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File #: 24-0802A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 4/23/2024 Department: Management and Budget
On agenda: 5/21/2024 Final action: 5/21/2024
Title: Grant funding agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, regarding the Hurricane Idalia Legislative Appropriation Program for nourishment and dune construction on Sand Key Beach in the amount of $10,081,573.00.
Attachments: 1. FE_D159 PInellas County Agreement - FE, 2. PE_D1549 Idalia Legislative Appropriation Agreement, 3. Adopted RES 24-28, 4. AATF_D1549 Idalia Legislative Appropriation Agreement, 5. D1549 Idalia Legislative Appropriation Agreement, 6. Laws of Florida Chapter 2023-349, 7. OMB.Review_24-0802A_PW_FDEMGrant_001516A_01-MAY-24, 8. Resolution for State LAP Grant for SK Nourishment BM 050624, 9. AATF'd Resolution for State LAP Grant for SK Nourishment BM 050624



Grant funding agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, regarding the Hurricane Idalia Legislative Appropriation Program for nourishment and dune construction on Sand Key Beach in the amount of $10,081,573.00.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Approval of the state-funded grant agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) for beach nourishment, repair, and dune construction, which was not eligible for Federal Emergency Management Agency reimbursement.


                     Execution of this grant agreement with FDEM is necessary to receive funding for eligible beach nourishment costs.

                     The County will receive $10,081,573.00 in funding for work on Sand Key Beach between Florida Department of Environmental Protection markers R55-R67 and R70-R109.

                     No other Board actions have taken place related to this item.

                     Funds are expected to be obligated to the County in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 and will be applied to work in FY24, FY25, FY26, and FY27.

                     Grant agreement begins upon execution and ends June 30th, 2027.

                     The Sand Key Nourishment 2023, project 001516A, is budgeted in the FY24-FY29 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) plan and funded by the Tourist Development Tax. This grant funding will be programmed into the CIP plan following agreement execution as it is not included in the budget. FDEM grant funding will be provided in a one-time advance payment and will offset Tourist Development Tax funding. There is no local match required for this grant.


Authorize the Chairman to sign.



Strategic Plan:

Practice Superior Environmental Stewardship
3.2 Preserve and manage environmental lands, beaches, parks, and historical assets.

Deliver First Class Services to the Public and our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources




Execution of the attached Grant Agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management is necessary to receive funding through the Hurricane Idalia Legislative Appropriation Program, which covers certain disaster recovery activities not eligible for FEMA reimbursement.



Background Information:

In August 2023, Hurricane Idalia made landfall in Northwest Florida. While Pinellas County was not directly hit by this storm, the County incurred significant storm surge and sand loss along the Gulf Coast due to tidal action from the storm’s rotational force. In order to recoup a portion of the funds expended on emergency protective measures and permanent repair work, Pinellas County submitted a Request for Public Assistance in September 2023, which was granted by FEMA.

While identifying damages and repair costs, FEMA’s nationwide Beach Team Lead that most of the sand loss for the County’s beaches would be ineligible for reimbursement through FEMA’s Public Assistance Program as the affected areas were within established United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project footprints. In November 2023, the Florida Legislature passed legislation which was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis setting aside $50 million in funding for repair and recovery projects related to Hurricane Idalia. In order to address areas of the most need, the funds were prioritized to recovery projects which had already been deemed ineligible for FEMA Public Assistance funding.

In January 2024 Pinellas County applied for a portion of this $50 million, eventually receiving approval in April 2024 for $10,081,573.00 in funding for work which may include plans, designs, engineering, specification documents, preliminary engineering design, coastal engineering analysis, preparation of plans and specifications, physical and environmental surveys and monitoring, cultural resource surveys, geotechnical services, sediment studies, inlet studies, environmental analysis, orthophotography, plan formulations, dredging, sifting, dewatering, placement and grading of fill material, hydrographic and topographic surveys, mobilization, temporary easements, and beach tilling. 


Fiscal Impact:

Sand Key Nourishment 2023, project 001516A, is budgeted in the FY24-FY29 Capital Improvement Program plan and funded by Tourist Development Tax (TDT). The FDEM award of $10,081,573.00 will offset TDT funding requested for FY25-FY30. There is no local match required for this grant.


FDEM grant funding will be provided to the County in a one-time advance payment to be deposited into an interest-bearing account. Interest to be returned to FDEM on a quarterly basis until project completion. Payment anticipated in FY24. The grant agreement begins upon execution and ends June 30th, 2027.


Public Works is anticipating additional grant funding from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).


Staff Member Responsible:

John Bishop, Coastal Management Coordinator, Public Works
Daniel Schoel, Disaster Cost Recovery Coordinator, Office of Management & Budget



State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management



D1549 Idalia Legislative Appropriation Agreement
Laws of Florida Chapter 2023-349
Idalia Legislative Appropriation Agreement Granicus Review