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File #: 24-1525A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 8/19/2024 Department: Construction and Property Management
On agenda: 3/25/2025 Final action: 3/25/2025
Title: First Amendment to the agreement with Mason Blau and Associates, Inc. for the North County Service Center Replacement - Increased Professional Engineering Design Services.
Attachments: 1. FE_AATF First Amendment, 2. AATF First Amendment, 3. 24-1525A_OMB_Review_1stAmendment_MasonBlau_N.County_Service_Center.pdf, 4. 2025-01-06_EXSUM_NCSC_MBA_ADD1, 5. 2025-03-06 Mason Blau Amendment Staff Report_Ver3 for 2nd Submission
Related files: 21-1124A



First Amendment to the agreement with Mason Blau and Associates, Inc. for the North County Service Center Replacement - Increased Professional Engineering Design Services.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Approval of the First Amendment to the agreement with Mason Blau and Associates, Inc. for the North County Service Center (NCSC) Replacement - Increased Professional Engineering Design Services.


                     This contract amendment is a companion element to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) September 2024 budget approval validating the NCSC expansion (at 60% design completion) and associated increase of the Project’s Total Capital Budget Allocation up to $51.5m - for increased cost of construction associated with the increased footprint from 68,000 square foot to 80,000 square foot.

                     This September 2024 budget approval to recognize expansion of the project also included budget considerations for the additional design and construction administration requirements in order to support funding this amendment - to the initial Mason Blau contract.

o                     In August 2023, Mason Blau provided the county with its initial proposed cost for additional design services and construction administration phase as $1,185,540.00.

o                     In 2024, the Construction Services Division and CBRE successfully negotiated a reduction of Mason Blau’s proposed rate for additional services by ~$237,665.20 down to $947,874.80.

o                     The original contract was awarded by the BCC on May 24, 2022, in the amount of $3,008,734.46 for a term of twelve hundred eighty days.

o                     Therefore, this First Amendment increases the contract by $947,874.80 for a revised not to exceed total of $3,956,609.28 and extends the term to 1816 total consecutive calendar days for a revised end date of July 1, 2027.


Amendment increases Contract No. 21-0592-NC in the amount of $947,874.80 for a revised not to exceed expenditure of $3,956,609.26, effective through February 28, 2027; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.



Strategic Plan:

Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.4 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs.




This First Amendment is in response to a BCC approved increase in the planned building square footage and additional survey work requested by Pinellas County Development Review Committee. The design contract date is also extended to continue through construction for administration and oversite purposes.



Background Information:

The initial design scope for the NCSC was based on a feasibility study completed in 2019. When CS Division began the programming phase for this project the square footage (68k) from the feasibility study was insufficient, so CS Division was directed to add increased scope to meet the stakeholders’ requirements. The BCC approved this in the successive budget increases since the 2019 approval of $17.5m, to $36.9m in 2023, and to $51.5m in 2024.

On May 23, 2022, this initial design contract was originally awarded by the BCC in the amount of $3,008,734.46 with a term of up to 730 days. However, the contract agreement published a day later (effective May 25, 2022), erroneously stated 700 days which resulted in an end date of April 24, 2024.  This amendment also administratively corrects the record in the agreement to reflect 730 days from the NTP (notice to proceed date) per the BCC approval.

                     Because the estimated length and cost of construction was unknown in 2022 (at the time of initial award), staff’s initial recommendation was for a limited scope of work and performance period of ~2 years (or 730 days).

                     Since the NTP was not authorized by the County until July 11, 2022, the initial design Contract expired on June 10, 2024.  However, requirements for programming, design and construction administration are intended through 2027. 

In September 2024 the BCC approved the Capital Improvement Plan budget revisions which included the NCSC’s increased estimated cost of construction (ECC) to $51.5M and validated further expansion of NCSC square footage from ~69K to ~80k.

                     This First Amendment increases the contract by $947,874.80 for a revised not to exceed (NTE) total of $3,956,609.28. The amendment also extends the current 700-day agreement (dated May 25, 2022, but with a NTP established a/o July 11, 2022) from its current end date of April 24, 2024, to July 1, 2027 (for a total of 1816 days). The increased fee is required to cover the:
                     increased building size after the programming effort was completed
                     additional civil/site investigation and design (additional services which became apparent after the initial investigation)
                     extension of the contract term to now include the construction administration phase by Mason Blau and Associates, Inc.

                     Funding is budgeted under the North County Service Center Design and Construction Project 003904A, funded by the General Fund and Penny for Pinellas.

Contract No. 21-0592-NC increase in the amount of $947,874.80 for a revised not to exceed expenditure of $3,956,609.26, effective through July 31, 2027; Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.



Fiscal Impact:


Award not-to-exceed amount                                          $3,008,734.46

First Amendment Increase                                                               $   947,874.80

Revised not-to-exceed amount                                          $3,956,609.26


BCC Current NCSC Total Project

Budget Allocation a/o Sept 30, 2024.     $51,500,000.00


Initial funding for this project is aligned to the CIP budgeted under the North County Service Center Design and Construction Project 003904A funded by the General Fund and Penny for Pinellas. The initial award of $3,008,734.46 was included in the project’s initial total budget allocation based upon initial estimated cost of construction (ECC).


This $947,874.80 amendment increase is currently covered under the contingency reserves within this project’s FY24 approved total capital budget allocation of $51,500,000 approved in September 2024 upon completion of 60% of the design documents.  This increased project cost will be presented again within a companion Budget Amendment in the FY26 CIP Budget Submission to address cost escalation because of design completion (90% Design Development Phase for construction documents).


Total available funding is the amount of the full project allocation as represented in the approved budget (which at the time of this amendment is $51,000,000). Available project funding, more than the recommended not-to-exceed amount, is available for other project costs.


In the event future fiscal year funding is not available for this project, the County maintains the authority to terminate this agreement.


Staff Member Responsible:

Tim Lewallen, Interim Director, Construction Services Division
Bill Greer, Director, Construction & Property Management
Merry Celeste, Purchasing Director, Administrative Services






First Amendment