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File #: 24-1195A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 7/1/2024 Department: Management and Budget
On agenda: 9/5/2024 Final action:
Title: Modification to the grant funding agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management regarding the Hurricane Idalia Legislative Appropriation Program for nourishment and dune construction on Sand Key Beach for an additional $275,000.00.
Attachments: 1. D1549 Idalia LAP Modification #1, 2. D1549 Idalia Legislative Appropriation Agreement - Fully Executed, 3. OMB Granicus Review 24-1195A Idalia LAP Modification #1



Modification to the grant funding agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management regarding the Hurricane Idalia Legislative Appropriation Program for nourishment and dune construction on Sand Key Beach for an additional $275,000.00.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Approval of modification #1 to the state-funded grant agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management for beach nourishment, repair, and dune construction in Sand Key, which was not eligible for Federal Emergency Management Agency reimbursement.


                     This item was originally approved by the Board of County Commissioners on May 21, 2024, as Granicus item #24-0802A.

                     This modification adds $275,000.00 to the original funding amount of $10,081,573.00, bringing the total agreement amount to $10,356,573.00.

                     Sand Key Nourishment Project 001516A is budgeted in the Fiscal Year 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Program plan and funded by Tourist Development Tax and State grants.

                     There are no other changes to the scope or terms of this agreement.


Authorize the Chairman to sign.



Strategic Plan:

Practice Superior Environmental Stewardship
3.2 Preserve and manage environmental lands, beaches, parks, and historical assets.

Deliver First Class Services to the Public and our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources




Execution of the attached Modification #1 to the Grant Agreement with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management is necessary to receive funding through the Hurricane Idalia Legislative Appropriation Program, which covers certain disaster recovery activities not eligible for FEMA reimbursement.



Background Information:

On May 21, 2024, the Board of County Commissioners approved a grant funding agreement with the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management to receive $10,081,573.00 through the Hurricane Idalia Legislative Appropriation Program to fund beach nourishment activity in Sand Key which was not covered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance Program.


Fiscal Impact:

Sand Key Nourishment, project 001516A, is budgeted in the FY24-FY29 Capital Improvement Program plan and funded by Tourist Development Tax and State grants.


FDEM has awarded $10,081,573.00 to Pinellas County in FY24, which will offset Tourist Development Tax funding requested in the proposed FY25-FY30 Capital Improvement Program plan. The $275,000 provided through this Modification will be received in FY24 and will offset Tourist Development Tax. These funds must be spent, and the work associated with them completed by June 30th, 2027, unless a time extension request has been made to the Florida Division of Emergency Management and approved.


There is no local match required for this grant.


Staff Member Responsible:

Dr. John Bishop, Coastal Management Coordinator, Public Works
Daniel Schoel, Disaster Cost Recovery Coordinator, Office of Management & Budget



State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management



D159 Idalia LAP Modification #1
D159 Idalia Legislative Appropriation Agreement - Fully Executed
Idalia Legislative Appropriation Agreement Modification #1 Granicus Review