and partially in the Sod Farm Slurry Wall Project (003363A), included in the Capital Improvement Plan funded by the Solid Waste Trust Funds. Total available funding is the amount of the full project allocation as represented in the approved Capital Improvement Plan. 


Contract No. 25-0131-N for a contract total not to exceed $696,936.98; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.



Strategic Plan:

Ensure Public Health, Safety, and Welfare
2.1 Provide planning, coordination, prevention, and protective services to ensure a safe and secure community

Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources




The Pall microfiltration system was originally installed in 2013 as part of the IWTF system project.  Trojan Technologies Corporation (formerly Pall Corporation) installed the original equipment. The microfiltration system modules are a critical subsystem within the IWTF, which filter contaminants before the reverse osmosis process. The modules have reached their end-of-life expectancy and filtration effectiveness, and efficiency have been reduced, limiting process flow through the IWTF system.



Background Information:

The IWTF system is a critical asset at the Solid Waste Disposal Complex.  On-site leachate and storm water is pumped to the IWTF for processing for use at the waste-to-energy facility as evaporative cooling system and boiler make-up water.  Maximized flow rates through the IWTF is crucial as it reduces on-site water levels, which are extremely elevated due to major storms during Summer 2024.


Fiscal Impact:

Funding is partially budgeted under the Industrial Waste Treatment Facility Rehabilitation and Replacement Project (002423A), and partially in the Sod Farm Slurry Wall Project (003363A), included in the Capital Improvement Plan funded by the Solid Waste Trust Funds. Total available funding is the amount of the full project allocation as represented in the approved Capital Improvement Plan. 


Staff Member Responsible:

Paul Sacco, Director, Solid Waste
Merry Celeste, Purchasing Director, Administrative Services
Joe Lauro, Director, Administrative Services





