Agreement with Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office for law enforcement services by Environmental Lands Unit Deputies.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approval and execution of the contract with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) for law enforcement services by the Environmental Lands Unit.
Strategic Plan:
Practice Superior Environmental Stewardship
3.2 Preserve and manage environmental lands, beaches, parks and historical assets
The proposed contract provides law enforcement services at environmentally sensitive lands, preserves and waterways, including but not limited to Brooker Creek and Weedon Island Preserves, and the waters in and around Fort De Soto Park and Shell Key Island, which encompass over 15,940 acres. The contract period is October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018, unless extended, terminated or modified by both parties.
Background Information:
Since fiscal year (FY) 2001, the first year of the Environmental Lands Unit contract with the County, PCSO deputies have provided excellent security at the preserves, have shown sincere interest and have helped build community support. They have greatly diminished the trespassing, illegal dumping and poaching activity on County park and preserve properties, and work very effectively with Parks and Conservation Resources (PCR).
Fiscal Impact:
Funding to support this contract in the amount of $279,368.74 (an increase of 0.71% over FY 16) is not part of the PCR budget but is included in the annual funding provided to the PCSO. Utilities funds $68,200 of this contract for securing their department’s portion of the Brooker Creek Preserve. This contract is consistent with the FY18 Proposed Budget for PCR, PCSO, and Utilities.
Staff Member Responsible:
Paul Cozzie, Director, Parks and Conservation Resources
Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office
Pinellas County Utilities
Contract for Law Enforcement Services Environmental Lands Unit