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File #: 20-1137A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 6/18/2020 Department: Public Works
On agenda: 8/11/2020 Final action: 8/11/2020
Title: Federally funded subaward and grant agreement from the Florida Division of Emergency Management for Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV Hazard Mitigation Grant program funding for the replacement of span-wire-supported traffic signals with mast arm traffic signals.
Attachments: 1. 4337-303-R Pinellas County - Executed Contract, 2. FEMA Grant Award Notice, 3. Grant Application, 4. Project Location Map
Related files: 18-991A, 24-1424A



Federally funded subaward and grant agreement from the Florida Division of Emergency Management for Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV Hazard Mitigation Grant program funding for the replacement of span-wire-supported traffic signals with mast arm traffic signals.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Approval of the federally funded subaward and grant agreement with the Florida Division of Emergency Management for Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant program funding for the replacement of span-wire- supported traffic signals with mast arm traffic signals. 


                     This grant supports the hardening of traffic signals at sixteen intersections in the County by replacing span wire traffic signals with mast arm traffic signals. These intersections are identified as key evacuation routes.

                     Project begins upon full execution of the agreement and will remain in effect through July 31, 2023.

                     Total project cost is $5,996,592.00 for design, construction and inspection phase services. Federal funding is 65% ($3,906,317.00). County match is 35% ($2,090,275.00).  The local match is funded by the Infrastructure Sales Tax (Penny for Pinellas).


PID 004183A. FEMA Agreement No. H0394 / Project No. 4337-303-R; Project cost is $5,996,592.00 with grant funding amount received being $3,906,317.00; Agreement ends July 31, 2023. Authorize the Chairman to sign and the Clerk of the Circuit Court to attest.



Strategic Plan:

Ensure Public Health, Safety and Welfare
2.1 Provide planning, coordination, prevention and protective services to ensure a safe and secure community.

Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.4 Invest in infrastructure to meet current and future needs.
4.5 Provide safe and effective transportation systems to support the efficient flow of motorists, commerce and regional connectivity.




In August 2018, the Public Works Transportation Division (PWTD) submitted a grant application to FDEM for FEMA HMGP funding in the amount of $3,906,317.00. PWTD received notice in October 2019 as being selected to receive funding in that same amount, followed by the grant agreement received from FDEM in June 2020. Total project cost is $5,996,592.00 for design, construction and inspection phase services. Funding is derived from federal funding of 65% ($3,906,317.00) and a County match of 35% ($2,090,275.00).

Funds will be used to support installation and/or upgrade of mast arm traffic signals in place of span wire at sixteen (16) intersections in the County, located on hurricane evacuation routes. Mast arms replacing the span wire will help improve safety and provide efficient flow of traffic countywide, in the event of an emergency such as a hurricane.  Mast arm traffic signals at these sixteen (16) locations will help to ensure evacuation routes remain open and emergency personnel have access to the main roadways post storm.  The grant period of performance will terminate on July 31, 2023. All activities specified in the scope of work should be completed no later than this date.



Background Information:

As a result of the Presidential Disaster Declaration for Hurricane Irma in 2017, FEMA allocated $354,066,081.00 in HMGP funding to the state of Florida. FDEM, administering those funds on FEMA’s behalf, divided up the state’s allocation to all counties in Florida proportional to the damages each incurred by the storm. The entire County, including Pinellas County Government, received $12,536,000 of the total allocated to the state. Per state statute, the HMGP funds must be distributed through the County’s Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Working Group, which is comprised of representatives from the County, participating municipalities, other governmental agencies and non-profit partners.

The purpose of the Working Group is to administer the LMS, which is a plan that identifies the natural and manmade hazards a community is most prone to and establishes actions that can be implemented over the long term to reduce risk and future losses from those hazards. The Working Group established an Intent to Apply process for the HMGP funds that ranked projects based upon their ability to mitigate the impacts of future disasters while also incorporating population-based considerations to ensure equitable distribution of the total funds available.


Fiscal Impact:

The total project cost is $5,996,592.00 for design, construction and inspection phase services. The funding is derived from federal funding of 65% ($3,906,317.00) and a County local match of 35% ($2,090,275.00). The local match is funded by the Infrastructure Sales Tax (Penny for Pinellas). This is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program, Transportation Function, PID 004183A Countywide Traffic Signalization Improvements. within the Infrastructure Sales Tax (Penny for Pinellas). The FY21 Proposed Budget includes federal funding of $2,570,000.00 and this will be adjusted for the FY21 Adopted Budget. The increase in federal funding results in lower Penny for Pinellas contribution for this project.


County reimbursement requires quarterly reporting to FDEM. Reimbursement requests shall incorporate all costs within the billing timeframe along with acceptable source documentation.


Staff Member Responsible:

Kelli Hammer Levy, Director, Public Works



FEMA Region IV
Pinellas County LMS Working Group



FEMA Grant Award Notice
Grant Application

Project Location Map