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File #: 23-1834A    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/13/2023 Department: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 12/12/2023 Final action: 12/12/2023
Title: Case No. LDR-23-01 (Pinellas County/Housing and Community Development Department) (second public hearing) A request to amend the Pinellas County Land Development Code Section 138-2153 to adopt the Lealman Form Based Code (L-FBC) and adding Article XI - the Lealman Form Based Code to Chapter 138 of the Land Development Code. (Companion to Item No. 50)
Attachments: 1. State-Filed Ordinance 23-31, 2. Adopted ORD 23-31, 3. AATF - Ordinance, 4. LPA Staff Report - final, 5. Case Maps - ZON-23-05, 6. Lealman Form Based Code (L-FBC), 7. Application, 8. Legal Ad, 9. Legal Ad Map, 10. Presentation, 11. Electronic affidavit of publication, 12. Affidavit of publication
Related files: 23-0926A, 23-0925A, 23-1835A, 23-1671A



Case No. LDR-23-01 (Pinellas County/Housing and Community Development Department) (second public hearing)
A request to amend the Pinellas County Land Development Code Section 138-2153 to adopt the Lealman Form Based Code (L-FBC) and adding Article XI - the Lealman Form Based Code to Chapter 138 of the Land Development Code.  (Companion to Item No. 50)



Recommended Action:

Recommended Action

The second of two public hearings for Case Number LDR-23-01 (ordinance). Based upon evidence and findings contained in the staff report and attachments, this case is recommended for approval by the Board of County Commissioners (Board).  Staff requests the Board conduct a second public hearing to adopt the Ordinance.


This proposed ordinance will enact the following changes:

                     Establish new form-based zoning regulations within the Lealman Community Redevelopment Area (CRA).

                     Establish three new form-based code (FBC) districts along key corridors within the Lealman CRA.

                     The proposed Lealman-FBC (L-FBC) (LDR-23-01) is a result of significant study and analysis along with community input and consultation with the Lealman Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC).

                     The Lealman CAC recommends approval.


A companion Zoning Atlas amendment (Case No. ZON-23-05) is also proposed for the successful completion of this request. The current zoning districts in the subject area as shown on the attached Zoning District map will be entirely replaced by the L-FBC Zoning District. 



Strategic Plan:

Foster Continual Economic Growth and Vitality
4.3 Catalyze redevelopment through planning and regulatory programs

Deliver First Class Services to the Public and our Customers
5.2 Be responsible stewards of the public’s resources




This is one (1) of four (4) administrative applications submitted by the Pinellas County Housing & Community Development (HCD) Department as part of a request to implement the L-FBC in unincorporated Lealman.  Two (2) of the four (4) applications, Case Nos. CP-23-01 and FLU-23-04, were adopted by the Board on November 14, 2023.  The remaining two (2), including this application, are being recommended for adoption at this regularly scheduled meeting of December 12, 2023.

What is a form-based code?
A FBC primarily focuses on the relationship between buildings, sidewalks, and streets, while also promoting walkability and a dynamic pedestrian experience. A FBC puts less emphasis on the use inside of a building and more on building form and placement, the location of parking, and the overall relationship between private and public spaces (streets and sidewalks), resulting in a more predictable built environment.

The L-FBC establishes three (3) Districts that each have their own intent and set of regulatory standards. The standards are based on existing zoning allowances from the Land Development Code (LDC) and adjusted to address the need to support additional growth while enhancing the existing character of the area. This type of code more clearly states where a building is placed on a property and how it relates to the street and public spaces, ultimately promoting walkability and an improved pedestrian experience.

The L-FBC results in a more predictable built future that is both respectful of the established neighborhoods and responsive to the redevelopment needs and challenges of the area, through built-in flexibility, clear regulatory provisions, and a streamlined and simplified regulatory code.

FBC Document Usability & Structure
The L- FBC is proposed to be added as Article XI of Chapter 138 of the LDC, therefore the FBC has been structured to integrate into the LDC. Further, the FBC utilizes similar nomenclature as the LDC, specifically in reference to the various development review types (i.e. Type 1A, Type 1B, Type 2 Review).

The L-FBC is intended to be applied to a total area of approximately 168.63 acres, excluding rights-of-way, along key corridors within the Lealman CRA.  It includes the following three (3) districts within the L-FBC boundary:

Neighborhood Park (NP) District:
This District is located along the west end of the 54th Avenue North corridor within the Lealman CRA.  This corridor is often referred to as Lealman’s ‘Main Street’.  It is enjoyed by a strong contingent of bicyclists and walkers.  Future development along 54th Avenue North is intended to bring in a mix of residents and services to the corridor while enhancing the public realm.

Local Trade (LT) District:
This District includes the Haines Road North corridor.  Haines Road North currently has an eclectic mix of land uses with relatively small, awkward shaped parcels, due mostly to the diagonal direction of the corridor imposed upon a mostly north-south, east-west street grid.  Future development along Haines Road North will allow for more generous building placements on challenging redevelopment parcels.  Haines Road North is unique in many ways, and the land uses to be permitted are intended to celebrate the corridors eclectic character and allow for a stronger mix of land uses overall.  A segment along the east side of 28th Street North is also included, extending from Joe’s Creek to 49th Avenue North.

Commerce (C) District:
This District is primarily focused along 34th Street North (aka, US 19) and is an important transit corridor in Pinellas County that will allow a wide mix of land uses and densities to support a future critical mass of people that will further support future transit investments.  The district also includes an area sometimes referred to as the ‘54th Avenue - 28th Street - Haines Road Triangle’.  Parcels abutting all three roadways have been captured for future mixed-use development in an area approaching the I-275 interchange at 54th Street North.


Background Information:

The CRA Plan was adopted by the Board in 2016 and amended in 2019.  The Plan includes various plan implementation recommendations for improvement within the CRA.  One such improvement includes the adoption of form-based districts to guide development and improve the urban design character of the community.  This CRA Plan recommendation is being implemented through the adoption of a FBC for the Lealman community: the L-FBC.  The L-FBC is essentially an addition to the County’s LDC.  It functions as a separate zoning district within the LDC specific to certain areas of the Lealman community, providing standards, regulations, and guidelines for future development; as well as a new, associated Zoning Atlas category to be mapped as depicted in the L-FBC.

The proposed L-FBC is a result of significant study and analysis along with community input.  This input consisted of a community engagement process in preparation of the L-FBC over the course of several public workshops and direct consultation with the Lealman CAC.  The CAC voted to support the L-FBC.

A Board Work Session was held on February 9, 2023, highlighting the proposed L-FBC for which this case ultimately advances to adoption.

The Local Planning Agency (LPA) unanimously recommended approval of the request (6-0) during its May 10, 2023, public hearing.  No one from the public spoke in opposition.  One (1) member of the public spoke in support.  Comments pertained to all four (4) Lealman CRA-related cases; however, they were primarily focused on this case and the corresponding zoning-related case (ZON-23-05) to be heard by the Board subsequent to this case.

The Board conducted a first reading and public hearing for this request on November 14, 2023.

This meeting constitutes the second of two (2) public hearings and a recommendation to adopt the proposed Ordinance.


Fiscal Impact:



Staff Member Responsible:

Carol Stricklin, Director, Housing and Community Development






LPA Report
Ordinance (including the L-FBC)
Zoning Maps
Legal Ad