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File #: 23-0925A    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 6/6/2023 Department: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 7/18/2023 Final action: 7/18/2023
Title: Case No. CP-23-01 (Pinellas County/Housing and Community Development Department) (first public hearing) A request to amend the Pinellas County Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Category Descriptions Rules, Part 1 - FLUM Category Descriptions to add the Mixed Use Corridor-Supporting-Neighborhood Park (MUC-SU-NP), Mixed Use Corridor-Supporting-Local Trade MUC-SU-LT, and Mixed Use Corridor-Primary-Commerce (MUC-P-C), FLUM Designations to facilitate implementation of the Lealman Form Based Code (L-FBC); and amending the unincorporated Pinellas County FLUM Legend. (Companion to Item No. 65)
Attachments: 1. LPA Staff Report, 2. Case Map, 3. AATF - Ordinance, 4. Legal Ad, 5. Application, 6. Boundary Description, 7. Presentation, 8. Electronic Affidavit of Publication, 9. Affidavit of Publication, 10. 64 Speaker Card
Related files: 23-1667A, 23-0926A, 23-1834A, 23-1623A



Case No. CP-23-01 (Pinellas County/Housing and Community Development Department) (first public hearing)
A request to amend the Pinellas County Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Category Descriptions Rules, Part 1 - FLUM Category Descriptions to add the Mixed Use Corridor-Supporting-Neighborhood Park (MUC-SU-NP), Mixed Use Corridor-Supporting-Local Trade MUC-SU-LT, and Mixed Use Corridor-Primary-Commerce (MUC-P-C),  FLUM Designations to facilitate implementation of the Lealman Form Based Code (L-FBC); and amending the unincorporated Pinellas County FLUM Legend.  (Companion to Item No. 65)



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

The first of two public hearings for Case Number CP-23-01 (Ordinance). Based upon evidence and findings contained in the staff report and attachments, this case is recommended for transmittal to the State Department of Economic Opportunity for agency review prior to a second (adoption) hearing before the Board of County Commissioners (Board).


This proposed ordinance will enact the following changes:

                     Establish three new Mixed-Use Corridor (MUC) land use designations under the MUC classification.

                     Add the three new MUC land use designations to the unincorporated Pinellas County FLUM Legend.

                     Facilitate adoption of the associated Future Land Use Map (FLU) amendment application (FLU-23-04) and the companion L-FBC and Zoning Atlas amendment applications (LDR-23-01 and ZON-23-05) within the Lealman Community Redevelopment Area.

                     The proposed L-FBC (LDR-23-01) is a result of significant study and analysis along with community input and consultation with the Lealman Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC).

                     The Lealman CAC recommends approval.


The three companion applications (FLU-23-04, LDR-23-01 and ZON-23-05) require approval of this application in order to be adopted and effectuated. The latter two applications (LDR-23-01 and ZON-23-05) will be heard by the Board at a future meeting date.



Strategic Plan:

Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.3 Catalyze redevelopment through planning and regulatory programs

Deliver First Class Services to the Public and our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources




The proposed Lealman Form-Based Code is a result of significant study and analysis along with community input and consultation with the Lealman Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC)  The CAC voted has voted to support the Lealman Form Based Code. The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment establishes three (3) new FLUM designations within the FLUM Categories and Rules of the FLUE of the Pinellas County Comprehensive Plan.  The new FLUM designations emanate from the Plan’s existing Mixed-Use Corridor-Supporting (MUC-SU) and Mixed-Use Corridor-Primary (MUC-P) land use categories.  These categories are intended to be used to designate corridors in the County that are served by multiple modes of transportation, including automobile, truck, bus, rail, bicycle, and/or pedestrian.  They allow for a greater mix of uses on individual parcels, often with higher residential densities and non-residential intensities.  With the adoption of a ‘community plan’, MUC categories may be designated within appropriate areas included in the plan.

The FLUE’s existing MUC-SU and MUC-P land use categories have relatively high maximum residential densities and building intensity Floor Area Ratios (FAR).  The MUC-SU category allows for a maximum residential density of 45 dwelling units per acre and maximum development intensity at a 2.5 FAR.   The MUC-P category allows for a maximum residential density of 55 dwelling units per acre and maximum development intensity at a 3.5 FAR.   Either a proportionate share of residential density and nonresidential FAR can be applied toward the maximum, or an all-inclusive project FAR that would include both residential and nonresidential.  The Categories also include requirements prohibiting additional residential density within the Coastal High Hazzard Area (CHHA).

The land use designations proposed per this application have been significantly reduced from the parent categories.  The MUC-SU-NP and MUC-SU-LT designations allow a maximum 1.0 FAR for nonresidential uses and an overall maximum building/project 1.5 FAR when at least 20.0% of the gross building square footage is residential.  The MUC-P-C designation allows a maximum 1.2 FAR for nonresidential uses and an overall maximum building/project 2.0 FAR when at least 20.0% of the gross building square footage is residential.  The proposed designations apply a project FAR in leu of a residential density calculation.  This is intended to incentivize residential and mixed-use projects.  If a project includes residential dwelling units - either exclusively or as one of a mix of other uses - a higher FAR can be awarded.

The amendment language also notes potential further restrictions limiting development within the Coastal Storm Area (CSA), CHHA, and flood hazard areas.  Broad permitted use categories are included in each designation; however, the associated L-FBC is referenced for specific use permissibility and standards.  The amendment language associated with this application is attached.

Adoption Process:
Adoption of the L-FBC requires One (1) this Comprehensive Plan amendment establishing the three (3) new MUC designations; Two (2) a FLUM amendment to depict such designations in their appropriate locations on the FLUM; Three (3) a Land Development Regulations amendment to include the new L-FBC within the County’s LDC; and Four (4) a Zoning Atlas amendment to depict the L-FBC zoning district on the County’s Zoning Atlas.  This application to the Comprehensive Plan is the first of four (4) amendments in the overall process and the foundation for the new L-FBC.  Without this Comprehensive Plan amendment, the three (3) other associated amendments cannot take place.


Background Information:

The CRA Plan was adopted by the Board in 2016 and amended in 2019.  The Plan includes various plan implementation recommendations for improvement within the CRA.  One such improvement includes the adoption of form-based districts to guide development and improve the urban design character of the community.  This CRA Plan recommendation is being implemented through the adoption of a form-based code for the Lealman community: the L-FBC.  The L-FBC is essentially an addition to the County’s Land Development Code (LDC).  It functions as a separate zoning district within the LDC specific to certain areas of the Lealman community, providing standards, regulations, and guidelines for future development; as well as a new, associated Zoning Atlas category to be mapped as depicted in the L-FBC.

The proposed L-FBC in association with this Comprehensive Plan amendment application and the other associated amendment applications are a result of significant study and analysis along with community input.  This input consisted of a community engagement process in preparation of the L-FBC over the course of several public workshops and direct consultation with the Lealman Citizen Advisory Committee.

A Board Work Session was held on February 9, 2023, highlighting the proposed L-FBC for which this case ultimately advances to adoption.

The Local Planning Agency (LPA) unanimously recommended approval of the request (6-0) during its May 10, 2023, public hearing.  No one from the public spoke in opposition.  One (1) member of the public spoke in support.  Comments pertained to all four (4) Lealman CRA-related cases; however, they were primarily focused on the corresponding zoning-related cases (LDR-23-01 and ZON-23-05) to be heard by the Board at a later date.


Fiscal Impact:



Staff Member Responsible:

Carol Stricklin, Director, Housing and Community Development






LPA Report
Case Map (FLU-23-04)
Legal Ad
Boundary Description (FLU-23-04)