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File #: 24-1184A    Version: 1
Type: Contract/Agreement Status: Passed
File created: 6/27/2024 Department: Public Works
On agenda: 7/30/2024 Final action: 7/30/2024
Title: Resolution requesting inclusion of County Beach Erosion Control projects in the Florida Beach Management Funding Assistance Program Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Long-Range Budget Plan with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Additionally, authorize staff to electronically submit a grant application approving the County Local Government funding request to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Beach Management Funding Assistance Program.
Attachments: 1. Adopted RES 24-45, 2. FE_Application, 3. AATF'd Resolution FDEP LGFR PAG FY25-26, 4. Resolution 24-XX (Old Do Not Use), 5. Application, 6. OMB Intent to Apply, 7. Project Location Map, 8. Agreement, 9. AATF -Amendment No. 1, 10. Funding Application Map, 11. OMB.REVIEW_24-1184A_FDEPGrant_002573A_Pass-a-Grille, 12. Resolution FDEP LGFR PAG FY25-26
Related files: 21-196A



Resolution requesting inclusion of County Beach Erosion Control projects in the Florida Beach Management Funding Assistance Program Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Long-Range Budget Plan with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Additionally, authorize staff to electronically submit a grant application approving the County Local Government funding request to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Beach Management Funding Assistance Program.



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

Adopt a resolution requesting the inclusion of County Beach Erosion Control projects in the Florida Beach Management Funding Assistance Program Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-2026 Long-Range Budget Plan with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Additionally, authorize staff to electronically submit a grant application approving the County Local Government funding request to the FDEP Beach Management Funding Assistance Program.


                     Multi-year grant application affecting FY24, FY25, and FY26. The application request is for $1,659,035.50, with a $1,659,035.50 County match required.

                     Proposed Resolution, along with application summary funding request, is required as part of FDEP’s annual funding request for beach management projects.

                     Pass-a-Grille Beach nourishment is currently scheduled to begin construction in July 2024.

                     Long Key-Pass a Grille Nourishment 002573A is budgeted in the FY24-FY29 Capital Improvement Program, funded by Tourist Development Tax (TDT) and an FDEP grant. TDT funding in the FY24 budget satisfies the required County match. Additional FDEP grant funding would offset TDT funding.


PID 002573A; Grant application request is for $1,659,035.50 with a $1,659,035.50 County match required.




Strategic Plan:

Practice Superior Environmental Stewardship
3.2 Preserve and manage environmental lands, beaches, parks, and historical assets
3.3 Protect and improve the quality of our water, air, and other natural resources

Deliver First Class Services to the Public and Our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources




In order to acquire state funding, the County as a Local Sponsor, must apply for funding and provide a resolution from the Board of County Commissioners (Board) which declares support from the Local Sponsor for the project, willingness to serve as the Local Sponsor, ability to provide the full local cost share, and identification of the source of funding.

The Pass-a-Grille Beach nourishment is currently scheduled to begin construction in July 2024, once the final Permit Modification is received. The contractor will dredge about 140,000 cubic yards of sand from Pass-a-Grille channel and place it on Pass-a-Grille Beach. The Grant will cover these costs and post construction monitoring costs.



Background Information:

The proposed Resolution, along with the Application summary of funding request, is required as part of FDEP’s annual funding request for beach management projects.  The funding request needs to be submitted to FDEP by July 31, 2024, with the signed Resolution submitted by September 23, 2024. 

The County is submitting its funding request for Pass-a-Grille nourishment.


Fiscal Impact:

Long Key-Pass a Grille Nourishment 002573A is budgeted in the FY24-FY29 Capital Improvement Program, funded by Tourist Development Tax (TDT) and FDEP grant agreement 21PI1 for $940,500.

This FDEP funding request for $1,659,035.50 requires an equal County match of $1,659,035.50. TDT funding in the FY24 budget satisfies the required County match. Award of this FDEP grant funding would offset Tourist Development Tax funding. Adjustments to the project budget will be addressed following agreement approval and award. This is a cost reimbursement based multi-year grant affecting FY24-FY26.  

Staff Member Responsible:

Kelli Hammer Levy, Director, Public Works



City of St. Pete Beach



Resolution 24-XX

OMB Intent to Appy
Project Location Map

Amendment No. 1
Funding Application Map