Contract with the State of Florida Department of Health for the operation of the Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval of the contract with the State of Florida Department of Health for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 operation of the Florida Department of Health in Pinellas (DOH Pinellas).
• This contract provides direct ad valorem support to the State of Florida Department of Health pursuant to Chapter 154 Florida Statutes for the operation of DOH Pinellas to promote, protect, maintain, and improve the health and safety of all citizens and visitors through a system of coordinated County Health departments.
• Funding in an amount not to exceed $8,117,320.00 has been included in the Adopted FY25 Budget. These funds are generated by a dedicated millage rate of 0.0713 mills levied countywide as adopted at the Second Public Hearing on September 19, 2024.
• The County’s share includes $6,135,890.00 for core services and $1,981,430.00 for the School Nurse program. The School Nurse Program has provided approximately 829,616 services from October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024.
• Services maintained by the DOH Pinellas include environmental health services, communicable disease control, prevention services, primary care services, and school nurse programs. In FY24, DOH Pinellas provided services to 116,140 clients.
• This contract does not include the Pinellas County Health Program, which is under a separate contract.
• This contract reflects an increase of $347,000.00, or 4.47%, vs. the FY24 contract, which is attributed to an increase of actual costs for capital projects in FY25 and the Governor’s approved increase in salaries and fringe for State employees.Body
Strategic Plan:
2.1 Provide planning, coordination, prevention, and protective services to ensure a safe and secure community
2.2 Be a facilitator, convener, and purchaser of services for those in need
Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.1 Maximize partner relationships and public outreach
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources
5.3 Ensure effective and efficient delivery of county services and support
This Contract is for the annual contract to support DOH Pinellas with funds generated by a dedicated millage rate levied countywide. The State periodically requests amendments to the contract based on state and federal funding adjustments. The County’s share includes $6,135,890.00 for core services and $1,981,430.00 for the School Nurse Program. This contract reflects an increase of $347,000.00, or 4.47%, vs. the FY24 contract which is attributed to an increase of actual costs for capital projects in FY25.
Background Information:
This Contract provides direct ad valorem support to the State of Florida Department of Health for the operation of DOH Pinellas locally, pursuant to Chapter 154 Florida Statutes, which states that the intent of the Legislature is to “promote, protect, maintain and improve the health and safety of all citizens and visitors of the State through a system of coordinated county health departments.” County health departments satisfy legislative intent through the promotion of the public’s health, as well as the control and eradication of preventable diseases and the provision of primary health care for special populations. Services maintained by DOH Pinellas include environmental health services, communicable disease control services, and primary care services.
In FY24, DOH Pinellas provided services to 116,140 clients. Communicable disease services were provided to 57,038 clients; environmental health services were provided to 10,345 clients; and primary care services, including disease prevention, tobacco intervention, Healthy Start, School Health, and other programs, were provided to 48,757 clients. The School Nurse Program has provided approximately 829,616 services from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. This does not include Pinellas County Health Program clients.
Fiscal Impact:
Funding in the amount of $8,117,320.00 is consistent with the adopted FY25 Budget. These funds are generated by a dedicated millage rate of 0.0713 mills levied countywide.
This contract reflects an increase of $347,000.00, or 4.47%, vs. the FY24 contract, which is attributed to an increase in actual costs for capital projects in FY25 and the Governor’s approved increase in salaries and fringe for State employees.
Staff Member Responsible:
Karen Yatchum, Director, Human Services
DOH Pinellas
FY25 Contract