Award of bid to American Lighting and Signalization, LLC for replacement of existing signalization with mast arms at five intersection locations.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the award of bid to American Lighting and Signalization, LLC for replacement of existing signalization with mast arms at five intersection locations.
• This project consists of removing existing span wire signalization and installation of steel mast arms, new traffic controller cabinet equipment, detection equipment, and improvements to meet current ADA guidelines at five locations:
1.) Lake St. George Drive at Tampa Road
2.) West Lake Road at Tampa Road
3.) 113th Street at 54th Avenue North
4.) Park Boulevard at Ridge Road
5.) Park Boulevard at Seminole Boulevard
• Two bids were received with a recommendation of award to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, American Lighting and Signalization, LLC, in the amount of $7,932,176.00.
• All work is to be completed within 365 consecutive calendar days.
• This contract is the third of four groups of mast arm projects funded in part by Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding through the Federal Emergency Management Administration.
• Funding is budgeted under the Countywide Traffic Signalization Improvements Project 004183A included in the Capital Improvement Plan, funded by the Local Infrastructure Sales Surtax (Penny for Pinellas) and federal grant funding.
Contract No. 24-0633-ITB-CP, in the amount of $7,932,176.00, with all work completed within 365 consecutive calendar days; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.
Strategic Plan:
Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.4 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support
This project consists of the removal of the existing span wire signalization and installation of steel mast arms at five locations - Lake St George Dr at Tampa Rd, West Lake Rd at Tampa Rd, 113th St at 54th Ave N, Park Blvd at Ridge Rd, Park Blvd at Seminole Blvd. The project will include new traffic controller cabinet equipment, detection equipment, and improvements to meet current ADA guidelines.
Background Information:
In August 2018, Public Works Transportation Division submitted a grant application for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding for the improvement of sixteen (16) intersections with steel mast arms. Funding for those locations was approved on October 17, 2019, using 65% Federal funds with a 35% local match.
The sixteen intersections were broken into groups for design and construction. Groups 1 and 2 were awarded to New Era Electric, Inc. and construction are almost complete.
The Invitation to Bid for this last group of locations, Group 3, was advertised on May 8, 2024, with bid opening scheduled for June 13, 2024. Two bids were received with a recommendation of award to the lowest, responsible, and responsive bidder, American Lighting and Signalization, LLC, in the amount of $7,932,176.00. This is the second time this project has been advertised as the previous bid solicitation garnered only one bid submittal that was significantly over the engineer’s estimate.
The delay in the award of this bid is due to the County’s request for additional funding from FEMA. The additional funding request was submitted in June 2023 and again in June 2024 after opening of bids. FEMA approved the additional funding on January 6, 2025.
Fiscal Impact:
Funding is budgeted under the Countywide Traffic Signalization Improvements Project 004183A included in the Capital Improvement Plan, funded by the Local Infrastructure Sales Surtax (Penny for Pinellas) and federal grant funding. Total available funding is the amount of the project allocation as represented in the FY25 approved budget. Available funding in excess of the recommended not-to-exceed amount is available for other project costs. In the event that future fiscal year funding is not available for this project, the County maintains the authority to terminate this agreement.
Staff Member Responsible:
Kelli Hammer Levy, Director, Public Works
Merry Celeste, Division Director, Purchasing
Joe Lauro, Director, Administrative Services
Tabulation of Bids